Say hello to my little friend

in #tyrnannoght4 months ago

before they close the account for inactivity lol


Well more like

its almost hard to believe how in less than a year PTSD-cat became super-Bocchan like that. Ofcourse we have had some experience in the past 40 years and more time than money due to aforementioned lots of stuff


Not like we had to lay the whole foundation and frankly after the last one died , one of two who had been with us FOR TWENTY YEARS (thats longer than any gf i have to say ... longer than anyone actually) there was no intention of going through the pain again b/c for all the joy you get you know there's a day when it ends ... but when my cousin , or more like his wife asked ... they got a small zoo there of cats but more money than time (its a twisted world) and this one definitely needed some extra attention , after meeting once its impossible to refuse, right ?


well , i know .... lots of people be like "cats ? beh" but they dont have the patience , dog people need 15000 year long genetically modified obeyers, if you cat you need to build a mutual side of trust and respect - the egyptians understood


There's actually one recorded account (look it up ...) where the enemy army released a wagon of cats on the battlefield and the egyptians laid down their arms , afraid they would hurt a cat




at any rate

compared to to the scared sorry heap hiding under the table on day one


its like the eyes house someone else


lets hope we can last a while


tho thats a jinx phrase

to us , of the cat star, philosophy dictates that hope is one of the gates to hell so have none

keep it real

but dont despair , we're all gonna die anyway lol

(well , ... we ARE .. right ?)

desu ne

Catham Joker out


You fed that cat into a Garfield? It's enjoying the good life or? Well, one can refuse.
I lately paid a visit and the house of cats came to side with me. I didn't invite them.

My son's cat changed into a problematic child. Can be he hibernates (I wish I could) but feels he's doing better with a kudney diet (or is it what I like to believe?)

He keeps me busy... house of pee, twice in his bed about 2 liters and ordees breakfast on bed. I shove him into the hallway last night. It's where the food and litterbox are... A few steps.

Cat hug, how close can one be (nails in back included)


im sorry i didnt see you there, i hardly ever check responses anymore anywhere

well actually its a bit of a story

after the last 2 died, which had been like 20 years with me, sizeable slice of life lets say i didnt intend to take responsibility of another life

but my cousins wife (they have a small zoo , but also money) asked if i per chance would be willing to take care of a cat that needed a little more attention

so after meeting once

how could i refuse :)

Don't worry... I am the stubborn type and stop by to let you know whenever you might have a peep I thought of you.

Your cats became old unlike ours it's as if the pathetic ones ends up with me, stealing my energy not by letting me wipe and clean but literally hanging around (on my lap or wherever till they had enough) right now the sick one is at my feet waiting till I stop typing ... finally laptime which he didn't do for nearly 1 year?
Anyway still alive and kind of happy. This one does his best to arise from the death.

Sounds as if that cat and you are a match. I agree it's kind of frustrating that they all die but still the joy we have is better than with the average human. I also feel, hope they die before me and not the other way around that would be nasty. I doubt a home will be found for them. Your cat doesn't catch mice or hit some birds out of the sky?

Dear friend,
We nearly survived another year! Let's see if the cat makes it as well.


Shaved here and there, week of infusions and peeing blood was the sign to be happy. Weird huh?

Anyway he just ate, didn't drimk and the peeing ended. If in the mood drop a few words.

Home alone so we can watch a film, let me know if you are ready to emigrate.

👇 for you


Happiness and a fat wallet, no stress!


im down with mark twain on people and cats

but if i migrate it has to be Asia and giving my current condition im afraid thats not gonna happen, even if i had the money

going somewhere else to sleep twice a day seems hardly worth the effort, BUT ... if its a LOT of money it might be worth it just so the belgian lords of mordor dont get their part of it

once again im sorry i didnt see you there, i barely check responses, be it on steemit, youtube or more obscure places

the cave is taking over

@ wakeupkitty



desu ne ...

"kinderen eerst " i heard in the chritsmas speech, brussels took it literally again and let the kids upgrade their fireworks into russian anti-nazi gear lol

... im not sure if most of the humans of today can actually see the light anymore,

even in the distance

happy new year for what its worth, may we get enough crypto to sell to buy a house on mars

How did the new year went so far? The cat is still alive, I should say more alive than ever! We partly gave up on the diet food since he no longer likes it and it's better skeleton eats. So far, so good.
Thanks for the votes it's appreciated (still don't know how you do it the link to that site is dead).

My suggestion is: if everyone leaves with Elon and his family the more room and peace there will be for me. I will find me an spot in the sun and will live in the light without worries about crypto and peace on earth, fireworks. Let brave new world start somewhere else. The universe is big enough.

P.s. if the happy year doesn't work out, I do it again end of the month.

You know where to find me. I hope at the time you see this winter is over

i dont know what to wish you so you pick anything you like that doesnt get in the way of my path lol

strange way of saying it but

if paths collide then friction leads to fire, its almost physics

we'll just HODL i little longer i guess

what else is there to do :)

I think about what to pick... let's see what I can find...

sounds as if more idiots will be added soon.

so for now HODL is the best

What else is there to do? A looong night somewhere where it's warm is not bad idea neither is sleeping twice a day in Asia.