Is Your Career & People's Opinions MORE Important Than DOING THE RIGHT THING? Please ... if you know something, SAY IT!
**Speak out if you have experienced extreme corruption first-hand, where murdering and maiming of innocent lives is done for profits or to maintain the status-quo.
**Warn others that their lives are in danger if you have information that is being withheld.
**Don't worry about the names that you will be called. True heroes are often unrecognized and slandered.
** Don't put your own financial interests above the very lives and well-being of others ... especially children!
** BE BRAVE! **

Anu Vaidya, is the camera man for the current stretch of the VaxXed Nation Tour.
In this video below, Anu Vaidya, rants about his frustration of how people will walk up to the VaxXed Nation Tour Bus and share a story of Whistleblower proportion, but then end up saying that they can't go on camera because are too afraid and they might lose their job.
He is frustrated because almost every day he hears several new stories of children and families destroyed due to pharmaceutical industry corruption, and the reach that it has into physicians offices, scientific research and government.
He has experienced this destruction himself as the parent of a vaccine-injured child.

Listen to Anu Vaidya's frustration of hearing a woman's first-hand accounts of witnessing corruption in the vaccine industry, only to be told that "I can't talk on camera because I might lose my job."
Do The Right Thing
Posted to youtube on 2017-05-28
Below, I am going to recognize several of the Truth Tellers that I have previously written about, who had a lot to lose by speaking out, yet did it anyways.
These BRAVE souls went live on camera with the VaxXed Nation Tour and told the world about their personal experiences with corruption and lies and lives being destroyed.

These People Did the RIGHT THING!

ER Doctor TELLS ALL: Vaccine-Induced SEIZURES -- A regular occurrence in his Seattle Emergency Room

“VACCINES Can and Do Cause AUTISM” Declares Criminal D.A. in Texas, Nico LaHood

Dr. Suzanne Humphries: Doctors get Harassed for Reporting Vaccine Adverse Events Reactions to V.A.E.R.S. -- So How Can We Know The Real Numbers?

US Military WHISTLEBLOWER: Soldiers Used as Lab Rats -- Anthrax Vaccine/Gulf War Syndrome

Medical Ethics Professor in West Virginia shares his concerns surrounding VACCINE SAFETY and EFFICACY

Propaganda Professor at NYU discusses FAKE NEWS & VaxXed

PLAGUE: Courageous Dr. Mikovitz Faced Prison & Career Suicide Rather Than Allow Her Findings to be Discarded

Dr. Phan Speaks Out: A Medical Doctor Who Actually Follows the Hippocratic Oath - BRAVO!
Fetal Demise in the Womb -- Whistleblower at Medical Billing Company sheds light on Vaccines during Pregnancy

Dr. Andrew Wakefield a VILLAIN or a HERO? Here's what the Mainstream Media has left out ...

