Yoga for couples

in #yoga7 years ago

Together, doing yoga is much more interesting and easier. Lessons in a pair help you to master many asanas faster, which seem hard if you do them yourself. Even the usual postures become deeper, the technique improves, because the partner helps to stretch out and build the body properly. There is no tension, the whole practice takes place in a relaxed state. Perhaps that's why we call yoga with a partner lazy, and in Europe, where she appeared, she is called Trust Yoga, that is.

Indeed, this practice helps to unite two people: everyone feels the interaction, the energies unite, there is trust and gratitude to each other. In addition, everyone learns responsibility for their actions, a deeper understanding of the feelings of the partner - so, through the pleasure of joint practice, a real friendship is born.

It is wrong to think that only a man and a woman who are a couple can do this practice, although they will bring a lot of new things to them. Yoga in a pair can be practiced even by absolutely unfamiliar people who came to the training, and at home you can deal with parents or children. By the way, people are shy and afraid of interacting with others who consider the surrounding world hostile, it is especially useful to practice yoga of trust regularly.

Example of warm-up in yoga for couples:

  1. First, tune into the interaction - sit against each other in a lotus pose, touching the knees, pull the spine up, breathe full breath and try to do it synchronously. Open for a joint practice - connect the palms, feel the warmth of the partner.
    Then sit with your back to each other, completely in contact - from the coccyx to the back of the neck. Hands raise up and connect. Sit like this for four breaths, stretching upwards. One of the partners starts to bend forward a little, pulling the second by themselves. The second is relaxed and flexes to the point of tension - in this position it is necessary to stop and breathe several cycles. Repeat the same in the other direction.

  2. Holding hands, spread them apart. We bow down before the hands touch the floor. Do not strain your neck, stretch the body slowly and smoothly.

  3. Now, without breaking hands, make twists. We move calmly, do not allow any tension.

  4. The previous three stretching exercises are done in a circle in one direction and the other.

  5. Finish by stretching the spine up.

  6. After perform Pashchimotanasana, asana, during which the second partner slowly lays his back on the back of the first. If everyone is comfortable in this position, the upper one can stretch out his legs and arms.

It is desirable that the weight of the partners is approximately the same, otherwise you have to be very cautious in performing asanas and calculate the load.

The basic set of poses can be selected independently and to study in detail the technique of their implementation in pairs. Do not be too lazy to work out the online material on the pair yoga. You will find many detailed instructions, photos and videos. When performing asanas you need to communicate, because only so you can let the partner know that you are hurt or uncomfortable.

Poses that can be performed in pairs:

  1. Uttanasana - standing with her back to each other, you lean forward and clasp your partner's shoulders with your hands.

  2. Vrikshasana is the pose of a tree in which each of you helps the other to balance, standing sideways to each other. One hand at the same time is diverted to the side, and the other you hold the hand of the partner.

  3. Virabhadrasana - is performed in a mirror image. Two warriors touch the arms outstretched. Pose well develops a sense of balance and when doing it alone.

  4. Parivrta Trikonasana - an inverted triangle. This simple asana is one of the basic ones. Performs touching his back and holding hands.

  5. Adho Mukha Shvanasana. Actually, the classic pose of a dog muzzle down performs only the one who is below. The upper partner rests more on his hands, and puts his feet on the waist of his partner.

  6. Double sandwich - you perform Pashchimotthana, sitting opposite and touching the elbow of your partner with your hand. It allows you to stretch out more - it will be hard to do so yourself. If you are both beginners and do not have enough stretching, it's hard for you to reach out with your hands, then use a towel. Do not worry, regular practice will make you much more flexible and more plastic.

  7. Halasana is a double plow. Very well stretches the upper part of the spine. The one whose legs are on top, helps the lower to go deeper into the asana.

  8. Paripurna Navasana is a boat. Connect your legs and arms, spread your chest, pointing it upwards. It is in this position that the partner's support is felt, as in no other. This exercise greatly diversifies your understanding of the training of abdominal muscles.

  9. Parvritta Jan Shirshasana - bend your head to the knee of the fully straightened leg, pulling each other up with your hands, thereby helping to stretch out more.

End the practice with relaxation and massage

Yoga for couples teaches us to express our thoughts, desires, anxieties, to say things that you care about or worry about. She makes you switch from a loved one to another person, which greatly contributes to mutual understanding and trust. And having learned to trust, we can get rid of constant self-control, which prevents to relax even in Shavasan.