How To Get Your Article Noticed On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

How to write good content, use proper tags and get your article read by more people on steemit. I have seen people ask "how do I get my article noticed" quite often and decided to write an article on it.

I have been studying everything I can find on steemit since I joined. I am no expert by any means but I figure that I will share what I have learned so far.

I have been on steemit a month and at the time of this writing, I have 150 followers and have written over 1,800 posts. I have a reputation of 57 and have 479 steem power.

First of all - if you are here to turn over a quick buck, look elsewhere. This is a community where hard work pays off. So many people come here looking for easy money and get discouraged when they do not find it.

You are going to have to work hard at this and it will take a long time.

Write good quality content. Write about something you are interested in. Write only original content. Do not simply copy and paste articles from the internet or you will get flagged for it.

If you do talk about an existing article, use your own words to summarize the content or share what you liked about it and then cite the original link. This will keep you from getting flagged.

Now on to the meat of things


The title of your article is the first thing that is going to be seen. You want your title to stand out and grab people's attention. Get to the point but make it interesting.

The next thing they are going to see is the first sentence you write.

Just about the length of the sentence above. I have italicized it so you can see about how much you have to work with. This is very valuable real estate. Use it wisely. The first sentence should summarize the article but be catchy enough to make people want to read more. Spend some time working on this. I generally edit my first sentence after I have finished writing my article.

When you write an article you can use the Markdown Styling Guide which is right under the editor to pretty up your article. A nice looking article will get more views.

Use images in your article. Articles with an image will be noticed more often and will increase your chance of being noticed.

Use the proper tags (categories) for your article. I spend at least 5 minutes searching for the proper tags to use for each article. The first tag you use is the most important one. This will be the main category where your article shows up.

Study the top tags and find the ones which fit your article best. The tags are found on the left side of the screen when you view any of the above links "trending" "new" "hot" or "promoted". Scroll to the bottom and hit View all tags..

This will bring up a list of all the most popular tags along with the amount of views per tag and the value of each one in steem given out.

It is not advisable to make up your own tags unless you do not want to be noticed.

I also write up my tags after I finish writing my article. In this way I can consider what I have written and find the best fitting tags.

Tips To Grow Your Blog

This is a social networking site where you are rewarded for posting articles and comments. So go ahead and leave comments on other articles that interest you as well. If you find something you like, give them a vote too.

Writing articles, commenting and voting will eventually gain you more reputation (there is a lot more to it but I am keeping it simple). As people vote on your work, you will also start to earn some steem and grow your reputation. Basically the more you write, the more likely someone will vote on your content and your reputation will grow.

Browse the articles written by other people. Look for people with a lot of followers and who get consistently large payouts on their articles. Study their articles and writing style. Study how the they engage with the viewers. Learn from them and apply what you learn to your own blog.

But be patient. It will take a while for you to get that large. It takes persistence and dedication.

Comments Help You Grow

I come from YouTube where interacting with people ads value to your channel. The more comments you have, the more value your video has and the higher it will rank.

But one more detail that is important is that you can use comments to grow your channel. The same thing applies here.

Look for related articles. You have your own writing style and subject matter. Read posts with related content. Leave a comment on their article which fits what they wrote about. If you like pizza and are reading a post about pizza, then share your experiences with pizza.

Quite likely people are going to see your comment and some will follow you.

Do not spam other people's articles. Leave a comment that fits their content. Do not ask people to follow you or to read something you wrote. This is frowned upon and will not help you at all.

I hope this helps some people out there and answers some questions.

One More Thing

If you like what I write, please do follow me and watch for more articles about steemit as I learn more myself.

That, in itself, is another tip. Ask people to follow you and let them know there is more to come.

I generally share articles about homesteading and off grid living on a daily basis. If this interests you as well, please do follow.

Thank you for reading.

P.S. You will likely see a bunch of trolls harassing me in the comments and leaving some pretty nasty stuff. They try to turn people away from me because I blocked them on YouTube. Do not engage the trolls for your own safety. Please try to ignore the filth.


this is very helpful and educative, thank you dear.
but am a kind of confuse here, towards the ending of the second to the last subheading, you said we should not ask people to follow us, but in the first paragraph in the last subheading titled: one more thing, you ask people to follow you if they like you post and needs more of it,
is this not contradicting?
i need a response please because am confuse

Oh, I am sorry if that was confusing.

I meant do not comment on other people's blogs and ask for them to follow you. That is not proper etiquette.

But you can ask for people to follow you on your own blog articles.

its alright dear, thanks for the clarification

Well everyone - After just 7 hours - I have received 342 views on this article

I guess this article did get a lot of views.

