Life in Europe #32: Follow your instinct without a map ロンドン散策 ① [London, UK]
Life in Europe #32
Follow your instinct without a map
ロンドン散策① [London, UK]
I was surrounded by some of the most iconic skyscrapers in London. One of which is of course The Gherkin. It is indeed a massive cucumber!! As I continued meandering along, I found myself in the histroric Victorian building, Leadenhall Market, where I came across my favourite shop in the world - Diptyque! (I've been collecting their candles for 13 years) What a surprise find!!
ロンドンの金融街、超高層ビル郡のど真ん中を歩いていると、通称ガーキン(きゅうりの形のビル)が目の前に現れました。近くで見ると本当に巨大なきゅうりがギラギラしていて、かっこいい!小道を抜けていくと、今度はビクトリア建築のレドンホールマーケットに迷い混みました。ここがハリー・ポッターの撮影場所かーと感心しながらぶらぶらしていると、目に留まったのは、、、なんと私が大大大好きなお店、Diptyque!(10年以上Diptyqueのキャンドルや香水を買い集めています)えー、こんなところで出逢えるとは!! ちょっと感動。
London is a very walkable city. You always end up walking everywhere because there is always a little alley way leading somewhere.... and you find something inspirational along the way. This city is like a big treasure hunt. My recommendation is just follow your instinct without a map. You'll end up finding something you love.
to be continued..
( つづく)
62 Leadenhall Market
London EC3V 1LT
United Kingdom
Great #walkwithme @anna-bella, thank you for adding such quality content to the tag! I loved how many reflections you were able to capture in the windows of the buildings. Lovely shops and streets, and I enjoyed the water scene as well!
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Thank you @lyndsaybowes. Very happy to hear you read and enjoyed my post. Walkwithme is one of my favourite tags as you know! I have several more walkwithme posts from London
lined up. So hope to see you soon!