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RE: How To Get Your Article Noticed On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

You didn't mention creating a second SteemIt account and voting up your own content!?

Thats a pretty helpful "tip" no?

@diy-electronics and @thediyworld are both yours. They're both your channels on YouTube as well. I felt this needed to be pointed out seeing the topic of your post today. Thats really all I came in to say.

And before you think about unjustifiably flagging me for stating this fact. Be aware that I'll take it up with @steemcleaners or some of the people on or whomever takes these "terms of use" multiple acct. and flag abuse issues seriously.

I'm still new here but I'll find out just how things are done if you force my hand

Thanks for reading


they are both free accounts and he is only allowed to have one free account. please do report him.

Troy also used his wifes information to open the DIY-electronics and she by law is not allowed to work with out a green card, so he broke the law yet again.

You are just reaching and setting me up for crimes I did not commit. Any words from you cannot be trusted.

You are trying to get me audited with the IRS (bragging here on steemit).

You are trying to get my wife deported (bragging about it on steemit)

You are trying to get our baby taken away (bragging about it on steemit)

Your credibility is zero

He actually has 3 accounts
All created by the do it yourself world.
Let's help keep steemit a good community and report those who don't play fair.

@mytechtrail is not one created by the diyworld-I stand corrected.

I was actually advised on steemit chat to start a new account and start blogging on there because of the horrible, constant harassment I receive from trolls here.

Why should that bother you?

I am getting 7 to 10 down votes by their multiple accounts on literally every single thing I do.

I am one person.

Do you think that is fair?

What are the names of the people on that advised you to do this, if I might ask?

I would like to be crystal clear on the "terms of use" here on SteemIt because if this is indeed the case, as you have stated, then people should know the sky-is-the-limit on free accts.

Thanks for reading

Troy Reid will not post that information because its a figment of his imagination, he is a certified lair...

Anything you read or watch that he posts please take it like a grain of salt. He lies, everything he does is not the way a professional would do...

And if you make him mad he will call you a troll and call it harassment

Thank you for your post

Nothing on steemit is hidden. You dont get that do you?

It was an open discussion on steemit chat. I dont remember the names. It was long ago. You can browse for the talk yourself if you like.

Why the open hostility to me? I am just sharing blogs of our daily lives on the homestead and what I learn here about steemit.

I am being openly harassed by multiple accounts - which anyone can clearly see.

Do you think it is fair that they down vote literally everything I do?

There is no moderator or blocking on here.

I am on my own.

Do you find it is fair that they down vote literally everything I do?

You are on my blog. You do not like me - that is fine.

You remaining here and openly harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal

Please cite the statute that makes pointing out your complete failure at everything you do is a crime...

Harassment. Criminal harassment.

cry me a river, no one cares or believes you your a chronic liar

Sir, I am NOT being "openly hostile" to you. I'm quite pleasant actually.

As a matter of fact I'm going to terminate this conversation with you at this time. SMH

see I told you Troy Reid ( thediyworld ) was rude... don't take it personal its like that with everyone, we call him a prick for a reason

He has been hanging with you guys too long.

Everything on steemit is in the open for all to see.

I just learned to down vote today. I will start down voting your comments every time you lie about what you have shown in your videos. See, this is the reason I don't have a youtube channel and prostitute myself and family on steemit. It looks very bad for you troy. Remember everything you say is recorded for all time on here and will probably bite you in the ass on a daily basis as it has in the past.

I do not cross post or cross comment on my two blogs. I keep them separate.

They are separate accounts.

They have different content. Unrelated to one another.

On THIS blog I am teaching people what I have learned about writing good content and how to rank your content higher.

Please read it and apply it to your own blog.

You are not doing too bad for being new yourself.

Now now. I said "I do not cross post or cross comment on my two blogs".

But you down vote literally everything I do with 10 accounts. Is that fair?

Let us level the playing field a bit, what do you think?

Oh, I you believe it is proper for you to circumvent the rules everyone here agreed to "play by" by creating a second freee account using who's credentials? Melanies perhaps?? You say you see as "criminal harrassment" (which it is not...check the laws TR) that several (scratch that), many others who have singular accounts and are aware of your lying/scamming ways and are only pointing out your lies and scams so others are not taken-in by your skullduggery...interesting...and you SAY you are a Christian??!!

Another new troll account created just to harass me.

THAT is not good for the community.

"Even the barn wood I've got sold." --Troy Reid, March 4, 2017

And you obviously cannot read. I said I did not cross post or comment.

Read it.

No, you said you keep both accounts separate...

