~ 113 ~ Walk With Me: Cemetery & Chickens
Not to be confused with a Chicken Cemetary
St. Peter's Anglican Church
In the very back of the cemetary...
And I Adore This One
My Herd
Stash #2
And here I was thinking this was all they did in there...
Other Coolness of the Day
And Finally the Waxwings & Robins Are Back!
I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some outstanding walks with other Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them.
See life through their eyes...
A New Way to Walk With Me - Ambient City Sound-Scapes - South Station to Boston Common By @winstonalden
An Amazing Audio #WalkWithMe!!
WALK WITH ME (continued) By @jonyoudyer
Rucking Florida By @stnwllstrtgc
When I Look In Your Eyes By @francisk
Ramblin' Round the Farm By @schoonercreek
Spring In Our Neck of the Woods: Local Mills, Baby Goats, Wildflowers! By @mountainjewel
Walk With Me 8, Canal Park By @hickorymack
Easter skiing vacation - day 1 - Frognerseteren-Kobberhaugshytta By @oslo
Beautiful mountain road destination / Destinasi jalan pegunungan yang indah By @lionelhadi
Ferry crossings Thai style. Ko Kho Khao (video) By @thinkit
Walk With Me Italia: Passeggiando per Turi. By @miti
Mammoth National park By @davedickeyyall

See life through their eyes...
A New Way to Walk With Me - Ambient City Sound-Scapes - South Station to Boston Common By @winstonalden
An Amazing Audio #WalkWithMe!!
WALK WITH ME (continued) By @jonyoudyer
Rucking Florida By @stnwllstrtgc
When I Look In Your Eyes By @francisk
Ramblin' Round the Farm By @schoonercreek
Spring In Our Neck of the Woods: Local Mills, Baby Goats, Wildflowers! By @mountainjewel
Walk With Me 8, Canal Park By @hickorymack
Easter skiing vacation - day 1 - Frognerseteren-Kobberhaugshytta By @oslo
Beautiful mountain road destination / Destinasi jalan pegunungan yang indah By @lionelhadi
Ferry crossings Thai style. Ko Kho Khao (video) By @thinkit
Walk With Me Italia: Passeggiando per Turi. By @miti
Mammoth National park By @davedickeyyall
I'm trying to play catch up with all the Steemians I get behind on this morning. I see you had a fun and amazing Easter! I definitely see the flaw in having no children at the holidays, kid families have all the fun! ;) I was sorry to see you didn't get to have @marionbowes with you.
It looks like Spring is trying to get to you, as it is with us. We had an amazingly warm April fools day and the joke for us was that it was 60 and felt like Spring so we wouldn't expect the 30s and blizzard the next day! Oh well, it melted by the end of the day, but Winter isn't going to go out without one last little slap in the face.
I'm amazed at how many chickens you have. I'd have so many more too, but I just can't free range here because of our foxes and coyotes are hawks are just too good at catching and eating them. I have to make their new larger run soon, though, if we can get more than one day together without rain.
I'll be excited to see your seeds started in your greenhouse. My windowsills are bursting with plants, I even notices my cukes are already getting buds, I kind of jumped the gun on starting my seeds really early because I just wanted Spring so much, we'll see if they will make it. I've transplanted them twice to bigger pots.
Well, this letter has gone on long enough. Happy to see chickens and a cool graveyard. I love graveyards and we have some pretty amazing ones around here and in Boston. Their is one in our little village that is on the Old Mill Pond and is really a delight. Being such an old part (for USA) of the country we have some vrom 1600s (mostly made over probably in the victorian times, but with the cool little skull head with wings and other interesting old carvings).
Ok, now I'm really done. Happy belated Easter and here is to Spring! New plants more chicks and longer days getting warmer!
Omg wowwee!! Buds on your cucumbers already, I think they'll make it and you'll be eating them way earlier than us xoxo Blessings!!
I didn't start any seedlings this year, just putting everything in the ol' ground, and I have a few friends who donate me peppers and tomatoes, so all set here. Hoping this is the last summer in this rental! Brendan tore down the big greenhouse, we're going to mostly be cleaning up this place this year, and fingers crossed to be able to buy a home with LAND lots and lots of LAND in the winter or spring.
I've seen one very cool graveyard tour from Winston, I'm imagining there could be a lot more, I love how full of history the east coast is!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
My girls will be locked up soon, and giving me the guilty look...not looking forward to that....
Hey I'm loving your walk today and I love walking around old churchyards and looking at the headstones, they can really tell a story. We have a really old church over on Exmoor, it has no road to it and it's a three mile walk into a coastal forest .. but it's well worth it .. I will have to go there one day and grab some pictures :)
I can't tell you how good it feels to have life slowly returning to the land .. they're aren't just daffodils they're signs of hope and a long and beautiful spring/summer :) Thank you for taking us on another beautiful walk @lyndsaybowes
Oooh YAY!! I would LOVE to see the old church...and the walk to it sounds totally goosebumpy too!!! xxo Please please take me with you hahaha!!!
when I come back I am going to sit in that tree house. bring me a coffee and a bun. I am just going to sit there and do nothing. Then I am going to the whales back for a seasalt caramel ice cream. Then I am going to sit in my favorite spot at Peggy's. Then I am going to Indian Harbor to muck about on that little gritty beach. Then I am going to get a Lobster at Ryer's. Then I am going to sit on my beach, then on my deck. Sound good? wanna come? BTW. there is a Steemit message for the boys..
Sounds like a great homecoming haha!!
I'll get the boys on to see their messages today <3 Love you!! You're back Sooooooon!!
Alfalfa looks adorable, you have such a great brood of chickens. Yes it would be no fun to have them pull up the seeds you spent so much time planting. Here's hoping we only have matter of days to get out of this gloomy winter.
Shant be long now...I hope...fingers and toes croxxed...
I saw this today and thought of you. 🤣
Omg literally lol'd !! :) Thank you so much!
Yes I can imagine them chickens run. None wants to be last.
You know it well :) xo
Your flock is expanding. Are you going to have enough room in the coop when you want to claim your greenhouse back? I can't wait to see the daffodils in bloom. They are such a happy flower. What's with the ice on the cove? I thought spring had come?
That's their run behind Stryder there, it's pretty big, and they have access to 2 coops, we are going to extend the run further this summer though.

Old man winter will still be biting us in the ass every once in a while, I should just be grateful that it's not snowing :)
One of mt favorite places.

The gulls, weren't they awesome! Such a huge flock! Chickenz are looking great, silly willies. I very rarely find their secret nests haha. Also my daffodils aren't up. I think because yours are right by your foundation they're coming up quick, my daylillies are up though :) and my garlic! Wahoo♡♡♡♡
Awww, YAY for daylilies and garlic!! That's awesome!!
That's an amazing synchronicity that your church has the same name! <3 <3 <3 Love does conquer all, I'm glad you agree! xoxo Have a lovely day Xander <3 <3 Much Respect Brother!