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RE: 💣💣SCANDAL Steem Auto-Comment EXPLOIT UNVEILED - 80.000SBD since HF19 🔥 🔥

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

You ask other user to leave this to "those that get to make rules on the platform", but those, my friend, are us. Anyone can suggest a change to how Steem operates and all serious investors know this.

Most Steem Coop members (the above post is not by a member) who support Project Smackdown can be considered senior members and have put in a lot of time thinking over these issues. We're presenting data in order to bring attention to and criticize the way that the system currently works, so that we may come up with possible changes, not inciting a war.


Well thankyou for explaining that. However please do understand that some members may feel threatened by the anti self-vote people and , and everyone should be able to enjoy the platform without feeling like they have people watching over their shoulders. Until the self-voting issue is solved by changing the way the system works, i would kindly ask you to just let Steemit users enjoy the platform and contribute good posts, as it is meant to be.

Thanks for your comments @ctrl-alt-nwo

We make every effort to explain our perspective on this in our posts, it is not to bully or threaten, we are using the stake available to us to disagree with self voting only. Of course enjoy the platform but realize it is a dynamic market system with real rewards at stake.

I would also make the point that though I accept that what is possible on the blockchain is "legal", we do not have use everything available to us. That is exactly what down voting / flagging is for, negotiating social behavior, which is "above" the blockchain, so to speak.

People are watching over all our shoulders, everything is public here, which is very different from Facebook for example. Transparency and oversight comes with the territory. If you are engaging in conspicuous self rewarding I would not be surprised if others to notice that.

I am a big boy, i can take criticism. I was only thinking of others when i made the point that some people may feel threatened when they self-vote. Cheers.

The current members of Steem Coop (which again, did not produce the above post) do not threaten anyone and are not even touching users posts.

We only use our own voting power, which is in our right, to downvote away what we consider to be excessive reward from comments that were selfvoted.

Noone is looking over anyones shoulder more than before.
All information is 100% public on Steem.

Without us publishing data and actively working against the issue we see, there will be no conversation and no change. So our work will continue.

The thing is, the more people self-vote, the less other people can enjoy the platform.

Self-voting might look like enjoyment in the short-term, but the only way this platform can grow is if content creators are happy and attract more people to it (including potentially new investors). Any self-vote removes that potential and is not beneficial in any way to the platform.

Self-voting is allowed in the system and currently financially much more attractive than voting on others. That is a problem that really needs to be solved.

Sorry to say that i disagree. There are a group of people that hold the "joystick" of control. I just hope that those group of people that have the joystick use their power responsibly.

You can't disagree with facts. It's a fact the money people assign to themselves doesn't go to someone else. So therefore nobody else is enjoying the platform more when someone self-votes.

We all hope that people use their power responsibly, but history has shown that people can't be trusted haha.