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RE: Is Your Career & People's Opinions MORE Important Than DOING THE RIGHT THING? Please ... if you know something, SAY IT!

in #vaccines8 years ago

It is TERRIBLE what the government of Australia has done!
You should try to find groups on Facebook for others in your situation. They may have some suggestions as to private daycares, etc. where vaccines aren't needed.
Maybe there are ways to share homeschooling responsibilities with other families too.

At any rate, delay vaccines as long as possible, until the year that school starts perhaps, and see which ones are truly mandatory as it may only be a few.


Great advice, now to show this to my wife heheheh

its so sad they force you into vaccines like that, its wrong really. i wish you the best of luck with your impending baby and i hope you can avoid most if not all vaccines. it is definitely weird to accept that they are not good and really bad, but i know after a few years of stating my case to my mother and after one or two of her friends began pushing against vaccines, now my mum had my sister not take the vaccines at her school last year and is against them. good luck and congratulations i hope you and your wife dont argue over this even though its super important to do the right thing for your baby lol