in #atomy-p15 years ago


Saat menjalankan bisnis,
#Jangan hanya melihat isi perut kita saja.


Berdoalah semoga bisnis kita bisa memberkati banyak orang. Berdoalah apa yang kita pasarkan bermanfaat bagi banyak orang.

Siapa tau, produk yang kita tawarkan akan jadi sesuatu yang mengubah jalan hidupnya.

Jika niatnya benar, Semoga yang TUHAN akan titipkan kemampuan kepada kita.

Tapi jika niat kita hanya sebatas kepentingan diri sendiri, maka TUHAN juga hanya akan titipkan kemampuan sebesar itu.

Karena itu, sekali lagi perbaiki niat kita...

Syukuri rezeki/berkat yg kita terima setiap hari, dan berniatlah untuk jadi manfaat dan berkat bagi orang lain.




When running a business,

Don't just look at our guts.


Pray that our business can bless many people. Pray for what we market is beneficial to many people.

Who knows, the product we offer will be something that changes the course of his life.

If the intention is true, May the Lord entrust the ability to us.

But if our intentions are only limited to our own interests, then God will also leave such a large capacity.

Therefore, once again correct our intentions ...

Thankful for the blessings / blessings that we receive every day, and intend to be a benefit and blessing to others.




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According to the Bible, In Matthew 17: 1-5, was Matthew in the mountain with Jesus?

(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)

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