How to Time Travel: "Change the past"
Hello, hello beautiful soul
I hope you are having a lovely day today. Just look around you. I'm sure there is so much to be grateful for!
I recently went on a 10 day meditation course, and also finished reading The Untethered Soul (which I highly, highly recommend). And both of these experiences left a big impact on my way of thinking and seeing the world. So I'm sitting here at my desk this morning, reflecting on past events, and I had little revelation.
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The past and the future do not really exist. They are only concepts that we use in the present. So the only thing real, is the present.
Why then, are we so affected by experiences that have already occurred?

The events that have taken place in the past still affect us to today. This is because when they occurred, we resisted them -- we either rejected them and tried to push them away, or we clung to them to try and make them stay.
In either case, there is resistance.
When we resist letting events and experiences flow through us, we create blockages in our hearts that will continue to affect us in the present moment. When the present moment reminds us of those experiences, either consciously, or unconsciously, we are affected by them NOW. The blockage is re-triggered time and time again and will continue to do so unless you can learn to release the blockage.
Again, the only thing real is NOW. The present is the only moment we have. The past and the future are just concepts; ideas. But those concepts DO affect us because of how we respond to them. But our responses are in our control.
So in this way, we can change the past, because we can change how past events AFFECT us in the present moment.

So, to change the past, revisit those experiences, bring up the feelings again, and sent them love. Allow yourself to relax and release the energy surrounding them. It will probably be painful, but if you allow the feelings to rise up into your heart, and then allow it to continue to flow through and out of the heart, it will be over before you know it. You can even take a minute to re-imagine the situation, and to picture smiles on the faces of the people there. Begin to imagine a smile on your face too. This can help to soften the edges on the event, and help you to change your memory of it. And in this way, you can effectively change the past, and change how you feel today.
Furthermore, when new experiences occur, and you feel yourself tightening, clinging, or resisting the flow in any way, just breathe, relax, and allow yourself the gift of releasing. If you can do this, then the experience will pass through you quickly, and will not come up again to haunt you in the future. Just relax, and release. Relax and release.
Continue this practice and you will naturally begin to feel lighter, brighter, and much more at ease. You will come to see each and every moment as just another event that you get to experience. You will even come to love your triggers, because they will point you in the direction of further and further growth.
Experience all of the moments with pleasure and relaxed excitement.
The past doesn't have to haunt us, and we don't have to hold on to our resentment, our fear, or our triggers. We don't need to justify why we feel the way we feel or blame anyone else for what we are experiencing. We can let go. We can relax. And we can release these triggers - these burdens - from our lives. YOU have the power to do this. Just keep practicing allowing yourself to relax and release. Relax and release. Relax, and release.

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🌈 Rachel

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