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RE: Polio-Like Illness (AFM) causing Paralysis and Death in Children & the Vaccine Connection

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

@Canadian-Coconut... or her readership & followers...

Is it possible to crowd fund a project that could possibly attract stronger attention of the vaccine safety commission headed by Robert Kennedy, Jr. or the general public to more effectively bring this ongoing tragedy to a more prominent place in the public awareness ?

As many may know, Trump appointee Kennedy is to chair a panel on vaccine safety and scientific integrity.

Admittedly, I most likely know much less than many here following Linda ( @Canadian-Coconut )... but there must be some way to garner more attention/action towards this shameful way to intentionally "poison" our newly born children, under the "guise" of protecting them against other diseases.

This may be a stupid idea but it just came to me while finishing up this comment...

Could there be a way to create an ico crypto currency coin to possibly help gain a greater global awareness of these ongoing vaccine issues & other medical issues caused by pharmaceutical drugs ?


Many great ideas here! Even if a crypto doesn't fly as a currency, it will surely gain massive attention just by virtue of being unique.

I'd buy it. I don't have any other cryptos except Steem, and I only have that because I post and curate on Steemit.


@Canadian-Coconut... Linda there is another idea that just popped into my head...

If this idea has merit, it could possibly fund the creation of the ico crypto coin mentioned in the post above.

This funding could possibly originate from 100's of people both wealthy & not so wealthy people...

Is it possible to share this idea with You in private chat, perhaps in SteemSpeak at your convenience because do not want to be looked upon as a complete lunatic...

...even though I may be at times...>> : ~ ))

Just want to offer an idea that may monetarily fuel the concept of this ico crypto currency coin.

Thank You Linda

Quick note: Just had another thought is there a way to create a non-profit ico crypto coin ?

Please find below the only article I could find that remotely hinted at such an idea...

I don't know enough about Cryptos to know how to get something like that started.
I am on Discord and on if you want to talk.

Sorry... I'm on Discord now but admittedly I'm not very proficient using Discord yet.

Can't seem to find You on Discord currently and certainly realize You may be unavailable this evening.

Will "look" for You tomorrow and continue until we are able to share on

Thank You Linda

I have written about the Robert Kennedy Jr vaccine safety commission before here:

I haven't heard any update on that though. I should do some research to see if anyone has heard when/if it will get started.