Why don't you go buy more fake subs on YouTube...

How many of you guys cannot read?

Read my comment at face value.

Reid Are you lying again again again again again again !!!

You guys down vote literally everything I do with your multiple accounts. Is that fair?

Not from what i have seen they actually work together... one posts and the other one up votes

What are you guys doing? There are 10 to 15 of you doing that to me.

Is that fair?

We are doing what you asked us to do.
To come here and have fun and make money . were you lying about that also. ?

You guys are harassing me on my own blog. I dont come to yours and bother you guys at all.

Thank you, I try to make decent content for SteemIt, its a nice place

However, you did not address my question

having and upvoting using free accts

Also, who advised you. I find it hard to get official documentation beyond the FAQ here on SteemIt and I would like to find out other things, unrelated to this. This too, but I also have other questions.

You never have valid questions other than ways to harass myself and my family.

If I could block people who were harassing me, it would be a non issue.

But they give me 9 to 10 down votes on everything I do.

I am one person.

What would you advise in that situation?

Look at the junk in that pic. I bet all that old crappy furniture that came with the place stinks from years on sitting empty.

You know what's funny?

An inside joke.

I KNEW you would put this up for yourselves!!!

he still avoids telling the truth on the child molester he drove over state lines to bring back to the dumpsite and work him like a slave. Now he has Ding a Ling do all the work.

Not since the one that was friend with sucks members for so long came out with a family to spy out my land.

I dont trust people anymore.

I guess I can thank you guys for that at least.

What would I advise? Find another occupation. If your content was that valuable and IF you were succeeding in your SteemIt campaign, you would have a lot more people rising to your defense. Unfortunately for you the proof is in the pudding. You need to begin to read the tea leaves, Troy.

How do I down vote? I need to try that as I find all of troy's content lies and misleading such as him claiming to be 95% off grid when he is 100% on grid except for 2 shacks out back which don't count.

@troyreidlies In the upper right hand corner of each post or comment is a little flag with a minus next to it. If you click it will down vote the comment or post and then turn red. So now you know. Enjoy!

Thanks, I want to help troy just like he has helped so many other people he has crossed paths with. Wait, nevermind

Well, I have been paying the bills on this job for 5 years and still going.

Dont know why it bothers you.

Who bought your cars and trucks? Mommy and Daddy. Who paid for your subscriber paid bride to come to the US? Who bought her clothes once she got here? Who gave you tons of gifts to help you make a go of the lifestyle? What do you pay troy? McDonalds take out?

Actually none of that is any of your business.

But it IS our business. You MAKE it our business by publishing your crap. You can't have it both ways, Troy. On the one hand you can't say that you're YouTube earnings are paying for your lifestyle and then tell us how much you get through donations is none of our business. They are part and parcel of the same argument. Also, you may have existed just fine by yourself but once you got a wife you skipped town without paying rent in Pine Bluff and now you have a child. Your laziness and Internet addiction means you are putting your family at risk. Hell, it took you months to repair your truck and car because you didn't have the funds for a $50 part. You eat deer food. What kind of existence is that? You're a bum. You live like a pauper. Why? Because you're lazy and addicted to the Internet. Get a clue before it's too late Troy.

you put all this on youtube. I'm not making any of this up. You told us who paid for all these things. You got a bad memory troy

If you read my prior reply you'll see I've chosen to terminate this discussion with you

Yes, sorry. I had replied before I saw your comment. Have a nice day.

That is what is called your past catching up with you. It comes back to you 9 to 10 fold. Your an evil SOB Reid

I would love to share what I learn with anyone who is interested.

What you have learned? Are you serious? You are the jack of all trades, master of none. There is literally nothing you do well. Your websites are a mess and look like crap. You gardens NEVER succeed. Your animals suffer. Your construction projects look like crap. You never finish what you say you are going to finish. About the only thing you do remotely well is make Bedini motors, which 99.9999999% of your viewing audience has absolutely no desire to duplicate. My gosh Troy...WAKE UP.

Still eating from last year's garden and still canning the harvest from this year. Check.

Been off the grid and on YouTube 5 years. check.

Animals are healthy and better than commercial. check.

Projects hold up for years and I get compliments on YT. check.

Wont even go into listing finished projects. The entire electronics shop is off the grid along with the wood shop. That is huge in itself.

The gardens you call a failure. And on and on.

Dont care how many or few want to duplicate the Bedini motor since I am doing it on request by the few.

I am doing fine I think.