Its just a good thing I did not write an article on how to make a lot of money. lol

Yeah, why don’t you write an article on how to ebegg for money and goods? You should include a bit on paying taxes on 10’s of thousands of dollars worth of stuff you’ve been gifted over the years. You haven’t paid those taxes and are facing an audit from the IRS which could land you in prison. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes.

First, you cant spell.

Second, you have no idea what I do or don't do.

Third, claiming it as fact that I have not paid my taxes is criminal defamation of character

Good morning Troy!
First: I can spell, sometimes I make a typo. Sorry I’m not perfect and never do anything wrong like you lol.
Second: I have a fair idea.
Third: You lie about so much that it’s a good bet that you’ve been committing tax fraud.
Fourth: Stop lying.
Does that clarify things, buddy?

You can't read, or comprehend your one to talk reid.

Yes we are claiming you don't pay your taxes, and guess what if nothing else, you get a AUDIT...


Care to explain the following?

Looks to me like you got in trouble for not paying state taxes in NY.

Looks like it was paid.

Bet it's real nice for you to see Doc again TR although I thought you where a tiny bit rude fading his comments out.
Looks like he's around to stay, maybe next time you could be a bit a more freindly.
Any idea why he's suddenly just come back?

Oh, you find it rude that I grayed out his spammy comments on my own blog?

Interesting. Should I just do the same to him?

Or no - you would not like that with your double standards now would you?

You are up early on here should be sharing time with your wife and family. Your not on the road coming to meet me in Tampa tonight, was looking forward to it.

The little man is very quiet today, has something shaken him?
Not packing to evaluate to the Philippines are we Troy, it would be one of your better ideas if you were.

Reid What is it like to be so loved ?

He would not know he bought and other people paid for his wife

Looks like it was paid under duress. How many people need a court judgement to pay their taxes?

@jackhoffmann, Only criminals like @thediyworld require the court system to demand responsibility and resolve.

Which family member bailed you out that time Turks, you Mom again.
How many more have you had Turks, not as law abiding as you make out are you scammer boy.
The eyes of the world are on you now little man just like you Narcissus like it.
The eyes of the world are waiting, waiting to see you fall!

But you failed to pay it, wonder what else you failed to pay

guess you'll figure it at at your AUDIT

I dont even remember that. I must have paid it or they would have got me. I never said I was perfect. Mistakes happen. I paid it. Looks like it shows right on the paper

You know your make more money if you added the phrase " Would you like fries with that? " but them again your the tard and your job is to wipe tables and take out the trash, kinda like at home.

You didn't mention creating a second SteemIt account and voting up your own content!?

Thats a pretty helpful "tip" no?

@diy-electronics and @thediyworld are both yours. They're both your channels on YouTube as well. I felt this needed to be pointed out seeing the topic of your post today. Thats really all I came in to say.

And before you think about unjustifiably flagging me for stating this fact. Be aware that I'll take it up with @steemcleaners or some of the people on or whomever takes these "terms of use" multiple acct. and flag abuse issues seriously.

I'm still new here but I'll find out just how things are done if you force my hand

Thanks for reading

they are both free accounts and he is only allowed to have one free account. please do report him.

Troy also used his wifes information to open the DIY-electronics and she by law is not allowed to work with out a green card, so he broke the law yet again.

You are just reaching and setting me up for crimes I did not commit. Any words from you cannot be trusted.

You are trying to get me audited with the IRS (bragging here on steemit).

You are trying to get my wife deported (bragging about it on steemit)

You are trying to get our baby taken away (bragging about it on steemit)

Your credibility is zero

He actually has 3 accounts
All created by the do it yourself world.
Let's help keep steemit a good community and report those who don't play fair.

@mytechtrail is not one created by the diyworld-I stand corrected.

I was actually advised on steemit chat to start a new account and start blogging on there because of the horrible, constant harassment I receive from trolls here.

Why should that bother you?

I am getting 7 to 10 down votes by their multiple accounts on literally every single thing I do.

I am one person.

Do you think that is fair?

What are the names of the people on that advised you to do this, if I might ask?

I would like to be crystal clear on the "terms of use" here on SteemIt because if this is indeed the case, as you have stated, then people should know the sky-is-the-limit on free accts.

Thanks for reading

Troy Reid will not post that information because its a figment of his imagination, he is a certified lair...

Anything you read or watch that he posts please take it like a grain of salt. He lies, everything he does is not the way a professional would do...

And if you make him mad he will call you a troll and call it harassment

Thank you for your post

Nothing on steemit is hidden. You dont get that do you?

It was an open discussion on steemit chat. I dont remember the names. It was long ago. You can browse for the talk yourself if you like.

