Polio-Like Illness (AFM) causing Paralysis and Death in Children & the Vaccine Connection

in #vaccines7 years ago

8 months ago I wrote about a boy in Seattle, Washington who died of a mysterious Polio-Like Illness caused by the Enterovirus D68.

Polio is also an Enterovirus, and as the expert in the video below states, the symptoms between Polio and the recent cases are almost exactly the same.

On June 4, 2017, Sharyl Attkisson did a show on this illness called 'Acute Flaccid Myelitis' (AFM) for her FULL MEASURE Report.

FULL MEASURE: June 4, 2017 - Mystery Virus

Posted to youtube on 2017-06-05

Please Read The Background Information on my Earlier Article about the Seattle Boy Who Died of this Polio-Like Condition:

@canadian-coconut on STEEMIT:

Boy Dies of "Mysterious Polio-Like Illness" in Seattle -- Parents URGE Doctors to Investigate Vaccination Link

Daniel Ramirez's parents repeatedly urged the doctors to investigate a possible connection between the vaccines that the boy had just received before becoming ill and paralyzed. But the medical community and the press completely ignored the possibility and were dismissive.

What struck me in the FULL MEASURE Report above, is that at the 6-minute mark it mentions the case of a 14-year-old boy whose family had originally been told by the CDC that he died of AFM. Later they discovered that Issac was not included in the CDC report of AFM deaths and when they contacted the CDC they were told that they had reopened his case, and attributed his death to something else.

It then mentions a boy named Carter whose doctors described his condition as "... characteristically AFM..." but whom the CDC will not include as a case.

Families are left wondering if the cases are very underreported.

After my original article on how Daniel Ramirez in Seattle had died from AFM, and the media had reported it as such, the CDC came out and said that Daniel's case was not AFM.

Marcella Piper-Terry's thought on why this happened are that since the family was so vocal on a connection between the vaccinations and his paralysis and death, if it had been labelled as AFM, the family could have won a case in Vaccine Injury Court. AFM is a recognized side-effect of vaccinations. (See this vaccine injury law firm website as evidence. AFM is a variant of Transverse Myelitis.)

To further understand how vaccination can cause paralysis in the presence of an enterovirus ... you must read these two earlier articles of mine that explain the mechanisms involved.


Part I of Clues to the present-day "Polio-Like Illness" sweeping America -- Tonsillectomies Were a Major Cause of Paralytic Polio


Part II of Clues to the present-day "Polio-Like Illness" sweeping America -- History Shows that Shots/Needles Caused "Provocation Poliomyelitis"

For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...

but if you care about children as much as I care about children...

surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.


I used to hate people like you but after looking at the evidence and arguments, my mind was blown away and had a hard time forgiving myself hating people like you who were only trying to help! Thank you for being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves!

That means a lot to me, because I do get some real hate here sometimes.
I like to think that people just don't have enough information to think clearly on this issue, and I try to forgive them for their rudeness.

Thanks for the upvote and the reply. It's humbling!!!
Having been there once myself, I can probably forgive them a lot easier than you!
Keep spreading the truth woman :)

I used to think everyone was blind because they didn't have enough information but some of them just don't want to hear it. You can show them the facts and they will still say it's a lie and dismiss it. But it does good to present people with solid logic and evidence and see who's open minded to thinking critically about stuff, the ones that don't aren't worth your time.

This is truly amazing to hear. The facts are available and out there, people just have to look for it or be receptive of it. Glad that you have changed you mind if even for a little bit.

Thank you so much for continuing to publish this important information. I will go through the material carefully as I try and educate myself as much as possible on this subject.

You are welcome and I'm glad that you are going to listen to and read all the links.

BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 28 Jun 2017 - 17:26 UTC

#Polio-Like #Illness (#AFM) causing #Paralysis and Death in #Children & the #Vaccine Connection. #VaccineInjured


Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

follow back, im follow you,, @mustarzil

Not how it works here, with the spammy posts. You will get flagged and it will hurt you here

Linda you tackle tough topics most are not willing to do. Shared on Twitter and key # used, hope it helps spread your message. The twitter reaches a lot of people.

It is too bad that even here, people are flagged or badgered for sharing an opinion that may be the opposite of others.

We were told free speech would be honoured here.

I am glad your work is research based and you care about kids like we all do.


BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 28 Jun 2017 - 17:26 UTC

#Polio-Like #Illness (#AFM) causing #Paralysis and Death in #Children & the #Vaccine Connection. #VaccineInjured


Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thanks so much Barry!
I hope that the message gets out to many people and that they start to think critically on this matter.

think critically

The key words always.

Too many people read whitewashed propaganda fed to them by the lamestream media and the statist powers that be.

