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RE: Say hello to my little friend
Dear friend,
We nearly survived another year! Let's see if the cat makes it as well.
Shaved here and there, week of infusions and peeing blood was the sign to be happy. Weird huh?
Anyway he just ate, didn't drimk and the peeing ended. If in the mood drop a few words.
Home alone so we can watch a film, let me know if you are ready to emigrate.
👇 for you
Happiness and a fat wallet, no stress!
im down with mark twain on people and cats
but if i migrate it has to be Asia and giving my current condition im afraid thats not gonna happen, even if i had the money
going somewhere else to sleep twice a day seems hardly worth the effort, BUT ... if its a LOT of money it might be worth it just so the belgian lords of mordor dont get their part of it
once again im sorry i didnt see you there, i barely check responses, be it on steemit, youtube or more obscure places
the cave is taking over
@ wakeupkitty
desu ne ...
"kinderen eerst " i heard in the chritsmas speech, brussels took it literally again and let the kids upgrade their fireworks into russian anti-nazi gear lol
... im not sure if most of the humans of today can actually see the light anymore,
even in the distance
happy new year for what its worth, may we get enough crypto to sell to buy a house on mars
How did the new year went so far? The cat is still alive, I should say more alive than ever! We partly gave up on the diet food since he no longer likes it and it's better skeleton eats. So far, so good.
Thanks for the votes it's appreciated (still don't know how you do it the link to that site is dead).
My suggestion is: if everyone leaves with Elon and his family the more room and peace there will be for me. I will find me an spot in the sun and will live in the light without worries about crypto and peace on earth, fireworks. Let brave new world start somewhere else. The universe is big enough.
P.s. if the happy year doesn't work out, I do it again end of the month.
You know where to find me. I hope at the time you see this winter is over
i dont know what to wish you so you pick anything you like that doesnt get in the way of my path lol
strange way of saying it but
if paths collide then friction leads to fire, its almost physics
we'll just HODL i little longer i guess
what else is there to do :)
I think about what to pick... let's see what I can find...
sounds as if more idiots will be added soon.
so for now HODL is the best
What else is there to do? A looong night somewhere where it's warm is not bad idea neither is sleeping twice a day in Asia.