Why the open hostility to me? I am just sharing blogs of our daily lives on the homestead and what I learn here about steemit.

I am being openly harassed by multiple accounts - which anyone can clearly see.

Do you think it is fair that they down vote literally everything I do?

There is no moderator or blocking on here.

I am on my own.

Do you find it is fair that they down vote literally everything I do?

You are on my blog. You do not like me - that is fine.

You remaining here and openly harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal

Please cite the statute that makes pointing out your complete failure at everything you do is a crime...

Sir, I am NOT being "openly hostile" to you. I'm quite pleasant actually.

As a matter of fact I'm going to terminate this conversation with you at this time. SMH

see I told you Troy Reid ( thediyworld ) was rude... don't take it personal its like that with everyone, we call him a prick for a reason

He has been hanging with you guys too long.

Everything on steemit is in the open for all to see.

I just learned to down vote today. I will start down voting your comments every time you lie about what you have shown in your videos. See, this is the reason I don't have a youtube channel and prostitute myself and family on steemit. It looks very bad for you troy. Remember everything you say is recorded for all time on here and will probably bite you in the ass on a daily basis as it has in the past.

I do not cross post or cross comment on my two blogs. I keep them separate.

They are separate accounts.

They have different content. Unrelated to one another.

On THIS blog I am teaching people what I have learned about writing good content and how to rank your content higher.

Please read it and apply it to your own blog.

You are not doing too bad for being new yourself.

Now now. I said "I do not cross post or cross comment on my two blogs".

But you down vote literally everything I do with 10 accounts. Is that fair?

Let us level the playing field a bit, what do you think?

Oh, I you believe it is proper for you to circumvent the rules everyone here agreed to "play by" by creating a second freee account using who's credentials? Melanies perhaps?? You say you see as "criminal harrassment" (which it is not...check the laws TR) that several (scratch that), many others who have singular accounts and are aware of your lying/scamming ways and are only pointing out your lies and scams so others are not taken-in by your skullduggery...interesting...and you SAY you are a Christian??!!

Another new troll account created just to harass me.

THAT is not good for the community.

"Even the barn wood I've got sold." --Troy Reid, March 4, 2017

And you obviously cannot read. I said I did not cross post or comment.

Read it.

No, you said you keep both accounts separate...

Why don't you go buy more fake subs on YouTube...

How many of you guys cannot read?

Read my comment at face value.

Reid Are you lying again again again again again again !!!

You guys down vote literally everything I do with your multiple accounts. Is that fair?

Not from what i have seen they actually work together... one posts and the other one up votes

What are you guys doing? There are 10 to 15 of you doing that to me.

Is that fair?

We are doing what you asked us to do.
To come here and have fun and make money . were you lying about that also. ?

You guys are harassing me on my own blog. I dont come to yours and bother you guys at all.

Thank you, I try to make decent content for SteemIt, its a nice place

However, you did not address my question

having and upvoting using free accts

Also, who advised you. I find it hard to get official documentation beyond the FAQ here on SteemIt and I would like to find out other things, unrelated to this. This too, but I also have other questions.

You never have valid questions other than ways to harass myself and my family.

If I could block people who were harassing me, it would be a non issue.

But they give me 9 to 10 down votes on everything I do.

I am one person.

What would you advise in that situation?

Look at the junk in that pic. I bet all that old crappy furniture that came with the place stinks from years on sitting empty.

You know what's funny?

An inside joke.

I KNEW you would put this up for yourselves!!!

Not since the one that was friend with sucks members for so long came out with a family to spy out my land.

I dont trust people anymore.

I guess I can thank you guys for that at least.

What would I advise? Find another occupation. If your content was that valuable and IF you were succeeding in your SteemIt campaign, you would have a lot more people rising to your defense. Unfortunately for you the proof is in the pudding. You need to begin to read the tea leaves, Troy.

How do I down vote? I need to try that as I find all of troy's content lies and misleading such as him claiming to be 95% off grid when he is 100% on grid except for 2 shacks out back which don't count.

@troyreidlies In the upper right hand corner of each post or comment is a little flag with a minus next to it. If you click it will down vote the comment or post and then turn red. So now you know. Enjoy!

Thanks, I want to help troy just like he has helped so many other people he has crossed paths with. Wait, nevermind

Well, I have been paying the bills on this job for 5 years and still going.

Dont know why it bothers you.

Who bought your cars and trucks? Mommy and Daddy. Who paid for your subscriber paid bride to come to the US? Who bought her clothes once she got here? Who gave you tons of gifts to help you make a go of the lifestyle? What do you pay troy? McDonalds take out?

Actually none of that is any of your business.

