How do you think about a successful marriage? What are his skills, exactly?
It may seem difficult for some people to imagine what exactly is characteristic of a successful marriage, and are their pictures of a successful marriage real or not? And do their life models actually believe these ideas, or not ?! Marriage is like a watermelon, as they say, and you can not know its taste and degree of redness until after you taste it, many really see this!
But as a person I do not think so, marriage is really a mysterious thing in terms of the personal temperament that you reveal in your partner for the first time, but you have already explored yourself and explored what it means to you and how it affects you, at that time you can even a little imagine what he will meet you at the other end of the beach! At least you realize a good percentage!
But I sometimes say, as they say in Egypt, "The one who is on the beach in general," meaning that the person who is not in the heart of suffering says words only because his feet are still on the beach! And that I am talking like confident because I have not had a real experience!
What do you think you are? How is a successful marriage?
Your opinion on this matters to you guys
@lfgiaa, In my opinion there is no Script or Manual for Successful Marriage. Stay blessed.
It's give and take.
In some case, one give all the time and the other take all the time.
In other case, both give sometimes and take sometimes.
As long as both are happy with their own situation, it will work.