ami065 (-5)(1)in #esteem • 7 years agoVOCABULARY -8Batter- बिगाड़ना Wrought- बनाया हुआ Cortege- शोभा-यात्रा Malnourish- कुपोषित होना Usher- संचालन करना Erstwhile-…ami065 (-5)(1)in #steemit • 7 years agoVOCABULARY -7Set off (phrasal verb) = to start a journey (शुरू करना) Revelation (noun) = disclosure (खुलासे) Sway (verb) = swing…ami065 (-5)(1)in #writing • 7 years agoVOCABULARY -6Campaign-अभियान Wind down-रोकना Gruelling-थकाने वाला , भीषण Overwhelming-बहुत अधिक , जबर्दस्त Held on-रुकना या…ami065 (-5)(1)in #writing • 7 years agoVOCABULARY -5Word of the Day: Provocation Part of Speech: NounMeaning: An action or speech that makes someone angry, especially…ami065 (-5)(1)in #writing • 7 years agoVOCABULARY -4PLUNGE (NOUN): (डुबकी): fall Synonyms: quick drop, dive Antonyms: rise, increase Example Sentence: Fanatics went…ami065 (-5)(1)in #writing • 7 years agoVOCABULARY -3Shanty- झोंपडी Explosions- विस्फोट Ambush- घात लगाना Summoned- बुलाना Rubble - मलबा Coercion- जोर जबरदस्ती…ami065 (-5)(1)in #writing • 7 years agoVOCABULARY -2Pledge = Promise, vow (प्रतिज्ञा) Inadequate = Insufficient, not enough (अपर्याप्त) Imperative = Crucial (अनिवार्य)…ami065 (-5)(1)in #vocabulary • 7 years agoVOCABULARYE normous (adjective) = very large in size, quantity, or extent. (बहुत बड़ा ) Deprived (adjective ) = Disadvantaged…ami065 resteemedtherealwolf (75)in #steem • 7 years agoThe Power of Positivity - Thinking Long-TermPrologue It seems that cryptocurrencies are currently taking a beating, again . Especially STEEM is having a…ami065 (-5)(1)in #law • 7 years agoSELF DEFENCE LAWWhat is Self Defence Law ? If the defender has reason to believe he/she/they is/are in danger. Self-defense is a…ami065 (-5)(1)in #business • 7 years agoMeaning of Personal Sellingdeletedami065 (-5)(1)in #mgsc • 7 years agoPersonal Selling and Sales Management1-Define personal selling. 2-Explain the roles of personal selling. 3-List the three categories of personal…ami065 (-5)(1)in #mgsc • 7 years agoPARAMETERS OF RACK AND PINION IN CONTACT ON SOLID WORKS 12.0PROCEDURE FOLLOWED 1)Open the solid work software 12.0 2)Now choose the front plane for the sketching…ami065 (-5)(1)in #business • 7 years agoReengineering as a tool of successRe-engineering must be Necessary: Re-engineering initiatives have been unsuccessful because organizations decide…ami065 resteemedjkgautam75 (4)in #steemit • 7 years agoMy Steemit Journey:- One Month ExperienceHI GUYS! Today In this post I am sharing my one month experience on steemit... It will help you on steemit. One day I…ami065 (-5)(1)in #tours • 7 years agoVISA FREE COUNTRIES FOR INDIAN ARE MANY PLACES VISIT-1What is need are going this place ? They need are provided the Government document verify in the countries are visit…ami065 (-5)(1)in #mgsc • 7 years agoINDIAN PENAL CODE (IPC)A substantive law which defines various crimes/offences that are punishable in India and prescribe the punishment laid…ami065 (-5)(1)in #mgsc • 7 years agoFOREGIN JOURNASLISTS NEED PERMISSION TO VISIT KASHMIRWHAT JUST HAPPENED ? The central government has written to foreign journalists stationed in India advising them to…ami065 (-5)(1)in #mgsc • 7 years agoNATIONAL TESTING AGENCYBASICS NTA (National Testing Agency ) is a kind of statutory body, which has been approved by Union Cabinet for…ami065 (-5)(1)in #mgsc • 7 years agoMeerKAT RADIO TELESCOPESouth Africa has unveiled MeerKAT - a super radio telescope ,a first phase of what will be the world’s largest…