Thank you for this article, the video (I haven't seen it yet!) and for the shout outs to these incredible whistleblowers, I'm sharing this post in my antivax groups!
you are welcome of course.
And I'm happy that you are going to share it.
For me it is about looking myself in the mirror every day. I could no longer participate in the medical arena and pretend that the information I was mandated to say was okay. It is all about self respect. And those who no longer associate with me ...... that's okay because I do not need fair-weather friends. Excellent post!
thank you so much for being one of the few to actually stand up rather than blindly follow or just stick ur head in the sand or w.e. thank you very much you do even more of a service this way :)
How kind of you to say that. It was a difficult choice for sure as I was making well over $100,000.00 a year and now live on SS and hopefully Steemit.
You can sleep peacefully, knowing that you are no longer participating in an unethical system.
Good for you!
those vaccines are actually mostly weapons of genocide
the worst part - legalized
you just did the right thing, I just wrote something that happened on Friday here in Australia, now it is not just you can loose your job a health professional, you can go to jail up to 10 years. What on earth? We all should be human beings to each other. I admire you for that
"Be Brave". Do the right thing no matter how big or small. That is what it is about. There will be a way for those who speak up and tell the truth and go against the grain. Excellent post and reminder.
When individuals 'do the right thing' please back them up! Morals and principles do not pay the bills! I get disgusted with people whom prefer to 'fly under the radar' effectively leaving the brave soul out on a limb!
Absolutely. I do that. Sadly, some people don't seem to have the ability to face any sort of conflict no matter how important it is.
The programming to simply 'go along' or 'don't rock the boat' is set deep in individual's belief system! Sadly many people do not realize they walk around in a trance of sorts. Ultimately it's people who should be held responsible, not industry and corporations.
wow i wish i read ur comment before iposted mine i said that peoples programming was just too strong for them to get involved in something like this lol. clearly we on the same page
We are creatures of habit; good, bad and combined.
For those to dare go foward and talk about their findings about the dangers of vaccines, big Pharma makes their life's living hell, some of them ended up dead.
Yes. If you are a real whistleblower though, the safest thing that you can do for yourself is speak out loudly and publicly for a large audience -- so they will be less likely to murder you if you have already told the world clearly where you stand.
If you only tell one or two quietly, but that little bit slips out, then they can kill you and nobody will suspect why.
what about all the holistic doctors they killed anyway? do you think anybody speaking out is truly safe?
@ausbitbank resteem brought me here.
Great post, I never really knew how big the vaccine problem is, perhaps I spend too much time in my world :( My wife and I are expecting our second child in 3 weeks, so this info will be useful.
Great to see people like yourself standing up and writing about all this.
Will follow to see more content.
I'm so glad that you found this post,
and congratulations on the birth of your new baby!
Let me know if you want me to direct you to anything in particular,
as I've written on a lot of vaccine-related topics.
The problem here in Aus is that every child has to be vaccinated if they want or have to attend childcare! called the No jab, no play unfortunately not everyone can afford to stay home with their kids and not send them to child cares including me. God knows what's next on the schedule.
It is TERRIBLE what the government of Australia has done!
You should try to find groups on Facebook for others in your situation. They may have some suggestions as to private daycares, etc. where vaccines aren't needed.
Maybe there are ways to share homeschooling responsibilities with other families too.
At any rate, delay vaccines as long as possible, until the year that school starts perhaps, and see which ones are truly mandatory as it may only be a few.
Great advice, now to show this to my wife heheheh
its so sad they force you into vaccines like that, its wrong really. i wish you the best of luck with your impending baby and i hope you can avoid most if not all vaccines. it is definitely weird to accept that they are not good and really bad, but i know after a few years of stating my case to my mother and after one or two of her friends began pushing against vaccines, now my mum had my sister not take the vaccines at her school last year and is against them. good luck and congratulations i hope you and your wife dont argue over this even though its super important to do the right thing for your baby lol
I did the delayed and minimal vaccine route. I regret it very much. Health problems showed up and I had to really second guess the doctors anyways and spend a great deal of time studying and understanding the immune-system outside of most of the medical direction. Most doctors behaviored completely incompetent and were often aggressive on this front. The system punishes good doctors and rewards and protects bad ones.
So, I had to buck the system anyways and go out and pay cash for my own doctors which I'm still vetting (5 years later); really hard to find natural doctors that are completely free from what I consider bad habits. I have had a lot of time to adapt and accept this stuff but I have to be honest, I take a very clear view on this and I can't make any excuses for what I did to my child. I'm a very bad person when it comes to this deed and all I can do is try to pick up the pieces. I believe my child lost IQ points and that they will never be the same or quite as capable of fighting against corruption like the corruption that feeds these bad vaccines. I'll never take the second-best option again I will always fight an evil system with everything I have and in the most effective way possible.
Thank you very much, I can't imagine what you went through, my heart goes out. Personally I don't know how I would take it seeing my child in that state, it's the worst feeling not being able to help your own and child.
Thank you for sharing @red
Wow! Such an insane story. I'll watch the whole video later.
It's so good to see that on Steem we can be critical of some aspects of vaccination and not get attack by an army of dummy accounts and that everyone criticizing anyone or anything risk gaining or losing something of real value.
Thank you for sharing on this very important subject.
great share but do keep in mind that at least 60 holistic doctors have been murdered in the states in the past year and a half - 2 years... so yes it is absolutely what a person should do and what is the right thing to do. it is what i would do, but there can be harsh consequences depending on the person and on top of that most people are so programmed that getting involved in this type stuff is something they just wont do. that said, great post my fellow leaf im with u 100%
My wife and researched vaccines before we decided to have children and we're blown away by how dishonest the mainstream media and medical journals were in discussing the facts around vaccinations. We chose to not vaccinate our children. After what we learned the choice was an easy one. Thanks for sharing this important issue. The more people know, the more lives can be saved.
I'm glad to hear that you dodged a bullet with the vaccines and your children.
Yes, the dishonesty is astounding. They will protect their vaccination program at all costs. In truth, it is a religion that they believe in blindly and will suffocate all information that points out flaws of any kind.
Sadly, we did not dodge the bullet. My wife is RH + so she was advised by our nurse practitioner that she needed a Rhogam shot. We should have researched it more, as we did with vaccines, but we failed to. Our first born, our only daughter to date, received mercury through that shot while she was in the womb. As a result, we believe, she has a mild form of autism known as Asperger's. We thought we did everything right, but we trusted someone who trusted the pharmaceutical establishment. I'm sure my wife or I will make a post out of her story shortly to try and help others avoid this needless harm.
oh, sorry to hear that.
Baby may have also received Vitamin K if you didn't know any better It has a lot of terrible ingredients in it too.
No, that one we were aware of. No vitamin K shot for her.
resteemed Coconut, the truth will out.
Thanks Alan!