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RE: UFO The series

in #tv7 years ago

Well, I didn't really think of the youth, in most cases youth doesn't appreciate what's in front of them, it takes some wisdom to have gratitude for most things, and usually wisdom comes with age. I was mainly recommending it to viewers of my generation. But, hey, if there is some youngster that can see through the fact that the show is little bit dated and see for what it was at the time, then that's awesome. I watch a lot of stuff that's way before my time and always try to see for what it was at the time when it was new. you'd be amazed how much original stuff from 60s, 50s, 40s and even 30s there is repeated in out era, and being passed as original and innovative now. That's why I like watching old stuff to see how unoriginal we are now days :)


yes I do agree with there , I watch a lot of sci fi , and think hang on have'nt I seen that before somewhere ? have a great day x