Can students bring gadgets to school?


Hi, the educators!

Digital information technology has experienced a significant development. One is the widespread use of gadgets. Almost everyone has gadgets, including students.

My students also have gadgets and they often bring gadgets to school. The use of gadgets by students at the school causes the pros and cons.

Among the pro reasoned:

  1. Students can utilize gadgets as a medium of learning in the classroom
  2. Students can contact their parents if needed
  3. Students can interact widely with other friends to discuss about school
  4. Students can get information quickly

Among the cons reasoned:

  1. Students do not focus on their classes
  2. Students can easily access negative content
  3. Students are stuck with instant learning without going through a good learning process
  4. Students who exist in social media, tend to update their activities. They may complain about their school or their teachers.

And many other reasons.

What about our school? Our school firmly forbids students from using gadgets while they are in the classroom, especially when teachers are in the classroom.

Our students tend to use gadgets for things that are not related to their lessons. For example, they are too busy with their social media accounts. They want to get recognition from their friends about their social media status. Social media often used by our students is Facebook and Instagram.

It's a phenomenon that we found when school break time progresses. Then the school issued a ban for our students to bring their gadgets while they were at school. If they bring gadgets for obvious reasons and we can accept them, then we allow these students to bring their gadgets. But, their gadgets must be submitted to their homeroom teacher. And when they get home from school, they can take back the gadget.

Unlike the boys in our school. They sit in groups holding their gadgets and play online games together. The game is a trend among them is the game MOBA, Mobile Legends Bang Bang.

I admit, the teachers are sometimes unable to monitor the use of gadgets by students. So, forbidding students to bring their gadgets to school is the right move. However, if in the classroom, there are teachers who allow students to bring their gadgets to ease learning, it is also a good choice. However, students must promise not to access content that is unrelated to their lessons.

Well, what about your school? Does your school prohibit students from carrying their gadgets or otherwise, allowing them to their gadgets?

Please comment!


I can not explain that in my school, because I do not work in school. But in my opinion, technology is like a knife, what is the use of knives according to each person. Sometimes people use knives to slice onions or peel the fruit. Some also use knives for bad deeds. I work on campus and in the faculty of communication, so technology is very important here even students are often working on internet based tasks through gadgets. In the faculty of communication sometimes the task of practicum shooting especially video journalism is done with the help of gadged. So in my opinion.

Pandangan yang bagus. Tapi untuk siswa sekolah, saya pikir, mereka belum layak membawa hp ke sekolah. Para guru tidak sanggup mengawasi mereka. Jadi, melarang siswa bawa hp merupakan keputusan yang tepat bagi kami.

Mungkin itu suatu keputusan yang tepat mengingat usia mereka masih sangat muda danyang mudah terpengaruh kearah yang kurang baikbaik.

teknologi akan berguna dan terarah jika penggunaan yg bnar.....gadget sebenarnya memberikan nilai yg positif....tpi tergantung kita memberikan ke anak niatnya apa......jdikan sebagai alat bantu dalam dia bljar...itu mnjdi barang yg cukup bermanfaat...

Terima kasih atas komentarnya

schools that make the rules forbidden to bring gadgets to the school was very good if in my opinion .. the reason is very influential to the students themselves in learning. if in school @teukumukhlis prohibit students bring the gadget is very good ..

Terima kasih atas supportnya

hello @teukumukhlis, saya menyukai postingan ini. postingan ini menceritakan bagaimana mamfaat gadgat bagi siswa antara lain :

Siswa dapat memanfaatkan gadget sebagai media pembelajaran di kelas
Siswa dapat menghubungi orang tua mereka jika diperlukan
Siswa dapat berinteraksi secara luas dengan teman-teman lain untuk berdiskusi tentang sekolah
Siswa dapat memperoleh informasi dengan cepat

ok baiklah. salam kenal saja dari @sipildanarsitek

@teukumukhlis Personally, I think that kids spend enough time stuck in front of technology when at home. There should be absolutely no need for them to have these things at school too. The only gadget my son has is his smart watch on his wrist and the tablet it is linked to stays at home, so it serves no other purpose or distraction other than telling the time.

Right! At school, gadgets have a negative impact. They do not focus during the teaching and learning process. I once found a student who was playing a gadget when I was teaching. I took the gadget and advised the student.

I do agree. It is VERY counter productive.

Entry of gadgets in School should be prohibited. School is the place when student learn the art of discipline, communication skill with fellow students and teachers. These gadgets may kill those things so in my 2 cent opinion school strictly follow the simple rule to keep their pride high isn't it @teukumukhlis

Good points! Thank you

At in my school never give students to brings gadget because this can make students lazy to study, heheh aleuh nyo menan b.ingris kwwkwk

Ka beutoi nyan

For those of us who are in Islamic boarding scholl, carrying gadgets is a 'big sin' whatever the reason. In the student disciplinary movement book, carry the gadget in a special breach whose punishment is haircut and parent calling.

No,.they can't..
We are not living in a well attitude country where almost all the teenagers/students have wrong behavior. The school wont be able to control the use of gadget in the right way. Even the parents got many problems faced with their children at home because of gadged use..

Bang mukhlis, nyoe lon eminem, atas saran droeneh bak warkop dekmi banda aceh, ka lon gabong bak steemit, tulong neuperno lon trik-trik yang na bak steemit.. trima kasih