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RE: Can students bring gadgets to school?

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

I can not explain that in my school, because I do not work in school. But in my opinion, technology is like a knife, what is the use of knives according to each person. Sometimes people use knives to slice onions or peel the fruit. Some also use knives for bad deeds. I work on campus and in the faculty of communication, so technology is very important here even students are often working on internet based tasks through gadgets. In the faculty of communication sometimes the task of practicum shooting especially video journalism is done with the help of gadged. So in my opinion.


Pandangan yang bagus. Tapi untuk siswa sekolah, saya pikir, mereka belum layak membawa hp ke sekolah. Para guru tidak sanggup mengawasi mereka. Jadi, melarang siswa bawa hp merupakan keputusan yang tepat bagi kami.

Mungkin itu suatu keputusan yang tepat mengingat usia mereka masih sangat muda danyang mudah terpengaruh kearah yang kurang baikbaik.