UFO The series

ince I was a little kid I was always mesmerized by science fiction. Growing up in Poland we didn't have too much access to great sci-fi, but we had enough for me to get hooked on it, besides, my father always had some sci-fi magazine or a book on stand by. After I came to the "west" I couldn't get enough of Star Trek TNG, and TOS in later years. As a matter of fact TNG was my english teacher, the language in that show is so clear , that it was one of the only things I could understand on tv. And ever since I've been a big aficionado of any type of sci-fi (unlike today's sci-fi stations, more pretending to be sci-fi, filling their programming with quasi science fiction and what I'm only assuming supposedly paranormal/scary repertoire, because non of it is either scary nor paranormal). And just when I thought, I've seen it all, I came across this british gem called simply "UFO". It's not only a great sci-fi tv series, but it also takes me back to those good old days of 70's.
*Video is not my source, I'm using the "embedded" feature from other user on youtube.
The times when women were shown as women, and not as it is today, some kind of homogenized hybrid, a "powerful" yet week entity, with more hormonal imbalance then (insert your favourite moment here), times when smoking cigarettes was cool, not because it was good for you, since everyone knew it was bad (after all, you're inhaling smoke, it can't be that good for you), but because it was simply cool, and on top of that it relieved some of your stress (for those who still don't get it, it's what the poisons from pharmaceuticals accomplish nowadays). Another amazing thing about this show is the style. Again it's probably my bias, but I think the 70's was the apex of originality and freedom of style, at least in popular culture. The screaming colours, the funky furniture, the awesome clothing, it all peaked in that era, and that show, at least to me, is the epitome of those kind of memories of my childhood. And then there is Commander Straker, with his unforgiving expressions, yet charismatic persona, stunning wardrobe and character of steel. I've been utterly captivated by him, there is something magnetizing about him, I don't know if it's the clothing, the character or something else. In any case, for anyone who likes shows like Star Trek TOS, but would like to see a different approach, I verily recommend it. I included the first episode from youtube, after that you kind of know what to do, right?

I have heard of it but never watched it , I think at the time it would of been amazing , but now I think the youth would laugh at it x
Well, I didn't really think of the youth, in most cases youth doesn't appreciate what's in front of them, it takes some wisdom to have gratitude for most things, and usually wisdom comes with age. I was mainly recommending it to viewers of my generation. But, hey, if there is some youngster that can see through the fact that the show is little bit dated and see for what it was at the time, then that's awesome. I watch a lot of stuff that's way before my time and always try to see for what it was at the time when it was new. you'd be amazed how much original stuff from 60s, 50s, 40s and even 30s there is repeated in out era, and being passed as original and innovative now. That's why I like watching old stuff to see how unoriginal we are now days :)
yes I do agree with there , I watch a lot of sci fi , and think hang on have'nt I seen that before somewhere ? have a great day x