If you read my prior reply you'll see I've chosen to terminate this discussion with you

Yes, sorry. I had replied before I saw your comment. Have a nice day.

That is what is called your past catching up with you. It comes back to you 9 to 10 fold. Your an evil SOB Reid

I would love to share what I learn with anyone who is interested.

What you have learned? Are you serious? You are the jack of all trades, master of none. There is literally nothing you do well. Your websites are a mess and look like crap. You gardens NEVER succeed. Your animals suffer. Your construction projects look like crap. You never finish what you say you are going to finish. About the only thing you do remotely well is make Bedini motors, which 99.9999999% of your viewing audience has absolutely no desire to duplicate. My gosh Troy...WAKE UP.

Still eating from last year's garden and still canning the harvest from this year. Check.

Been off the grid and on YouTube 5 years. check.

Animals are healthy and better than commercial. check.

Projects hold up for years and I get compliments on YT. check.

Wont even go into listing finished projects. The entire electronics shop is off the grid along with the wood shop. That is huge in itself.

The gardens you call a failure. And on and on.

Dont care how many or few want to duplicate the Bedini motor since I am doing it on request by the few.

I am doing fine I think.

Thank you

Compare your gardens to your neighbors, Troy. They look like crap. You lose more food than you gain. There is NOT a net profit from your gardens. And just because you claim to still be eating from your harvest last year doesn't mean it is true because you have NEVER shown anything to prove that, have you? Living off grid? Cut the nonsense, Troy. You never had solar power in your house of much use. You REFUSED to show your system because you couldn't. And then in the end when the heat was on you pivoted and said, "Oh, I'm tearing out the old system so I can't show you any more." No? You can't show us the inverter you used? The charge controller? The way you ran the cord into the house and and how you distributed power in the house? Bullshit Troy, you effing liar. You have NOT completed your coop. You have NOT completed your greenhouse. You have NOT completed insulating your sheds. You have NOT completed your underground greenhouse. You have NOT completed the 2nd video to Patreon you promised before the end of October. NOTHING is completed. NOTHING you do is done well. You are not an expert at ANYTHING except begging for money and help from your family.

Well, that just proves that there is no point in my arguing with you.

No matter what I say or show, you will deny it.

I have never begged for money. Not one time. Never.

And that makes you are criminal by slandering me.

We know your history with animals. You lied about the fate of the turkeys the other day, they died, for some reason, yet you said you had sold them. What happened to the goldfish in the “greenhouse”?

I sold my birds. You were not there so you cannot know. I still had a lot of birds when we were leaving so I sold them. I did not lie about that.

Same with the other animals you keep saying are dead.

Again, I am being down voted by multiple accounts which were created with the sole intent of harassing me.

I had to do something.

I am here to blog and have a good time. I am learning and studying all I can about steemit.

I love steemit.

What do you think of the people who have accounts with the sole purpose of harassing me?

I dont think it is fair do you?

@thediyworld. I commented on your electronics blog first to make a point, then I down voted your crap WHEN YOU down voted my comments with BOTH of your accounts!
Up until then, I never hit the flag.
You're welcome.

See Reid, you continue to screw with people.
Not very Christian of you.

YOU are the one that doesn't know how to "play fair" as you complain.
But that's what criminals do.

Your down votes are on all my comments and posts. You were harassing me from the day you created the account.

You cannot hide or lie on here.

@thediyworld ”You cannot hide or lie on here.“
Ha, you’ve been lying constantly on here, 12 hours a day for weeks!

He makes a paupers living sitting down playing on steemit all day. Under 600 in a month and thats fake money he will never see since its a ponzi scheme. 600$ divided by a months work time at 12 hours a day means he makes a whopping $2.40 an hour on steemit but thats money he will never see. But he has the time since Blip Ling supports herself and the baby by actually doing work and cooking and working in the garden and cooking for you 3 meals a day.

Reid YOU can't hide and lie here.
It is called fact checking
The sins of your past are now biting you in the ass.

Reid has a warning for everyone at the end of these posts for you to "not engage the trolls for your own safety".

However, it is Reid who has made threats of violence in his blogs,
to use a shotgun against a member here,
and intimidating members by saying they would "pee their pants" if confronted by Reid and
a "punch in the nose" will end the bullying.

You have nothing to fear except for the writings and deceptions of Mr. Reid.

The internet bully that will censor free speech that does not agree with his agenda.

I make no threats of violence. I am peaceful and you twist words and put things out of context to fit your own agenda.

Then you call it "truth".

What garbage.

Get a life.

Leave my family alone.

