gnc (48)in #goodnews • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! - Project Ocean Cleanup Has North Sea Prototype Up and RunningThe Ocean Cleanup is a project initiated by 23 year old Boyan Slat from Delft (NL). When he started the project he was…gnc (48)in #news • 7 years agoGood News : First Weekly Interview Featuring @azizbd The Man behind @schoolforsdg4As we believe good news is not merely environmental or technological invention. We are now delivering weekly interview…gnc (48)in #news • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! - Africa is planting a Great Green Wall!This is one of the greatest good news in the history of the GNC and eventually in the history of mankind! Africa as a…gnc resteemednicoletta (55)in #goodnews • 7 years agoGood News! (DE) – Wundheilung mit FischhautBrasilen. Ein medizinisches Forschungsprojekt in Fortaleza untersucht eine revolutionäre Behandlungsmethode zur…gnc (48)in #goodnews • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! - Product design student from Iceland invents 100% biodegradable plastic bottlesWe all know the dilemma on our planet. The world is full of plastic, and everyday we produce more and more of it for…gnc resteemedmacchiata (70)in #gaming • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS!- French Gamers Breaking The Stereotype - A Fund Raiser Through Streaming For IRMA VictimsWho says gamer is of only capable of spending hours cursing cyka blyat, eating fries, pizza, drinking soda while also…gnc resteemedmacchiata (70)in #goodnews • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS !- An Alternative Eco-Friendly Plastic Bag Made up from CASSAVAHave you ever imagined to ever drink a plastic bag? Say no more! It's now truly possible to drink a plastic bag…gnc (48)in #goodnews • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! - Joshua Coombes - Do Something Without Condition!Joshua Coombes is a hairdresser in London. After leaving his shop, he takes his scissor, razor, comb and hairdresser´s…gnc resteemednicoletta (55)in #goodnews • 7 years agoGood News! (DE) – Tue etwas ohne Bedingung – Gratis Haarschnitt für ObdachloseJoshua Coombes ist Friseur und arbeitet in London. Wenn er den Friseursalon verlässt, hat er Rasierer, Trimmer…gnc (48)in #news • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! - Costa Rica about to ban disposable plastics until 2021It doesn't matter if it´s at the grill party in the park, the sport event, or your house party - the plastic…gnc (48)in #science • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! - International X-ray laser XFEL inauguratedThe 3.4 km long European XFEL (X-Ray Free-Electron Laser) generates extremely intense X-ray flashes and will allow…gnc resteemednicoletta (55)in #streetart • 7 years agoGood News! (DE) – Hutgeld & Straßenkunst am Karlsplatz – Buskers Festival WienBald ist es soweit, um die 100 Künstlerinnen und Künstler rund um den Globus versammeln sich 3 Tage im ersten Wiener…gnc resteemedstoodkev (69)in #news • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! Pakistani planted over a billion trees in the course of two years!Pakistan has been known for decades as one of the major Asian actors of deforestation. As a result of its land…gnc resteemedstoodkev (69)in #goodnews • 7 years agoGOOD NEWS! The Arctic Ocean’s protection went a step forward!An oil spill in the Arctic Ocean would be a huge catastrophe. The climatic conditions in the area would make a…gnc (48)in #news • 8 years agoGOOD NEWS! - Phytomining: plants are mining metal from soilWhat sound like fake news is actually true. Two scientist had an revolutionary idea: plants which are mining metal.…gnc resteemedstoodkev (69)in #news • 8 years agoGOOD NEWS! Scientists revived a Costa Rican national park using... orange peels!In 1997, researchers of the University of Pennsylvania had a brilliant idea that would lead to a win-win between a big…gnc (48)in #goodnews • 8 years agoGOOD NEWS! - 89 millions plastic bags saved in Austria aloneGood bye plastic bag! Since 2017 more and more Austrian retailers and supermarkets are banning the good old plastic…gnc resteemednicoletta (55)in #goodnews • 8 years agoGood News! (DE) – "Pfiat di Sackerl!" – 89 Millionen Plastiktüten wurden vergangenes Jahr gespartSeit Anfang 2017 wird in immer mehr österreichischen Einzelhandelsläden und Supermärkten, die gute, alte Plastiktüte…gnc resteemedmacchiata (70)in #goodnews • 8 years agoGOOD NEWS! Indonesian slums are turned into rainbow villages across the country!Img source Slum area is a major problem in most of developing nations.Not to mention, Indonesia as one of leading…gnc resteemedstoodkev (69)in #news • 8 years agoGOOD NEWS! The first Museum of Happiness will open its doors soon !The first Museum of Happiness is to open its doors this September in London, UK. To put it in its creators words, the…