omg-is-biology (49)in #life • 6 years agoWait or Cause?Sometimes people tend to wait for "something" to happen and magically change their whole lives. Depending on the…omg-is-biology (49)in #drawing • 6 years ago#Dibujo 1: Buen ComienzoEstaba aburrido, así que comencé a ver en Instagram algunos artistas que me gustan. Entonces decidí hacer un boceto…omg-is-biology (49)in #drawing • 6 years ago#Drawing 1: Good BeginI was bored so I started to see on Instagram some artists that I like. Then I decided to make a sketch based on their…omg-is-biology (49)in #workout • 6 years ago#Challenge Week 3: AbsGreetings to the WEKU community !!! I am AnOtter and here I bring my progress in the personal challenge of exercising…omg-is-biology (49)in #story • 6 years ago#Story Time: The Three Wise MonkeysUndoubtedly one of the most captivating things about the oriental culture is its richness in stories and legends so…omg-is-biology (49)in #workout • 6 years ago#Reto Semana 2: Abdominales¡Saludos a la comunidad de WEKU! Soy AnOtter y aquí presento mi progreso en el desafío personal de hacer ejercicio…omg-is-biology (49)in #workout • 6 years ago#Challenge Week 2: AbsGreetings to the WEKU community !!! I am AnOtter and here I bring my progress in the personal challenge of exercising…omg-is-biology (49)in #idiomas • 6 years ago¿Español o Inglés?Los seres humanos como animales sociales que somos, tenemos una necesidad natural de relacionarnos con miembros de…omg-is-biology (49)in #languages • 6 years agoSpanish or English?Human beings as social animals that we are, we have a natural need to relate to members of our same species. Although…omg-is-biology (49)in #workout • 7 years ago#Challenge Week 1: AbsAs I said in a previous post, I do not consider myself a very athletic person and usually when I started with some…omg-is-biology (49)in #gems • 7 years agoJade: La Piedra de la RealezaA lo largo de la historia de la humanidad nos hemos sentido atraídos por la gran variedad de recursos en la…omg-is-biology (49)in #gems • 7 years agoJade: The Stone of RoyaltyThroughout the history of humanity we have been attracted by the great variety of resources in nature, but undoubtedly…omg-is-biology (49)in #ciencia • 7 years agoCuando las ballenas caminaban en la tierraEntre los animales marinos más conocidos se encuentran las ballenas, incluso un niño pequeño las reconoce después de…omg-is-biology (49)in #science • 7 years agoWhen the whales walked on the earthAmong the best known marine animals are whales, even a small child recognizes them after seeing them in a book…omg-is-biology (49)in #deportes • 7 years agoNataciónPersonalmente, no me considero una persona muy atlética, cuando era un niño practicaba varios deportes, pero…omg-is-biology (49)in #sports • 7 years agoSwimmingPersonally I do not consider myself a very athletic person, when I was a kid I practiced several sports but usually I…omg-is-biology (49)in #weku • 7 years ago¿Por que WEKU es una buena opción?Actualmente, el mundo de las criptomonedas y la tecnología blockchain está comenzando a dominar el mercado mundial…omg-is-biology (49)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoWhy is WEKU a good option?Currently the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is beginning to dominate the world market, many…omg-is-biology (49)in #mar • 7 years agoEl Increible MarMucha gente puede pensar "¿Qué tiene de interesante el mar? Es solo agua salada", pero están equivocados, es un lugar…omg-is-biology (49)in #sea • 7 years agoThe Amazing SeaMany people may think "What is interesting about the sea? It is only salt water" but they are wrong, it is a very…