@thediyworld, You said here, "I make no threats of violence". YOU threatened Steemit member @oldcodge with "a 12 gauge" shotgun, implying deadly use of force.

You intimidated ME yesterday with your statements about how you as a high school child, used "one punch to the nose to end the bullying",
If I saw you face to face "I would piss my pants" implying that you are a one punch tough guy.

YOU are the Bully Reid.

You don't like the truth about you being told.

You can't block and ban them here like a child not getting his way,
so you lie some more.

now your putting words in my mouth, really lets see your proof...

You on the other hand know my address. You know my name. You know everything about me.

I invite you to man up and come see me face to face with empty hands.

No more running around vandalizing my property under cover of darkness.

Come here, you know where I live, and face me like a real man.

(But you wont. Trolls are cowards and hide under cover of the night)

@thediyworld. I have never stepped foot, ran around, or vandalized your property in MI or NY.

You NEVER, EVER had or shown ANY PROOF of anything being vandalized or trespassed Ever!
Even with all your game cameras and surveillance system.

Now, Again, YOU are taunting me with your statement of "But you won't, trolls are cowards and hide under the cover of night"

You have crossing the line Again Reid.

Showing your true colors!

YOU ARE INVITING me to your residence Reid,
to "man up face to face" with you?
You are giving me permission to enter your property and use my "empty hands" on you?

Yes, you are invited to come to see me face to face with no weapons.

During daytime. NOT under cover of darkness lurking around.

@thediyworld, Sounds like the making of another "sit down Drama" video that you can exploit for sympathy and donations.

Hey errbody, watertower is coming to get me at anytime, but only during the daytime though.

Ha ha!

All we do is show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not like us or believe us simply leave

Harassing us online and in the real world like this is criminal.

I openly accept your invitation to come see you at your home in Michigan troy reid. Just give me a date and time and I will be happy to oblige. Just leave the info in a comment on any of my threads here on steemit. It would be my honor to come for a visit. Again thank you so very much for this gesture ;)

As to the rest - the words of a troll.

You put your name out there and your address, your the dumbass

no one has been to your property from .sucks but Rob and you refuse to press charges, that makes you a moron.

plus it was not your property ot was the suckers that bought your shit house on wheels, and they gave him permission to look around and take what ever he wanted. so actually you have no case and no proof.

queers make shit up we know how you are Troy the bend over boy

Actually no - we moved from New York to Michigan to avoid the harassment and vandalism from you guys.

You guys had our address posted all over the internet before we had the moving vehicle empty.

Its all out in the open so dont even try to deny it.

And we did NOT give out our address. It was filed with the county on the mortgage though.

But you had to find out where.

Shows how dedicated to harassing us in the real world you guys are.

You know, I may have just faded into the background if you guys had not taken up harassment on us at the new property.

But since you posted our address all over the place - well - I have nothing more to lose.

Cant move again.

You never proved vandalism, you lived in the woods pissed off your neighbors and shit in the woods and you don't think your neighbors weren't pissed off?

You posted pictures on the internet and dared people to find your address, and with the pictures posted it took a total of 30 seconds... your not too smart but you are really dumb for taunting people.

My god dumbass we found you through Realtor sites...

Dedication took 30 seconds to google it... you dared us and you were found, if you never posted the table or the light you would never have been found but you were gloating and look where it got you.

sure you can move again but your next place will have bars, it will be small approx 9x9 and you might get a roommate too, and sleep on a bunk bed... and once he finds out your into bung-shafting you'll be a hit with all the guys on your cell block.

Actually I get along quite well with my neighbors.

And the town and the sheriff and everyone else.

Oh I love a small town community :)

Unless you are referring to your friends calling in complaints and pretending to be my neighbors.

In which case, all I can say is that people here are not as easily swayed as in NY

Again, you twist and perfert words and take things out of context.

Oldcodge says he lives in the UK. He says he is disabled. I was talking about protecting my truck from vandalism.

Now unless oldcodge comes here to the USA in his wheel chair to destroy my truck I do not believe he is in any danger from me.

I don't say I'm disabled, I am disabled, and I don't use a wheelchair, moron. Whatever gave you that idea?

You didn't know my location when you issued your threat.

Oh, and I reported you to Oscoda county police. They agreed that it read like a threat.

You're on their radar, Troy. I'm surprised you haven't heard from them. Or maybe you have?

@thediyworld. SEE! I was correct, again.

Your babble above regarding your account of your comments to @oldcodge was wrong.

It was all After The Fact Knowledge.

Troy does have a nasty case of verbal diarrhea, he opens his mouth and shit pours out

its all on the block chain. Its all in his list of comments. Anyone can see for themselves.

Every comment he ever made:

You cannot hide and lie on here. I love that!!!

