Trump's Space Farce: A Distraction From The Imminent Financial Collapse

in #trump6 years ago

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$52 million dollars a day. That’s how much tax money gets sucked out of Americans’ pockets to pay for NASA’s whopping $19 billion annual budget.

But folks, things are about to get a whole lot worse.

On Monday, Trump officially announced the creation of a “Space Force” which he described as “separate but equal” to the Air Force.

Remember, Donald “I’ll balance the budget” Trump? So much for that.

We can only speculate the astronomical costs of establishing this sci-fi fantasy, but the implications are massive.


Military Industrial Complex? What about the Military Cosmological Complex?

Houston, we have a problem. I can already see the arms manufacturers---Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and all the usual suspects---salivating at the thought of some real-life Star Wars.

What does an X-Wing sell for? Lightsabers? Or how about a Death Star?!?

Meanwhile, poor old Elon Musk is trying to scratch up some funds to send his private, boring space company into the stars---all while Trump can snap his fingers and suck the cash right out of Americans’ pockets.

No wonder Musk came out on Twitter last week announcing he’s an anarchist!


But is there a more sinister motive behind Trump’s space farce?

Is this just a grand illusion by the Emperor to misdirect the masses from real-world, down-to-earth issues that directly affect us?

Of course it is.

Historically, space has been regularly used to distract the public from the state’s atrocities. Back in the 1970’s, when gold was de-linked from the dollar by Richard “I’m not a crook” Nixon, the promise of exploring the stars kept people blissfully ignorant of the complete financial ruin coming their way.

They had to fake playing golf on the moon numerous times to divert the public’s attention away from that.

And, to distract from the bloody, costly, evil terrorist attacks known as the Vietnam War.

What could the “Space Force” be attempting to distract us from today? We can start with the obvious answer, that is, the impending dollar collapse, which will in essence invalidate the state itself---all while cryptocurrencies continue their meteoric rise.

It’s not rocket science, it’s math. The US government cannot avoid the consequences of their destructive central-planning for much longer.

But perhaps this is NASA’s final death throe. Over the years, NASA has seemed to escape public criticism and scrutiny---even from libertarian and anarchist types who love harping about government incompetence.

It’s as if we assume NASA---since it’s engaged with “science”---must be doing a good, wholesome job.

But if the state can’t even maintain roads well, how can they be trusted meddling in space?

It’s been half a century since they seemingly went to the moon---yet still no moon base, or at least a return mission? In fact, they now say they “destroyed the technology” to go back to the moon.

Because, yeah, technology was so advanced in 1969.


It’s apparent that all this Space Force nonsense is just another elaborate statist distraction---a tax scam at best---keeping the masses inspired about the heavens so they remain good little worker-slaves.

It’s like the bread and circuses of the Roman era: feed the masses some sports (and a little bit of space) and they’ll never rebel.

Oh, and make sure to spy on, oppress and enslave all humans in the process, while they pay for it and even cheer for it as the global subjugation system is built.

I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it! You can’t make this stuff up.

Well, politicians can keep doing what they’re doing (stealing and killing), and we, the peaceful people of Earth, will keep fighting the good fight.

As NASA’s budget inflates, whether you like it or not, the attendance numbers at Anarchapulco continue to grow---but we didn’t need to point guns at anyone!

The real leaders of the free world will converge again on the beaches of Acapulco, Mexico in February for the largest gathering of freethinkers.

Anarchapulco 2019 is the place to be if you’re interested in a true bright future for humanity. Tickets are now available for a discounted price, but the special offer ends on July 31, so BOOK NOW.

As Dr. Ron Paul, who will be speaking again at Anarchapulco 2019, famously said, “I don't think we should go to the moon. I think we maybe should send some politicians up there.”

Send them all---one-way ticket.

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                    The Revenge of the Trump

Maybe he knows something we don't. The aliens might have declared war on us already and we only have a century to prepare for invasion :o)
As for NASA - as much as it is wasteful and ineffective its budget is a drop in the bucket and at least it pushes in the right direction. If Trump is willing to press for shifting money from some government activity that is not only wasteful and ineffective but also counterproductive like war on drugs (one can dream, right?) then thumbs up.

Bingo, 19 billion dollars is not shit. Anyone who thinks different should look up how much the f-35 cost to develop.

It is a "spit in the bucket" tho. Not to mention private agencies seem to be out-performing NASA hand over fist, the last 5 years or so!

mostly thanks to government grants

Not virgin. They are privately funded. But Space-X, yes. At least they have something to show for their hand-outs....

Virgin extracted a lot of money from taxpayers to build their spaceport boondoggle with a lot of lies about passenger flights out of there.

I see what you mean! A quarter of a billion is a lot of money...But in 2 counties who are desperate and VOTED to pass a levy to pay for it, I'd say it's worth a shot! @ $250,000 per ride, it'll take 1000 commercial rides into space to break even ;(. Mr. Branson better get the gitty on this one! They do have many successful test flights already completed. ;)

Whenever you criticize the US government, you always do it as a Champ, @dollarvigilante. Bravo!

May The Farce Be With You!

The Earth is flat!!! Space isn't real!!

Musk, an anarchist who makes his money from government contracts. Space junk threatens billions and billions of dollars of critical infrastructure, not to mention people's lives, spending a little to clean it up is a good investment.
Since the media is not talking about the impending financial collapse why would Trump be trying to distract from that? How does that make sense?
Wouldn't it make more sense, if this is just a distraction, that he would want to distract from what the media is actually talking about?

Have you considered the possibility that there already exists a "star wars" program and that this claim is simply the start of the probing towards declassification of some of the variety of space based weapon systems that have already been developed? (Ex: Rods from god)

You do make many valid points, but like with most of what Trump has been doing, what appears on the face is usually not what it seems. In other words, it's not what he does that is important, but more how the response will get him what he actually wants.

bingo, 3d chess.

Every president since jfk was murked has made the speech about alien invasions uniting the world.

There will surely be some spaceforce sci fi coming out soon in theaters everywhere.

Space is fake, economics are real

Do you even live here and pay taxes lol

Unite States government is totally insane.