Daily Steemit Faucet post for 27th February 2018 **FAUCET CLOSED**

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I will share the full post reward with all the people who UpVote this post (comments still welcome especially jokes and motivational/inspirational quotes). If anyone wants to donate additional SBD as a sponsor you will be mentioned as a sponsor in the daily Faucet posts. Minimum donation to be a sponsor is 0.100 SBD.

No registration needed as the only thing people need to do is UpVote the post to be added to the days payout. Payouts will be calculated after 24 hours automatically so no further action needed.

Please make sure you Upvote while the Faucet is Open. If you UpVote after the Faucet is Closed you won't receive a share of the days payout.

UpVotes on these Steemit Faucet posts will also be counted towards my weekly payout every Sunday.

Check the STEEMIT Matters Facebook Group.

Follow me on Twitter.

Today's Sponsors are:

Please follow them and Comment/Resteem/Upvote their posts to show gratitude.

Faucet Payouts

The minimum withdrawal limit is 0.300 SBD (this may need to be changed later) to reduce the number of payments I need to send out each day. I have created a Pending Payments page where people can check their SBD balance to see how close they are to getting their next payout --> http://csyd.es/Steemit/PendingPayments/

If you want your payout before it reaches 0.300 SBD or you want to convert payout to Superior Coin (you will need a Kryptonia.io account and provide your name there) send 0.001 SBD to @SydesJokes and request it. For early withdrawals, except for converting to Superior Coins, there will be a 5% Early Withdrawal Fee. This may take 24 to 48 hours so please be patient.

Past Faucet Posts

Faucet DateSponsorsCommentsUpvotesSBD Payout
26th February 201877933910.00
25th February 201857531012.00
24th February 20187843076.00
23rd February 2018117828313.00
22nd February 201898329512.00
21st February 20188823006.00
20th February 201879931518.00
19th February 20189862858.00
18th February 201857630010.00
17th February 201814652867.00
16th February 201811802907.00
15th February 20187892905.00
14th February 201810732557.00
13th February 20185772666.00
12th February 20186882644.00
11th February 20186862684.00
10th February 20189962535.00
9th February 20186802247.00
8th February 20185942794.00
7th February 201861052796.00
6th February 20185892398.00
5th February 20185912425.00
4th February 20184861964.00
3rd February 20185872044.00
2nd February 20186942074.00
1st February 20186972247.00
Faucet Posts for January 201850025940213.81
Faucet Posts for December 201790572719.00