@thediyworld "It's all in the blockchain, it's all in the blockchain".


Say or say. Whatever. You play with word games. I dont know you. I dont know a thing about you but what you post on my blog.

This is Michigan. They are not going to bother us here.

Not like in New York where you used the authorities to harass us to no end.

Let them come and I will show them the original comments. But I highly doubt they will.

Its not NY anymore.

@thediyworld, This info you learned about him (@oldcodge) was After The Fact of your threatening statement and does not mean shit!

Nice try!

Actually no oldcodge shared the information that he was moderator of sucks forum. He said he was in the UK and he said he was disabled.

Then came the discussion about the truck.

It is very easy for anyone to see.

Look up any person's name using

You can see every single thing they ever did - in the order they did it.

It is quite revealing really.

I made no threat. It was a discussion about how the police do not help when someone vandalized the truck.

I said I would have to protect my truck myself.

Anyone who felt threatened by that must be breaking the law.

Odd that you guys feel threatened.

Do you not like it when I defend my property?

This is not New York where you can run all over me and I am not allowed to protect my home, property or family.

And here I am in Michigan.

Different rules.

Odd that you feel threatened by me saying I would protect my truck in my own yard.

Does it upset you that you cannot run all over me unhindered anymore?

Aww, thats too bad.

And anyone wanting to see the original and full conversation with its full context can see it for themselves there.

Steemit is an open system. Nobody can hide here or deny anything they said here.

And its part of the block chain. A permanent record.

You cannot go back and confuse the timeline of things here.

@thediyworld, Again, not true. YOU deny facts all the time here!

You said you make "no threats of violence",
Yet you just denied it admitting the Codge incident!

You just can't keep your lies straight Reid!

Facts are you are harassing me here on my own blog.

You threatened the nice old guy Codge, man your a asshole Troy, hope the police find your ass

Unless codge is coming here to vandalize my truck then he is no danger of what we were talking about.

I was saying how the police did not help when someone vandalized the truck I will have to defend it myself.

Odd that it riles you guys up so badly that I can defend our property here in Michigan huh

You cant just run around the place and wreak havoc like in New York where a man cannot defend his property.

Makes you mad huh

We have a life, were here to out you as the fraud and con man you are

We did nothing to your family you however put your wife and child in danger with your antics, it has nothing to do with us

For anyone interested in how these people are putting my family in danger, read this:

actually if you want the truth and not lies go it http;//

Come in grab a cookie sit down and enjoy the read

Your "truth" is a warped nest of lies posted in a pit if vipers.

All we do is show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not like us or believe us simply leave

Harassing us online and in the real world like this is criminal.

leave the internet and guess what we are gone...

oh wait you will be leaving once you are convicted of tax fraud and immigration fraud, thats years behind bars...

you need to go a cases of soap on a rope

Who gives you the right to tell me where to work?

I am on my own blog.

You are harassing me here on my blog.

All the crimes you guys set me up for through the years failed.

You think this will be any different?

Never harassed but told the Truth, just cause you you dont know what words mean does not mean you can just throw them around.

Copy does not mean recreate, and you never looked it up, you just played ignorant.

I did NOT forge IRS documents as you say.

Melanie did NOT break any laws as you say.

Or baby is NOT in any danger as you say.

I did NOT start a forest fire as you guys say.

I did NOT do any of the crimes you guys have been turning me in for all these years.

We simply show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe us - that is fine.

If you do not like us - that is fine.

But to remain here and harass us online and in the real world is criminal.

We watch the videos its free entertainment till you put your family in danger, then we call the right people...

We are not harassing you, you just dont like it when people tell you the right way of doing things and you get mad and call them a troll

My family is in no danger. We have invited an in house nurse to visit us every two weeks. She sees how we live. She looks into the care of the baby and Melanie.

If she was alarmed in anything she would report it to the proper authorities.

Actually we invited her in part because you guys are reporting us for fraudulent claims.

I figured we would trump you and invite her here first.

And repeatedly.

You have not given one single piece of valid advice to me since you joined steemit.

Steemit is open for anyone and everyone to see what you do.

Anyone can look at your comments and see the hate and open harassment for what it is.

This is not your beloved sucks website where you can hide and ban people or go to a private place to plot and plan.

Everything here is in the open for all to see.

hate, no

I love you Troy i dislike you being a fraud and a conman...

I'm a christian and dont judge but i know you'll have alot of explaining to do on your judgement day.

Like calling yourself a christian but not practicing what you preach... you might want to read the child version of the bible since you have problems understanding adult intelligent words. you can't comprehend adult conversation maybe try reading the children version, start small and grow.

