ADHD- The "monster" of the childhood age. - @mariaentela
Hello Steemians,
It has been such a long time since my last post here on Steemit. Between trainings with my sister @annadeda and my work, I haven't had much time do seat down and write. Today one of my students has fallen sick and so I found the opportunity to catch up and post on Steemit. So today I decided to write about another pathology which is called Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.
It is called attention deficit and it is described as a disorder of neuro-psychic development. This "monster" of the childhood age is often defined as ADHD .

The truth about this pathology is that we know so little about it, that there aren't any exact parameters of judgmental to label or not the children who show these symptoms. Whether it is wrong diagnosis or not, it is impossible to deal with the smallest detail in the world around us, so it is not easy to manage someone's life when it comes to this symptoms.
Our conscious mental activity is focused and oriented on several elements, aspects or stimuli, by a psychic function which is called attention. There are a wide variety of levels to the capacity to attention and they depend the surroundings, social conditions, our moods, as well as our age.
Therefore we can certainly state that the lack of concentration can occur as a result of variation, digression or even a fundamental alteration of that mental activity we mentioned above. In the event that the motivation or the interest in an object or a subject isn't there, we can easily notice the lack of concentration. Equally important is for us to mention that the symptom we called lack of concentration may have many causes and is recognized by its association with a large number of other disorders, such as when we when we lose our memory for short period of time, when we struggle to develop a concept in a clear manner, as well as when we find it difficult to formulate words or even to listen to them.
The roots of the difficulty in concentration are found in virus neurological diseases such as Alzheimer. Moreover it may occur in the cases when a person have got iron deficiency, in other words anemia. Apart from this is one of the psychic facts of depression disorders and it is certainly sure that it depends on the quality and quantity of sleep or stress. Not to mention intoxication from alcohol and chronic drug use decrease the ability to concentrate. Another fact is that several drugs, for example anxiolytics, can present side effects such as lack of concentration.
As it has been noticed, the inability of concentration of a child can occur due to intestinal parasites. This fact usually results in sleep disorders, restlessness and enuresis. Furthermore in the early age the lack of paying attention is one of the most common symptoms ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorders), which is usually associated with excessive aggression impetuous behavior, impulsivity and also lack of discipline.
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