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RE: Fortitude and forfeit

in #thoughts6 years ago

As long as your objective conditions aren't abusive (like working in mainstream educaction) in which case you should get out (and try and bring the system down), then suffering/ struggle is just a perfecrtly ordinary part of life... which should be embraced... it's yours and nobody elses after all!

Real objective hardship is different... famine/ insecurity/ violence etc.

I have this mental habit of seeing perpetually happy people as like children (actually more like the Eloi in HG Wells' Time Machine) - they've yet to realise the hardships of life and the meantime I tolerate them.

Posted using Partiko Android


(like working in mainstream educaction) in which case you should get out (and try and bring the system down)


then suffering/ struggle is just a perfecrtly ordinary part of life... which should be embraced... it's yours and nobody elses after all!

We have created a generation or three of reducing emotional hardships through a process of separation. Engineered happiness through avoidance.

It is something that interests me...the discnnect... millions of people thinking they can make money out of 'doing what they love'.

Actually there's a lot of people spreading that nonsense on steem.

A few people can (especially if wife/ hubby earn $60K)... 99% can't.

Posted using Partiko Android

Making money and making enough to live off is different. I feel that many people don't know what they love, only what they think they want. If they found what they were passionate about, it would likely tear then apart - unprepared for the work.

'life is suffering, get used to it...' A Peterson one liner, that changed the perspective of millions!