in #writing7 years ago


Pledge = Promise, vow (प्रतिज्ञा)
Inadequate = Insufficient, not enough (अपर्याप्त)
Imperative = Crucial (अनिवार्य)
Inclusive = Including (सम्मिलित)
Collaboration = Alliance, partnership (सहयोग)
Vital = Essential, crucial (महत्वपूर्ण)
Coalition = partnership (गठबंधन)
Integration = Combination (एकीकरण)
Pact = A formal agreement between individuals or parties (संधि)
Precedent = exemplar (मिसाल)
Mitigation = the action of reducing the seriousness(अल्पीकरण)
Pose = to present, create (बना हुआ)
Unleash = become unrestrained (उजागर करें)
Futility = pointlessness, uselessness (निरर्थकता)
Flaw = defect, blemish (त्रुटि)
Ledger = a book of financial accounts (खाता बही)
Decentralise = transfer from central to local government (विकेन्द्रीकृत)
Immutable = unchangeable (अडिग)
Disdain = disrespect, contempt (तिरस्कार)
Speculative = imaginary or involving a high risk of loss (काल्पनिक, विचार योग्य)
Untether = untie (बंधे हुए को खोल देना)
Irresistible = too powerful to be resisted (जो रुक न सके)
Frenzy = madness (सनक)
Analogous = comparable (अनुरूप)
Inconceivable = unbelievable, incomprehensible (समझ से बाहर)
Render = provide or give (प्रतिपादन)
Disparity = a great difference (असमानताऐ)

Conceive = Form or devise in mind (विचार करना)
Jurisprudence = The theory of law (न्यायशास्त्र)
Petition = A formal written request (याचिका)
Inherent = Existing in something as a permanent attribute (निहित)
Touchstone = A criterion by which something is judged (कसौटी)
Bias = Partiality (पक्षपात)
Denial = Refusal, contradiction (इनकार)
Absurdity = Being ridiculous (मूर्खता)
Rhetoric = The art of effective writing or speaking (आलंकारिक)
Procurement = The occupation of acquiring goods(खरीद)
Reluctance = Unwillingness (अनिच्छा)
Coercive = Using force or threats (बलपूर्वक)
Diktat = an order or decree imposed by someone (फरमान)
Laying down = Bestow (नीचे रख देना)
Statutory = Legal (वैधानिक)
Patrons = Promoter, protector (संरक्षक)
Apparel = Clothing (परिधान, वस्त्र)
Vigilantism = Law enforcement undertaken without legal authority (अतिसतर्कता)
Harangued = Lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical manner (भाषण देना)
Unethical = Not morally correct (अनैतिक)
Conscientious = Honest, sincere (ईमानदार)
Provinces = Territory, region (प्रांतों)
Quacks = typically medicine (नीम हकीम)

Turmoil = Uncertainty (उथल-पुथल)
Rift = Flaw, crack (दरार)
Inexorably = In a way that is impossible to stop or prevent (निष्ठुर)
Unprecedented = Never done or known before (अभूतपूर्व)
Dissension = Disagreement (कलह)
Echelon = A level or rank in an organization (श्रेणीबद्ध करना)
Reverberations = Echo, prolongation of a sound (प्रतिध्वनि)
Ferment = Agitation and excitement among a group of people (उबाल)
Ominous = Unfavourable (अमंगल)
Outbreak = A sudden occurrence of something unwelcome (प्रकोप)
Delineate = Describe (वर्णन करना)
Master of the roster = Master of schedule
Deceased = Dead, expired (मृतक)
Dispel = Disperse, remove (हटाना)
Professed = Claimed openly but often falsely (आत्मlस्वीुकृ‍त)
Brush away = To refuse to accept or listen to something that someone says
Convene = Assemble, (बुलाना)

Grievance = A real or imagined cause for complain, (शिकायतें)
Posterity = All future generations of people (भावी पीढ़ी)
Introspection = The examination or observation of one's own
mental and emotional processes (आत्मनिरीक्षण)
Plenty = A situation in which food and other necessities are available in sufficiently large quantities (प्रचुरता)
Fluctuations = An irregular rising and falling (उतार-चढ़ाव)
Boom and bust = Rapid economic growth and decline (उत्थान और पतन)
Glut = An excessively abundant supply of something (भरमार)
Lag = Fall behind (पिछड़ जाना)
Waiver = An act or instance of waiving a right or claim (छूट)


It’s a lots to take in...😆

This game is very fun. https://reurl.cc/9EGMj

nice information. up voted to you.

Good work bro. I hope u will post the part 3 very soon.

thank u , very helpful

Good work nice post

Your article is very informative mate. Thanks for sharing this knowledge with us. Keep it up the great work

Good work brother .. keep going with vocabulary .. @cleverbot