Thank you

Compare your gardens to your neighbors, Troy. They look like crap. You lose more food than you gain. There is NOT a net profit from your gardens. And just because you claim to still be eating from your harvest last year doesn't mean it is true because you have NEVER shown anything to prove that, have you? Living off grid? Cut the nonsense, Troy. You never had solar power in your house of much use. You REFUSED to show your system because you couldn't. And then in the end when the heat was on you pivoted and said, "Oh, I'm tearing out the old system so I can't show you any more." No? You can't show us the inverter you used? The charge controller? The way you ran the cord into the house and and how you distributed power in the house? Bullshit Troy, you effing liar. You have NOT completed your coop. You have NOT completed your greenhouse. You have NOT completed insulating your sheds. You have NOT completed your underground greenhouse. You have NOT completed the 2nd video to Patreon you promised before the end of October. NOTHING is completed. NOTHING you do is done well. You are not an expert at ANYTHING except begging for money and help from your family.

Well, that just proves that there is no point in my arguing with you.

No matter what I say or show, you will deny it.

I have never begged for money. Not one time. Never.

And that makes you are criminal by slandering me.

Lets count the money begging (per your videos) Need solar, need a wind generator, need batteries, need food, need fence for chickens, need money to go buy a wife, need money to bring bought wife here, need money to buy bought wife clothes, Now do you remember? Unless what you meant was you begged many times and so you didn't beg just one time. If you show last months electric bill I will back off and stop down voting your comments

You have a PayPal link on your YouTube page that clearly says: "PLEASE DONATE." That's not begging for money? Sitting in front of the camera and talking to your viewers about opening a GoFundMe to buy a new home is not begging? Opening a gift registry for your wedding and child's birth is not begging? Perpetually opening packages on your channel is not subliminal begging? Shut the eff up Troy. All you do is beg. You beg to your parents to help co-sign on a loan. You beg to your parents for a new "show truck." You could not exist without the goodwill of family, friends, and your YouTube viewers. You are nothing but a common bum.

You lying rat bastard, you begged for money to “ bring Melanie home”

We know your history with animals. You lied about the fate of the turkeys the other day, they died, for some reason, yet you said you had sold them. What happened to the goldfish in the “greenhouse”?

I sold my birds. You were not there so you cannot know. I still had a lot of birds when we were leaving so I sold them. I did not lie about that.

Same with the other animals you keep saying are dead.

You are terminally stupid. I already proved with your own video that those turkeys died on your property.


THEY LIVE ~ Winter Care Of Homestead Animals
Published by The Do It Yourself World on Tue, 03 Jan 2017

@3:24 ”The umm turkeys all just, I don’t know they’re not healthy out here, they don’t um, they didn’t do well..... and they died a long time ago, the turkeys died a long time ago.”

These are your own words. I have caught you in another twist of lies. So who did you sell all those dead turkeys to?

I remember that poor dog Joy, all she wanted was to be loved and fed but you only liked cats so you took her into the woods and put her out of your misery. But then it was bound to happen just as all those horrible raccoon attacks on your chickens all those years. So many needless deaths. All they wanted was a safe place to live. Sad. RIP Joy and all those poor chickens that belonged to troy.

Little man you just got my only down vote for anyone. You lying slimy little bastard.

Again, I am being down voted by multiple accounts which were created with the sole intent of harassing me.

I had to do something.

I am here to blog and have a good time. I am learning and studying all I can about steemit.

I love steemit.

What do you think of the people who have accounts with the sole purpose of harassing me?

I dont think it is fair do you?

@thediyworld. I commented on your electronics blog first to make a point, then I down voted your crap WHEN YOU down voted my comments with BOTH of your accounts!
Up until then, I never hit the flag.
You're welcome.

See Reid, you continue to screw with people.
Not very Christian of you.

YOU are the one that doesn't know how to "play fair" as you complain.
But that's what criminals do.

Your down votes are on all my comments and posts. You were harassing me from the day you created the account.

You cannot hide or lie on here.

@thediyworld ”You cannot hide or lie on here.“
Ha, you’ve been lying constantly on here, 12 hours a day for weeks!

He makes a paupers living sitting down playing on steemit all day. Under 600 in a month and thats fake money he will never see since its a ponzi scheme. 600$ divided by a months work time at 12 hours a day means he makes a whopping $2.40 an hour on steemit but thats money he will never see. But he has the time since Blip Ling supports herself and the baby by actually doing work and cooking and working in the garden and cooking for you 3 meals a day.

Reid YOU can't hide and lie here.
It is called fact checking
The sins of your past are now biting you in the ass.