lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoShipbuilding from woodMAKING WOOD SHIP Workers complete shipbuilding from wood in a traditional shipyard, Krueng Aceh River, Banda…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoA very interesting taleOne day there was a match in the crocodile lake, for those who dared to dive into the lake and climb up to the edge of…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoNorth Aceh Police Found marijuana fields in Sawang VillageRecognition of Farmers' Suspects of Cannabis in North Aceh ACEH UTARA - HU, a 73 year-old grandfather of Cot Rawatu…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoStrong winds struck the entire region of AcehStrong Winds in Aceh, This Explanation BMKG. BANDA ACEH - Strong winds struck Banda Aceh, Sabang, Aceh Besar, Aceh…lionelhadi (50)in #walkwithme • 7 years agoBukan pemuda biasaMereka yang Mendapat Naungan Allah Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoThe beauty of the Lhokseumawe sectional dam in the morning / keindahan waduk pusong kota lhokseumawe di pagi hariGood morning all. this time I will invite you to enjoy a beautiful morning while enjoying the scenery of this…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoDinner with the steemian companions / Makan malam dengan para sahabat steemianGood night all. this time I again gathered at a restaurant located in the town of lhokseumawe in Royal Coffie…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoThe tradition of breaking the fast together / Tradisi buka puasa bareng yang dilakukan bersamaGood afternoon everyone. This time I will invite you to break the fast together. We are here we have held the breaking…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoThe atmosphere of the trip to the city / Suasana perjalanan ke kotaHey everybody. This time I will invite you to take a walk to our city, we are on our way to the city. Hay…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoFish the sea squid / Mancing cumi-cumi lautHi all. This time I will show the results of squid my catch this morning, here are some squid that I hook this…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoCloudy morning with rainbow light in the sky / Pagi yang mendung dengan cahaya pelangi di langitHi all. This time I will show the morning cloudy but there is little beauty with no his light Rainbow in the…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoSo crowded people in this month of Ramadan / Begitu ramai orang di bulan Ramadhan iniHi all. This time I will take you for a walk to see the crowds of people in the market in the afternoon today. This is…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoThe beauty that I found around the neighborhood / Keindahan yang saya temukan di sekitaran lingkungan rumahHi all. This time I will invite you to see the beauty that I found in my home environment.. Hay semuanya. Kali…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoLovely afternoon atmosphere on the seafront / Suasana sore yang indah di pinggir lautGood afternoon everyone. This time I was on the seafront, we are enjoying the beauty of the ocean in the afternoon…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoAfternoon ambiance at the asean harbor / Suasana sore di pelabuhan aseanGood afternoon everyone. This time will invite you to enjoy the beauty of the ocean in this port of asean, quite a lot…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoDark night / Malam yang gelapGood night all. This time I will invite you to enjoy the atmosphere of the night on this seafront, the atmosphere here…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoA beautiful afternoon by the seafront / Sore yang indah di pinggir lautHey everybody. This time I will invite you to enjoy his beautiful afternoon on the seafront, we here again enjoy the…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoA very sunny day on the beach / Hari yang begitu cerah di pinggir pantaiHey everybody. This time I will invite you to enjoy the brightness of this blue ocean, quite beautiful also its…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoThe scenery is beautiful / Pemandangan yang indah sekaliHi all. This time I will invite you to see how beautiful the blue ocean and the ocean is clearly visible from the top…lionelhadi (50)in #whalepower • 7 years agoThe weather is black sky / Cuaca langit yang hitamHey everybody. This time I will show you how the weather in our village is, this weather is very horrible, with thick…