carlos3001 resteemedinspiracion (81)admin🎖️Moderador 👍🏼🇻🇪in Steem Venezuela • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Respuestas a preguntas que hacen los Nuevos / Orientaciones Básicas.Hola estimados amigos, hoy quise hacer una secuencia de preguntas y respuestas que me hacen mucho y a las que intento…carlos3001 resteemedwilmer1988 (81)adminSteem Representativein Steem Venezuela • 4 years ago⚽Concurso: "El Equipo de Mis Amores" 🏀🏆Concurso: "El Equipo de Mis Amores", imagine creada por @wilmer1988, Imagen base Fuente Demuestra esos Colores…carlos3001 resteemedcjsdns (89)in zzan • 4 years ago아직도 돌아 오지않는 bDollar (BDO)아직도 돌아 오지않는 bDollar (BDO)/ cjsdns 어제 글 말미에 이야기 하기를 오늘은 돌아오지 않은 bDollar (BDO) 이야기를 해야겠다고 이야기했습니다. 그래도 밤사이 왔나 싶어서 여우…carlos3001 resteemedwo-photography (64)in Steemit City • 4 years ago[RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT]Jumping and floating photography contestWORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY Source Last week we launched a one-on-one photography contest from our community.The…carlos3001 resteemedalbenis (76)memberMiembro SVin Steem Venezuela • 4 years agoGuía para realizar el juego del diario. Por @albenisFuente Guía para realizar el juego del diario. Esta guia la hice con el fín de orientar a los recién…carlos3001 resteemedtocho2 (77)memberSteem Representativein Steem Venezuela • 4 years agoCONCURSO DE FOTOGRAFÍA # 2 – “Tu, antes y después.”Saludos amigos de Steemit…! El mes de marzo de seguro tiene algunas fechas conmemorativas, muchas de ellas con…carlos3001 (41)★in Steemit City • 4 years agoU Concurso de fotografía de salto y flotación - salto mortal en la piscina @carlos3001.Buen día mi comunidad WORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Les cuento como fue ese día genial. Nos despertamos muy temprano a…carlos3001 resteemedshanek (80)in #dog • 4 years ago늦잠잔날 눈이 마주친...#hive-15523 안녕하세요~~~ 오늘 늦잠을 자 버렸네요~~~ 어제 좀 힘든 미팅을 해서 그런가... 아침 10시가 넘어서 일어났더니, 집사가 이제서야 일어났구나... 하는 표정으로 저를…carlos3001 resteemedhappycapital (87)in #nutbox • 4 years ago..carlos3001 resteemedraven203 (84)in #new • 4 years ago언제 어디서 시작해야하나 (When,Where)깨달은 시점부터 바로 당신이 여유시간을 낼수있는곳 어디든carlos3001 resteemedparkname (83)in Korea • 한국 • KR • KO • 4 years ago나의 심장이 사라졌다..나의 심장이 사라졌다... 데이터 누락 최근 갤워치 액티브 손목에 차고 관악산 정상에서 지하철 2호선 서울대입구역까지 이동 경로 흔적을 남겨봤는데요. 어떤 이유인지 18분경부터 33분까지의 나의…carlos3001 resteemedini4909 (81)in #kr • 4 years ago[21.03.12]정주부의 저녁밥상 (크림새우&사천식돼지고기튀김)크림새우&사천식돼지고기튀김 Cream Shrimp & Sichuan-style fried pork 오늘은 왠지 중식이 땡겨서 '벽돌해피푸드' 한남점에서 크림새우와 사천식돼지고기튀김을…carlos3001 resteemedwo-photography (64)in Steemit City • 4 years agoJumping and floating photography contestSource Let's jump and float in the air. Jump and take pictures while floating in the air. Must be a picture of a…carlos3001 resteemedwo-photography (64)in Steemit City • 4 years agoChildren's happy moments Photography Contest #2 [WORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY]Source Children are not ugly to look at. Everyone's mind becomes better when they see the sinless appearance of…carlos3001 resteemednevlu123 (79)memberVerified✅in STEEM FOR TRADITION • 4 years agoAround The World Steemit Logo Competition 10 Steem Prize pool.Around The World Steemit Logo Competition 10 Steem Prize pool. Hello friends this is my second competition in…carlos3001 resteemedhive-193637 (73)ownerCuenta curadora Steem Venezuelain Steem Venezuela • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Verificación de los Miembros de la "Comunidad Steem Venezuela" - Conociendonos Más!Hola queridos miembros de "Steem Venezuela" seguimos creciendo, como comunidad se siguen uniendo nuevos Venezolanos a…carlos3001 resteemedvenezolanos (70)modCuenta de Curación - Moderadorin Venezolanos Steem • 4 years ago3er Mini Concurso – Paisajes Urbanos Venezolanos. ¡Llegamos a 573 suscriptores!Fuente: Arte Final @marcybetancourt * * * Hoooola amigos de Steemit. Ser parte de la Comunidad Venezolanos…carlos3001 resteemedgbenga (73)in SteemitCryptoAcademy • 4 years agoThe Steemit Crypto Academy Week 3: All You Need to Know About Bitcoin NetworkCourse Outline Introduction Bitcoin of Speed What is Bitcoin (A Summary) Bitcoin Scalability…carlos3001 (41)in SteemFoods • 4 years agoSaludosHola a todos los miembros de esta interesante comunidad, me complase en ser parte de ustedes. Permitanme presentarme…carlos3001 resteemedsabbir004 (54)mutedBANNED FROM COMMUNITYin World Of Football ⚽ • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Lionel Messi’s contract at Barcelona was made public earlier this monthLionel Messi’s contract at Barcelona was made public earlier this month and it remains unclear how the information…