
You are correct :)

So far 3 translation was made, 3 translation to Polish language. Why Polish? Because I am from Poland, and I decided to start with something what I can review.

In theory I could translate those videos to Polish language on my own - but to be honest, I know that there are professionals which could do that better and faster. So right now we spent all those funds gathered by posts like this, to pay professional translators.

Today I submitted a request for first translation to Spanish. It should be ready in few days. Then I will have to find a person, who will be able to check this Spanish translation and make some corrections if they will be needed.

And later this same will happen with other languages, like French, Chinese, etc.

Why I am doing this?

First of all, I want to make videos created by Andreas more popular - he is extremely valuable to all Crypto Space. Also, I want to show to Andreas... that our community can be extremely useful, by helping him with reaching masses with his videos :)

Please watch his video, where he was asked about Steem :)

@luminous-nova, questions to you:

  1. What is your native language?
  2. Would you be able to help review subtitles after translation?
  3. Are you a translator?
  4. How would you describe you level of expertise in terms of Bitcoin, Blockchain?

Thats great, if u would like i can help you in translating ,English To Persian

Answer to ur questions:

My Native Language is Persian ( Iran ) and i know english,Azarbayjan Turkish,and well, low level in arabic.

2- Yes i think i can, but this work needs much time, it means if one day i have decided to do it, i should be sure that the price and salary i make is worthy of my time.

3-Yes. ( more in english to persian )

4-well i know the blockchain and bitcoin terms for something about 6~ months ( seriously )

--- anyway Thank you for your time and explation.


Would you be able to get me involved into this translations to polish language, please?
I am new here, but my level of English and Polish are enough, to consider myself a good translator. Being a polish woman, and living in the United Kingdom makes me a perfect candidate. My friend is a professional translator and interpreter, and may proof read my translations. Reviewing subtitles would be no problem. My expertise in the Bitcoin and Blockchain are high.
What are the rates of pay, how (what way) are the people paid, finally, do you have a proof of the payment of your work, please?

Have a nice day.

Ligia @lady-milady