We make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

This is my blog.

You are harassing me on my blog.

You are trying to set up myself and my family for crimes we did not commit.

Enough said.

Freedom of speech ends when it impinges on another person's rights.

Harassing someone online and offline in attempt at destroying their family - getting the husband in jail - getting the wife deported - and getting the baby taken away - is criminal.

@thediyworld, See, ther you go again. Listen, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILIY to be TRUTHFUL to begin with. When you continue to NOT be truthful, and someone one uses their First Amendment Rights point out or asking questions about YOUR lies, deceptions and behavior,
and YOU Block them from speaking,
YOU are infringing on their rights.

So now that you can no longer delete or block those people,
YOU twist your narrative and play the victim here to your new audience.

The only thing criminal is YOUR Fraud.

We simply show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe us - that is fine.

If you do not like us - that is fine.

But to remain here and harass us online and in the real world is criminal.

You were the one that made up a fraudulent IRS report...

You have your wife working with out a green card...

You are the criminal, yet you blame it on us...

You openly broke federal laws, and you want people to forget about it, really...

Your parents really dropped you on your head hard when you were a baby...

Or your parents never taught you right from wrong... it seems you block this out in every post, Maybe you have a learning disability... or your just really stupid

No - actually I have screen prints right here on this site that you made up fraudulent IRS reports.

You are trying to get my family in trouble for crimes we did not commit.

I have broken no laws.

We simply show daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you do not like us, there is not reason to stay. There is a huge world outside your mommy's basement.

Get outside.

Go play in a park for a change.

No I did not and next thing you have to do is prove its me, We can prove that you recreated your forged IRS records and sent them to immigration cause you made a video of it.

YOU ADMITTED YOU RECREATED IRS RECORDS...on a video, are you freaking stupid not to realize that you broke the law on a video on youtube?

You may show free videos but YouTube pays you for those videos and you have to pay tax on the videos and the taxes on the donations and the gifts.

Sound like you have been playing on the freeway

recreate = exact copy.

Tell that to IRS and immigration dept, and watch them laugh at you

Oh we may get audited. But when I pass with flying colors, I am going to show them your plotting and planning against me all these years.

They will be right here in my living room.

I will show them your plans to destroy us using the IRS to harass an innocent family.

Troy, you need to look in a dictionary your just proving your ignorance otherwise

And you have no knowledge of what I do or do not do on my taxes.

Interfering with my life and using the IRS to harass us is criminal.

Well I have no problem making a report and sending it in, and its free the IRS welcomes it,

Plus you admitted that you did not have the copies to IRS records and you were going to recreate them not copy but recreate, that also means FORGE. which is illegal... and you were going to sent them to IMMIGRATION, just lying to them you can void your forms, but you openly admitted you lied by saying recreate... now if your wife gets deported, thats all on you... Its was your actions that did it...

Now You have Melanie working with out a green card, you know you just don't think... that can be deportation just there, and funny thing is she is your employee, thats the funny thing...

You never read the immigration paper work

She never read the immigration paper work

That makes 2 dumbasses now knowing what is right or wrong till its to late...

I wont miss you while your in jail, and your wife is deported... and I hope the baby find new smart parents

most sad examples of men who buy brides from third world countries end up supporting her whole family. troy is probably an embarrassing joke to them and probably asks them for help in supporting his wife. But then he is an idiot. Remember the bridal registry where he put down things he wanted? Who does that? troy that's who

Anyone can now see for themselves that you twist meanings to fit your own agenda.

You turn us in for crimes we did not commit in hopes that something sticks.

One day the authorities will tire of this game and turn on you.

post them please show the people on here how dumb you are...

Just cause you say the are fraudulent does not mean they are.

Its going to be up the Immigration and the IRS to figure out, if they want to press charges than the charges are good as far as they are concerned

and same thing, you go to jail, and lose the house, wife gets deported, and baby finds a new family

When they come to audit us I will show them your plans to harass us using the IRS.

The IRS can and will find out who you really are.

I dont think they will be happy to find that you used them to harass an innocent family

I'm not throwing you in jail your actions are putting you there.. and you had your wife working with no green card, thats your doing not us...

your the criminal not us... we are law abiding people... you the tax fraud, the immigration fraud

We have done nothing, but bust a gut laughing cause your so ignorant and keep breaking laws...

All your videos you did something illegal... you were just caught grow a set... take responsibility
and say good bye to your wife and child as you go to jail, your wife is deported and your child goes to live with smarter people

You have no evidence of any such crimes yet you turn me in.

That is criminal harassment.

You use the authorities to harass an innocent family.

