Thunderbit is MicroHash 2.0

in #thunderbit8 years ago

Hello Steemians,

some of my followers recommended Thunderbit to me. But, they were a little late, because I have allready discovered it by myself ;)

There have been some rumors in the last time, that MicroHash and BitLake might shut down in the next couple of days. And indeed, BitLake is facing some issues since yesterday. I do think, that they are under DDoS Attacks at the moment and they didn't just turn it off:


I couldn't open the website 10 minutes ago, but when I tried it 10 seconds before it worked. You can see the time on the screenshot above. Don't give up just yet! But don't reinvest in them. You should try Thunderbit instead!

Thunderbit is another 10%er, with the huge advantage, that it's online for only 24 hours!!!!!11eleven


If you are not afraid of ponzi-schemes and if you are willing to join the ride on the scam-wave, then use Thunderbit. In 10 days you'll have your investment back. If it lasts for 30 days, then you have 20 days to make profit. I think that's more than enough.

In the next couple of days I'll do a quick guide on how to deposit BTC in to it.

Before the end I want to give you an evidence that I do not just recommend it, but have invested by myself:

So here's my dashboard:


Please use my referral-link to sign up:
You even get a 10% bonus on your first investment.

I'm out. See you soon :)



don't get in while you can LOL.

Microhash just died today. got only 56% of my investment back out.
Don't do Bitmount, Bitlake, Ambis either, they don't payout and are run by the same people.
And watch this video before you step into control finance

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What do you think of Ethereum and Antshares?

You can get better information on other platforms.. I only write about ponzi schemes and how to benefit from it

Hi @moeter. Another cashmachine? Okay, when my Microhash–investment ist finally paied out, I will follow your new proposal. Today I have halftime! Another five days, and I will be on the way of the Microhash winners. It's a great tensing game. Thank you for your advices!

@afrog yes another cashmashine, second day! so you will gain more! if it lasts :P Good luck!!

hey @moeter ich find das krass, dass du immer noch diese scam seiten bewirbs .. vielleicht erinnerst du dich, ich bin bei bitlake eingestiegen :) habe auch die auszahlung beantragt, gerade eben, aber naja ... ich warte immer noch ... und ich weiß dass da nichts kommen wird .. wieso machst du immer noch werbung für das zeug? da ist bitclub ja noch seriös dagegen ..
eig musst dit bei bitlake nurmal die payment proofs anschauen, immer die selben beträge
und meine auszahlung steht natürlich nicht da .. ich würde dich bitten für diese scam seiten keine werbung mehr zu machen, sonst könnte deine reputation drunter leider, upsi falscher account, ich bins @flurgx

Also ich habe vorhin wieder eine Auszahlung getätigt, konnte aber noch nicht verifizieren, ob sie angekommen ist. Denke dass es bei dir eher daran liegt, dass die blockchain langsam ist.

nöpe, so langsam ist die blockchain nicht, 3h dauert keine überweisung ... :D mir kommt vor die willst die leute dazu verleiten, dass sie ihr geld verlieren. warum? so viel kannst du doch an dem referal kram nicht verdienen. gar nix eigentlich, wenns keine auszahlungen gibt ... erklärs mir bitte

Ich habe an den Referrals im Gegensatz zum Ryan Berkness so gut wie überhaupt nichts verdient. Bei mir hat es auch so geklappt. Das einzige was ich mache ist hier meine Reise dokumentieren. Auf die Gefahren habe ich jedes Mal deutlich hingewiesen. Jeder ist seines eigenen Glückes Schmied.

Ryan Berkness, I think he's just a good salesman. Look at how cool and calm he sits there while paying of his "debts".
I think he just made that credit card and other loan stories up, to attract some compassion.

Very informative.

Thanks for this article. I wrote a review about It promises 10% daily payouts on your Bitcoin. Is it a scam? Find out: is a scamm webpage. They were online paying to get more investors. After 29days and another webpage with the same info and different colors and name they didn't pay anymore. They redirected the webpage at a referral link of genesis mining because from there you can get a % of new users buys in btc and withdraw it without investing any cent into cloud mining contracts. Of course, i have send an email to genesis support and made an report at the British fraud intelligence bureau. I encourage all of you to open one and give the police all the proofs you have if you were scammed by this guys. Even if microhash is down, thunderbit is up scamming people and in some weeks or less, other webpage will do the same. Google how to report a fraud online into U.K. And if you cannot find how I will be glad to help

ThunderBit is gone.
Today is the 1st Day