Tech Report: A Brief Look at Some Interesting Gadgets and Innovations in Technology

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Image Source: Pexels
  • Automation technology has made manufacturing a quick and practically effortless job.

  • In the present day and age we have a machine to do almost everything.

The technology that exists in our world has transformed time and time again. There are things people used to do by hand exclusively that are rarely done by hand anymore. We may find our elders argue that in the old days things were much simpler and in many ways they probably were. But then you get conflicting messages for example I remember my grandparents saying that in their day, life was a lot harder.

Why exactly was that? Lets dig deeper shall we?

Well, they said that things like washing machines, mobile phones and vacume cleaners didn't exist in their youth. Things still got done, they just were done differently. Things that are simple now just to be quite complex and require a lot of human labor.

Nowadays, it seems we have a machine to do almost everything. Things we don't have a machine to do for us yet there is certainly someone working on making one! This is an exciting time to be alive indeed!

Automation technology has made manufacturing a quick and practically effortless job. In this article I'll present some fascinating machines that you've probably never heard of or seen. If you wonder how an ice-cream cone gets made, let me show you!

1. The Ice Cream Cone Maker

Who doesn't love ice cream and who doesn't love it even more when it comes in a waffle cone?

The waffle cone is an interesting sort of delicacy. Crunchy and delicious while being strong enough to hold two or even three scoops of ice cream without crumbling under pressure!

I'd have to speculate that waffle cones were around before a machine was invented to make them but they needed to be rolled by hand and that of course took skill and labor.

Image Source: Orbo

2. The Apple Peeler, Slicer and Corer.

I've been peeling, slicing and coring apples since I was a child. There's something fun about an apple, it takes a bit of work to get it ready but when you bite into its juicy goodness it all seems like its worth it in the end. But isn't it a pain to peel, slice and core your own apples?

If you are like me you may have been in a rush, popped into a supermarket and bought a packed of sliced apple that had been prepared and ready to snack on?

But have you ever thought about what goes into the process to get it ready for you? Surely there aren't people spending their days away slicing and peeling for you are there? How do they make each slice of apple so perfect?

Take a look for yourself and see how that gets done below!

Image Source: Orbo

So far I've discussed two inventions that amounted to a complete shift from human labor to automation. The waffle cone maker and apple peeler are certainly reducing the time and amount of human labor required to complete the same tasks by hand. But beyond the scope of inventions that have taken human labor out of the equation, there are also inventions that have allowed us to expand and create new possibilities. The next two inventions I will discuss aren't quite as straight forward as the apple peeler but they are both quite interesting and provide ample room for speculation.

So without further delay, I bring you an invention that before its time I have absolutely no clue if it was even possible to create a similar product...

3. The Globe Presser

How is a teacher supposed to teach geography without a globe to show their kids? Before globes people needed to resort to 2d maps which simply distort what is really going on with the world.

Before the invention of plastics and rubber products people most likely used other materials in their place to create similar objects. I would imagine that a paper globe most likely existed long before a rubber or plastic version was ever made.

Everybody loves a good globe to throw around and play dodge ball with or heaven forbid, learn geography from! This is how worlds are made!

Image Source: Discovery Channel

Now I've shown you what can be done with food and modern day consumer products. Think about the other things we do that could one day be replaced by machines.

There are some things that just seem too human to replicate or replace. Like calling your mom... Would you invent a machine to call and catch up on the happenings with your mom? I think not.

What about the age old practice of writing a letter? Nowadays we are completely caught up using email, social messanger applications or social media to keep in touch with people but a letter, now that is special, that is a sacred human affair...

Or is it?

The last invention I will show you below is quite odd indeed. Will human beings go so far as to replace the very things that make us human with lifeless machines?

I may be a bit dramatic by asking this question but the invention below definitely has me scratching my head, wondering if that could indeed be the case!

4. The Automatic Handwriter

I bring you the Automatic Handwriter!

This right here is a machine I didn't even know existed before I went on this strange and unpredictable journey to bring my readers some bizarre technological marvels! I mean, don't you think its a bit sneaky to send personalized handwritten notes that aren't personalized at all? This is taking it to the next level!

Image Source: Discovery Channel

As the world becomes more obsessed with technology we must be aware of the benefits and dangers of incorporating it into our society. These days it seems clear that there are machines at work in almost every facet of modern day life. When you buy a box of cereal from the supermarket, do you ever stop and wonder what it really is that you are buying and how it was made?

There is a story behind many of the modern day projects and gadgets we use. The complexity of modern day living almost forces us to use technology in our everyday lives or fall behind and become an outcast of society. We don't always take the time to think about where things come from and the truth is a lot stranger than we may think...

What do you think about the bizarre gadgets I've brought you above? Does this article make you appreciate your waffle cone ice cream treat more? Do you enjoy your apple more if you slice it and peel it yourself? What other sorts of new gadgets do you see being invented in coming years and decades?

Thanks for reading.

Authored by: @techblogger

Image Sources:

Discovery Channel, Orbo, Pexels

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I can't even imagine how it was years back.. You had to do all that and even more by yourself and it took way longer than it takes us today to finish tasks, such as vacuuming. I really like these inventions, I could watch this apple peeler machine all day!
There are many inventions out there that are very useful, on the other hand there are also a few that are pretty much useless, I would say that the automatic handwriter is one of these, but I'm sure that some people would love to have it! Very interesting post! :)

The innovations are a great help to we people. Technology has advanced in nearly every sector of our life. But a major side effect of these, joblessness, should be worked upon, I feel. Thanks for sharing a nice illustrative article.

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.

People are rely genous I wander how they combain those machines, the truth we have to respect who are ever do those great works. God is Great

These are awesome @techblogger. Amazing techniques