LOL, your not innocent, not by a long shot

and the authorities will know how to deal with a snake like you

Well now you must really stop and think sometimes.

I mean somewhere deep in the dark recesses of your mind you must realize that I am innocent of all claims against me.

After turning me in for 100s of crimes through the years I am still a free man.

You must wonder - hmm, maybe he is innocent.

Or you are just too warped to care and just want to destroy an innocent family.

well back in 2014 you forgot to pay your state taxes and don't deny it, we have proof... now if you did not pay state it makes me think you did not pay federal

Troy you showed a video of Melanie wood burning your logo on pallet wood coasters FOR SALE on your website. That is called work. It is illegal for Melanie to work.

And here they come. Like flies on poop they swarm in spreading their hate filled version of "truth" and deception in hopes of turning people against me.

I would like the other message said, I would piss my self laughing at him... look at his face one side is lower than the other side.

Troy are your parents brother and sister?

funny thing, Troy turned away someone with question, and Troy was rude to the guy... Wow he sure knows how to win friends and influence people... actually he know how to be an asshole to people.

He just does not do well on forums, or talking to people...

Way to go TARD

The guy who hangs out with your group.

Nothing is hidden on steemit.

He hangs with your group a lot:

My God . The troll problem your having is getting out of control . Their trying to rip you a new one . Must be cause for concern .

Well , aid is here Mr. Troy Reid of the 95% ON GRID PROJECT . I'm here to assist those vile evil creatures as best of my abilities .

Remember me Shmengie ? Can't block me here . My voice will be heard .

No, I do not know who you are but I will remember your name here and watch out for you.

Your numbers are wrong though. Its 95% OFF the grid.

But I will soon be showing numbers on here for the World to see.

Then it will be pretty hard for anyone to deny :)

No, Hog2hog is correct you admitted that you you ripped your system apart. You need to write your lies down to stay in sync

When people cruise the internet looking for off grid families they are not looking for someone with an old trailer with an led lamp in it but still cook with electricity and heat water with electricity and heat the house with propane and run a well pump with electricity and same for fridge and freezer. They are not interested in a shack in the yard for playing . You are dishonest and you know it but your channel would die immediately if you were found to still be on the grid except for a small lamp in the trailer.

Yeah - to rebuild even better!!!!!!! No lies.

You just contradicted yourself , you know that makes you look like a fraud, or just plain stupid.

You say no and a few minutes later you say yes, how utterly stupid are you its one or the other not both, You are a professional fuctard

Wow, this thread is so much fun, some serious love flying around here
sil 1.jpeg

I notice this phony Troy Reid has 4 free steemit accounts. This man is a menace, a liar, a fake, a fraud and here are his three alt accounts

Don't believe me? Check out all three account creations and see they all belong to "the do it yourself world"
All three were free accounts against steemit rules. Anyone on should report all three accounts and why not THIS account too since he can't follow rules!
You are pathetic and don't belong on steemit!
@steemcleaners needs to blacklist this guy!

Oh my, just like you guys claim everyone on YouTube is me talking to myself. LOL

Do get out and get some fresh air.

Get a life.

You forget your shenanigans are right there for the whole world to see. You are busted and I'm letting @steemcleaners know about you.

I dont know about other people/accounts but I write content on this community which seems to be well accepted. For a beginner anyway.

Thank you for watching out for the community.

@cheetah might want to see how you have abused the free account system too.

All have been created by "the do it yourself world" the owner of this account under the free account system of steemit.

I dont know where you think you are getting this information.

Sounds like trollish behavior, digging like this

All on the blockchain by your own hand. I make up nothing.

Another day of the little man getting his ass handed to him with facts from his own garbage Ebegging YT videos. Once a fraud always a fraud, right little man?
The little man has been posting early on YT and it makes a person wonder why. It can't be the anchor baby waking him up before the crack of noon!

very true, long time so see how ya doing doc, missing you at .sucks

Howdy Doc!! Loved the AT vids...good to see you here!!

I don't recognize you but glad you enjoy my AT vids :) hope my latest blogs are of liking as well. If all goes well I will be on another adventure next summer for about 4 months. keep an eye out.

No worries...looking forward to your next know me under another name over on .sucks.

Thanks for this. I have just arrived from outer space, where we haven't discovered Steemit yet, so I am trying to learn all I can. Hard work doesnt bother me, I'm more than happy to stick at it. Its doing 'the wrong' hard work that kills me. Plugging away at something forever, only to find that you've got it all wrong. This article will help steer me in the right direction.

Reid why do you think it is noble to hide behind your wife and child's skirts
in every comment you make on your blog.
Did you think that getting married and having a child would hide your stripes. Your an evil person Reid