Buy SuperiorCoin with Steem and Steem Dollar on Steemit


10.00 SBD shared with these 340 people so 0.029 SBD each for 26th February 2018.

@aaasteemdollars @abayomi55 @abbak7 @abejorro @abhishekjha @abhisteem13 @abrahamg12 @aceace @adayat523 @afinga @afolorunsor @ajrivas93 @aledania @alejandromata @aliawan @allerie00 @alvin2 @amayahaley21 @anabel23 @andreja @andrekweku @ange.nkuru @ankavatar @armagno @armandofd @arslan007 @artbob @aryakesharwani @aspenrose @asrul @ategun @atelerix @avtoledy @ayemmanuel @aykaco @ayobami55 @ayoyemi @baconbaba @badfatcat @baus85 @bekky @bengy @benie111 @bermudezloida @bigsambucca @bitmaxt02 @bitpizza @blockgators @bobinson @braaiboy @brosol @brusneilish @bucipuci @bxlphabet @callmesusan @candelabra @carface @carloniere @carlos19 @chadrona @chdscottey @chejonte @chiplus @cjsean @classicmeme @cobran @coderzairos @confessor @coolguy123 @cristian04 @crypaf @crypto.bob1976 @cryptocheta @cryptohappenings @cryptosharon @cryptowize @cyber.explorer @dalexx @danielisaac @daszod @davidblackwell @davy73 @deaconlee @debbey @dennisauburn @dhaneshpk @driptorchpress @dromzz @duekie @dusk4don @dzonibro92 @eagle42 @eizzha12 @elex17 @elizabethjuliet @emanueld @embesilikat @emekasegun @emiii18 @endurance1 @enjoyy @erebus @erobert @err0rist @etiti40 @etuk @eugenekul @eviledx @extraterrestrial @fatherfaith @fcavetroll @febbiefull @feliicia @fhstralow @finitel @fitinfun @florian-glechner @foodtaster @fr3world @frankabelle @franklan3386 @frdem3dot0 @fromgreenland @frozia @funcontest @funworlding @futureeternal @futuremind @gabyrutigliano @galifrey @ganeshsahu @geezee887 @gersson @gilres @globetrottergcc @grace234 @gracee @gsari @gurugnu @hangin @hayomi @healthadvice @hedgehog-z @herbertholmes @heremonium @hillaryoki @honolulu @horlly @hulk111 @humanabstract @ibay @ijazkhan @ilovekrys @incubot @irfanafridi @itsjessamae @izaid @izzyscribbles @jamescrusader @janowaka @jdarkmaxter @jeanviete @jgvinstl @jjprac @jlordc @jmcgready @joanstewart @jon24jon24 @josephlacsamana @josuedrums @josxi94 @juanersatzman @kabibitak @kaloman @kamesh @kamiafridi @kamibro125 @kamikhan @kamilala125 @kamuhuzuru @katteasis @kcherukuri @kdivya @kennybrown @kid1412 @kota17 @kramarenko @ksaheed @k-stone @labakj @lildebbie @literaturk @lmir1965 @lolicorn @loresb @lovelymkylie @lucidlight @ludevielucero @maane @machv @marcrapf @maria.isaaccura @mariainesff @mariannewest @maryresp @masoodahmed @masterroshi @matthiasjohn @mattjack @mawit07 @maxili63 @mekky @mfondora @michaelwilshaw @millerjtaipe @mister-omortson @mojoman @motherearthist @mps01k @mrix @mrjokar @mrzurkon @msearles @musicapoetica @mydivathings @mydraor @myscrible @mytechtrail @nazmul8877 @neokuduk @nightwind @nrich239 @nuevavidaexito @nypho @ofili1 @olasunbo @oluwatosin @oluyinka @omg-is-biology @oniaderonke @osobiggie @otmane.riad @ourhistorymatter @pandasquad @pele23 @phbr @phgnomo @pierre-anna28 @plainoldme @planetmarketers @poflato @princekelly @princesave @priyanka @psalmmiecrown @psychkrhoz @public.library @pyrathepixie @rafaelgarcia @rahul111 @randomblock1 @ratul2003 @reatimtim @rebe @robhimself1 @ronie @rosellyn @rotimijohn @rtificialnrg @rubelynmacion @rubencond96 @sadiq689 @sam1210 @sanitizemylife @sawcraz.art @scoobyscoobydoo @semfire @serayah @shadowblade @sheilamenher @sheriffakin @sholly1 @shoukath @simonluisi @sistem @sn0w-fox @socialmediaseo @sotillojoser @soulinsiders @sparklez @ssamsa @ssierra @ssonia @ssophiee @steamit2 @steemian-sniper @steemnepal @steem-reward @stillwater @streep @sunsquall @superdavey @superexplorer @swatt @takeru255 @tante.emmas.weed @tantrum @taurus1983 @tazbaz @tazi @tentalavera @thebigkahuna @toniq @tonygreene113 @trade-strategist @triggerlove2009 @tschelpps @tspink @turistomer @unataldani @unserious @uvas @vacilator @valth @vegaron @vikaskaladharan @viraltrend @votey @wilmerdrt @wilsonblue5 @wisejg @woland76 @wondersofnature @wonderwop @xbudeh @yahoobot @yann85 @yinkaknl @yunior.selbor @zombiess

Check your Pending Payments here --> http://csyd.es/Faucet/PendingPayments/

You can see the payments I send out each day.


Happy Day, thanks for sharing

The stone age has not ended due to lack of stones but because new technologies appeared.

wasn't this said by Brock Pierce or Charles Hopkinson? its bloody true though

It's from Putin.

Thanks for sharing

What a great job going on here.
Congratulations to all that got sbd (winks)

Good work bro... Thanks for the rewards

Joke for t
Ever since I was little I've always wanted to fly. So one day I fight my way into a space rocket and jump out in he moon without a suit. I tell you till now I'm still flying and I don't wanna fly anymore please what can I do help a fellow human out. Lol

Thanks! :)

good idea