How to make your first push up!
How to make your first push up
We often focus more around work, daily routines, our responsibilities. After that we are looking on the mirror and we realizing that our actual physical state is poor.
We are getting tired faster and faster. But is way out from this!
You must make your first step! We must start from beggining!

The first step
Actually, you can start in your home - your castle of comfort.
But where to begin? We can't start from advanced excercises becouse our body is not prepared for hard moves.
We can begin from simple pushups
Benefits from pushups? Yeah sure....
I've met lots of people that been negatively attitude for making pushups, or starting workouts at all.
The pushup is "all around" and "full body" excercises. They making our whole body strong, and prepared for harder excercises.
We are also getting healthier becouse better blood flow, and endorphines :)
How to make a pushup?
Its all about technique. You must be straight as hell. You must strain your shoulders, fornt-tilt your pelvis, and try to push.
You must remain straight in all negative and concentric phase.

Making progressions
If you cant do pushup you can start from wall pushup, or pushups on knees.
The secret is regular hard work. So make first step and try try try!