No Getting Older Gate and The Marvelous Pavilion in The Garden
The Garden Of Chang Deok Gung seemed to be composed of several section.
It was nearly impossible to find out entire figure of the Garden for one visit.
Besides I needed to follow the order of the guide. I could not deviate from the group.
Bur time for watching the Garden was limited though, I could specify the characteristics of the structure of the Garden in wide aspect.
What I saw first was the place of the King and his loving scholars, it was composed of the kings library and the king’s pavilion by the pond.
King was happy to seeing his loving scholars was indulging in studying. King Jeong Jo pleased to attend the discuss with his men.
Finally he died of overwork. He had worked too much. He didn’t sleep 3-4 hours a day to study and to read the various documents. I am really sorry for that he died in young age. If he lived longer, the faith of the kingdom would’ve been different.
With a regret of early death of King Jeong Jo, we walked into another place. The place we stopped by was a King’s play ground. There was a pond and small pavilion where King Suk Jong had enjoyed with the fame fatal Jang Hee Bin.
In this small pavilion, King Suk Jong had waisted time to enjoy his life with the deadly beauty.
The fate of the dynasty waned with this women
Here what I’d like to introduce you is the stone gate. This stone gate was made up of only one stone.
This stone is granite. The granite is too solid to carve and handle, so making the stone gate with one stone seemed to be not easy.
It means that when you pass through this gate, aging is prevented.
Everybody took part in this walking had passed through the gate.
Originally this gate was King’s only
There was a really beautiful road from the No More Getting Older gate to The Pavilions.
There were old trees along the road. This atmosphere made my mind comfortable.
As passing through the road, there were lots of pavilions. It seemed that these pavilions were healing place for King to rest. The pavilions were arranged along the small valleys with harmonizing the circumstances.
Among the pavilions, one pavilion came into my eyes. The structure of the pavilion was peculiar compare to other pavilions.
The pillars of the pavilions were doubled.
It was the first time for me to see the double pillar.
The roof was hexangonal style.
In Korean traditional architecture, this hexagonal roof was said the most difficult style.
Inside of the pavilion, there was an board written by King Jeong Jo.
In this small valley, there were several other small pavilion. All pavilions were harmonized with the circumstances. It looked like an beautiful well designed drawing.
Thank you for reading.
Very descriptive and informative @slowwalker!👍 I was in Seoul in 2013 and went on a guided tour to the Secret Garden. Yes, you have to follow the guide's pace and order. I totally forgot what the stone gate was about. I remembered when I read your post. Thank you! Now I miss Seoul! ❤
really good job
Thank you! I really ❤ Seoul and thanks to your very detailed posts, I get to be reminded of my beautiful memories there. I will visit again! 🤞🤞🤞
It's so cool!
This picture
@slowwalker posted this
I will make you happy.
Thank you @cjdns 😊😊😊 much ❤ from the 🇵🇭
Really awesome! I lived in South Korea for a year in high school. Never made it here but it looks cool!
I did a 2 minute pen sketch of one of the pictures in your post, I liked the scenery and I am in a boring class.. Hope you like and upvote, if you don't I'm sorry

I read through, pretty nice post
Nice drawing.
good job
Great job! Thanks for the pleasure @slowwalker!

Thank you so much
I am going to travel Korea. Your post brings one more option for me to visit. Nice posting about historical and traditional beauty of your country. But I dont really like the way of designing post you did. pressing "enter" for single sentence. it makes my eyes need to keep moving constantly. :)))
Btw, thank you for quite a few times you upvote me generously. ^^
Korea and china would be an awesome place to visit maybe sometime in the future, the travelling gods will look down on me and help me get there... until then I enjoyed looking at your photos.
Which cities do u plan on traveling to?
seoul first. now I have no idea. because I will spend 2 months in south America before, after that go korea, then come back Vietnam :))
This place is amazing !
hope to see better design in your next post. :))
Amazing garden @slowwalker. Maybe King Jeong Jo is just forced to be overworked because of the need to rule the greatness of Korea.
That granite gate is just marvelous as well as the garden itself as we truly get younger when we hang around it because of its beauty.
it was really an amazing gate and so beautiful pavillions in the garden, they are like the old man to tell the visitors about their stories, fantastic writing and thanks for your hard work @slowwalker. have a good journey !
Thank you for comment
Fabulous place!
Thank you for the interesting story, and the gazebo in the photo is very grace.
Great post. I love the "No getting older gate"- wish I had one! The Pavilion and garden are splendid. I have not visited Korea yet but I hope to one day. Thanks for liking my "Yakaty Yak Monkey Business" post by the way.
very nice pics dear friend
Thank you