People need to do the same with the fluoride issues in the water supplies.

The cognitive dissonance is strong. I know because I used to function in this manner too.

Not to be a jerk but if people reading this kind of stuff do not even know what cognitive dissonance is..... there is the problem, and I hope more people take 30 seconds and look even that up.

@canadian-coconut very good post i believe that immunisations can be very dangerous

Beautiful work, your passion and enthusiasm on the topic is amazing. There is quite a few ethical questions to ask. A lot within health is still unknown and we still trying to better understand the science behind it. The sad part, a lot of it is base on money, and the money has to be made. So whatever seem profitable gonna take the mainstream and they would get the regulatory body behind it even when lead researcher oppose it. We have poison many great research and talent in search of profits. The very adverse effects speculated by some lead researchers manifest itself but regulators are not even, the industry and at time one vaccine can be a big winner, a couple billion dollars. People won't let that pass even in the face of suffering

It then mentions a boy named Carter whose doctors described his condition as "... characteristically AFM..." but whom the CDC will not include as a case.

Awfully strange behavior by the CDC if there is nothing to hide.

Thank you for continuing to expose corruption. Cheering you on!

When this happened I was furious!! The local news here in Seattle was so vague about it. I knew damn well what was happening! The sister or aunt was writing in the Facebook comments and was so upset because no one would listen to her, she was trying to explain that he was fine until he was vaccinated!!! They started a secret Facebook group to share stories with the other families who it was happening to also.
There where so many kids that mysteriously got ill at the same time frame. I knew in my heart it was a bad batch of vacs and they where not telling the truth, but calling it "mysterious" but they all had one thing in common!! The same vaccinations which no one was sharing, as to not cause a panic. Havent heard anything more about it on the news for a long while now. It is absoulutely outrageous!!!

wow! So you followed this story closely.
I know that the parents said they told the tv reporter about the vaccines, but of course that part never made it on air.
I wish that someone would ask each child/parent if any vaccines had been given recently. I'm pretty sure nobody wanted to know the answer to that question, so it wasn't even asked.

@Canadian-Coconut... or her readership & followers...

Is it possible to crowd fund a project that could possibly attract stronger attention of the vaccine safety commission headed by Robert Kennedy, Jr. or the general public to more effectively bring this ongoing tragedy to a more prominent place in the public awareness ?


As many may know, Trump appointee Kennedy is to chair a panel on vaccine safety and scientific integrity.


Admittedly, I most likely know much less than many here following Linda ( @Canadian-Coconut )... but there must be some way to garner more attention/action towards this shameful way to intentionally "poison" our newly born children, under the "guise" of protecting them against other diseases.

This may be a stupid idea but it just came to me while finishing up this comment...

Could there be a way to create an ico crypto currency coin to possibly help gain a greater global awareness of these ongoing vaccine issues & other medical issues caused by pharmaceutical drugs ?

Many great ideas here! Even if a crypto doesn't fly as a currency, it will surely gain massive attention just by virtue of being unique.

I'd buy it. I don't have any other cryptos except Steem, and I only have that because I post and curate on Steemit.


@Canadian-Coconut... Linda there is another idea that just popped into my head...

If this idea has merit, it could possibly fund the creation of the ico crypto coin mentioned in the post above.

This funding could possibly originate from 100's of people both wealthy & not so wealthy people...

Is it possible to share this idea with You in private chat, perhaps in SteemSpeak at your convenience because do not want to be looked upon as a complete lunatic...

...even though I may be at times...>> : ~ ))

Just want to offer an idea that may monetarily fuel the concept of this ico crypto currency coin.

Thank You Linda

Quick note: Just had another thought is there a way to create a non-profit ico crypto coin ?

Please find below the only article I could find that remotely hinted at such an idea...


I don't know enough about Cryptos to know how to get something like that started.
I am on Discord and on Steemit.chat if you want to talk.

Sorry... I'm on Discord now but admittedly I'm not very proficient using Discord yet.

Can't seem to find You on Discord currently and certainly realize You may be unavailable this evening.

Will "look" for You tomorrow and continue until we are able to share on Steemit.chat.

Thank You Linda

I have written about the Robert Kennedy Jr vaccine safety commission before here:


I haven't heard any update on that though. I should do some research to see if anyone has heard when/if it will get started.

Congratulations on over 1,500 followers @canadian-coconut :) What an astonishing number seeing as you hit 1,000 less than 2 weeks ago! Here's to 2K ;)

Thank you for sharing @canadian-coconut
The more people read these stories, the less they can deny that it's a real problem, effecting real families the world over.
I salute you for your hard work and dedication in exposing these horrors.