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RE: Trump's Space Farce: A Distraction From The Imminent Financial Collapse

in #trump6 years ago

Maybe he knows something we don't. The aliens might have declared war on us already and we only have a century to prepare for invasion :o)
As for NASA - as much as it is wasteful and ineffective its budget is a drop in the bucket and at least it pushes in the right direction. If Trump is willing to press for shifting money from some government activity that is not only wasteful and ineffective but also counterproductive like war on drugs (one can dream, right?) then thumbs up.


Bingo, 19 billion dollars is not shit. Anyone who thinks different should look up how much the f-35 cost to develop.

It is a "spit in the bucket" tho. Not to mention private agencies seem to be out-performing NASA hand over fist, the last 5 years or so!

mostly thanks to government grants

Not virgin. They are privately funded. But Space-X, yes. At least they have something to show for their hand-outs....

Virgin extracted a lot of money from taxpayers to build their spaceport boondoggle with a lot of lies about passenger flights out of there.

I see what you mean! A quarter of a billion is a lot of money...But in 2 counties who are desperate and VOTED to pass a levy to pay for it, I'd say it's worth a shot! @ $250,000 per ride, it'll take 1000 commercial rides into space to break even ;(. Mr. Branson better get the gitty on this one! They do have many successful test flights already completed. ;)