Daily Steemit Faucet post for 10th March 2018 **FAUCET CLOSED**
I will share the full post reward with all the people who UpVote this post (comments still welcome especially jokes and motivational/inspirational quotes). If anyone wants to donate additional SBD as a sponsor you will be mentioned as a sponsor in the daily Faucet posts. Minimum donation to be a sponsor is 0.100 SBD.
No registration needed as the only thing people need to do is UpVote the post to be added to the days payout. Payouts will be calculated after 24 hours automatically so no further action needed.
Please make sure you Upvote while the Faucet is Open. If you UpVote after the Faucet is Closed you won't receive a share of the days payout.
UpVotes on these Steemit Faucet posts will also be counted towards my weekly payout every Sunday.
Check the STEEMIT Matters Facebook Group (Give your Steemit ID or you won't be allowed into this Closed Group).
Today's Sponsors are:
Please follow them and Comment/Resteem/Upvote their posts to show gratitude.
Faucet Payouts
The minimum withdrawal limit is 0.300 SBD (this may need to be changed later) to reduce the number of payments I need to send out each day. I have created a Pending Payments page where people can check their SBD balance to see how close they are to getting their next payout --> http://csyd.es/Steemit/PendingPayments/
If you want your payout before it reaches 0.300 SBD or you want to convert payout to Superior Coin (you will need a Kryptonia.io account and provide your name there) send 0.001 SBD to @SydesJokes and request it. For early withdrawals, except for converting to Superior Coins, there will be a 5% Early Withdrawal Fee. This may take 24 to 48 hours so please be patient.
Past Faucet Posts
Faucet Date | Sponsors | Comments | Upvotes | SBD Payout |
9th March 2018 | 7 | 68 | 387 | 5.00 |
8th March 2018 | 7 | 76 | 372 | 5.00 |
7th March 2018 | 11 | 82 | 383 | 7.00 |
6th March 2018 | 7 | 97 | 415 | 6.00 |
5th March 2018 | 6 | 93 | 401 | 5.00 |
4th March 2018 | 5 | 87 | 363 | 5.00 |
3rd March 2018 | 6 | 88 | 351 | 5.00 |
2nd March 2018 | 10 | 76 | 332 | 9.00 |
1st March 2018 | 10 | 85 | 356 | 10.00 |
Faucet Posts for February 2018 | 2391 | 7673 | 211.00 | |
Faucet Posts for January 2018 | 5002 | 5940 | 213.81 | |
Faucet Posts for December 2017 | 905 | 727 | 19.00 | |
Totals | 9050 | 17700 | 500.81 |
Please Retweet as the daily post rewards have been dropping lately. Yesterday's post reward was $2.92.
The sponsors I have been adding are those whose UpVotes were over 0.100 SBD as I haven't been getting any actual sponsors for the posts.
Upvoted and retweeted
You got my up vote. :)

Over 500 SBD payouts in less than 3 months :)
Good work, thanks
Nice work sir.
Thank you for your generousity
Thanks for sharing friend, success
thanks Colin, you are a gentleman, thank you for supporting us!!!
Wow, that's a lot of money! Good job :)
This is GREAT NEWS! Thank you VERY much for sharing and all that you do for the GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! All the VERY best! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)
that is amazing!! Thank you so much!
Adds up quickly @sydesjokes
What do you call a Jamaican Sinner?
5.00 SBD shared with these 409 people so 0.012 SBD each for 10th March 2018.
@aaasteemdollars @abayomi55 @abbak7 @abcmartinedcba @abhicrypto @abhishekjha @abhisteem13 @aceace @aeetes @afinga @aflatunnisa @afolorunsor @ahidmuhajir @ahmeddimassi @ahods @ajrivas93 @akifane @alakadar @albanyg12 @alcarson @aledania @alejandromata @aliawan @alvin2 @amayahaley21 @ambarabby @amirkhan1 @anabel23 @anasuleidy @andreja @andrekweku @annabellebatho @aqibkhan @armagno @armandofd @arslan007 @artbob @aryakesharwani @asmaasema @aspenrose @atalante @atelerix @authorcolinbmw @avtoledy @ayobami55 @ayo-steve @ayoyemi @baconbaba @banditqueen @baus85 @bekky @belgo @benedict08 @bengy @benie111 @benleemusic @bermudezloida @bigsambucca @bilal93 @bitpizza @blockgators @bobinson @braaiboy @brusd @bucipuci @bxlphabet @callmesusan @carface @carloniere @carlos19 @cashthekush @catertunechi @chadrona @chejonte @cherrygirl @chillingotter @chiplus @ciscoo @cjsean @clank @classicmeme @cobran @coderzairos @confessor @coolguy123 @crypaf @cryptohappenings @cryptosharon @crypto-team @cutnazla @dangbeo @danielisaac @davidblackwell @davy73 @deaconlee @decepticon @dhaneshpk @dianadvsalcedo @dicky @digi3d @douzzy @driptorchpress @dromzz @dusk4don @dzonibro92 @eagle42 @eizzha12 @elex17 @elider11 @elizabethjuliet @emanueld @embesilikat @emekasegun @emilioalvar @erebus @erobert @err0rist @etiti40 @etuk @extraterrestrial @fakturd @fatherfaith @favoure @fcavetroll @feliicia @finitel @firoz721 @fitinfun @foodtaster @fotobot @fr3world @frankabelle @frdem3dot0 @fredkese @freshmae @fromgreenland @frozia @funcontest @futureeternal @futuremind @gabyrutigliano @galifrey @ganeshsahu @gazbaz4000 @geezee887 @gilres @globetrottergcc @gorilla13 @grace234 @gracee @gsari @hairyfairy @hangin @hatuvera @hayomi @healthadvice @hillaryoki @hollacute @honolulu @horlly @hulk111 @ibay @ibrasteem @ijazkhan @incubot @irfanafridi @irminsoul82 @i-steem @izaid @izzyscribbles @jadeidol @jdarkmaxter @jdbs @jdbsotillo @jeanviete @jellowello @jgvinstl @jidaropaymas @jiminykricket @jjprac @jmcgready @joanawatts @joanstewart @jon24jon24 @joor @joseasotillo @josephlacsamana @josuedrums @juanersatzman @juninkins @justdik @kabibitak @kaloman @kamchore @kamesh @kamiafridi @kamikhan @kamilala125 @kamuhuzuru @katteasis @kavazich @kcherukuri @kdivya @kenentertainment @kennybrown @kid1412 @kilvin @kimaben @kokoliso @korynewton @kota17 @kramarenko @ksaheed @k-stone @labakj @ladyjessica @lildebbie @linchybaby @linkin-torres @literaturk @lmir1965 @lolicorn @lordzugg @loresb @lovemetouchme2 @ludevielucero @lunaticpandora @machv @majidawan @maria.isaaccura @mariacastro @mariainesff @mariam-luis @mariamzr @mariannewest @maryresp @masoodahmed @masum44 @maveraunnehr @mawit07 @mawmaw @maxili63 @mfondora @mhizsophie @michaelwilshaw @migztaraki @millerjtaipe @minhvan @mirandafr @mister-omortson @mojoman @moniristi @mrblobby @mrjohn01 @mrjokar @mrzurkon @msearles @musicapoetica @myscrible @mytechtrail @neokuduk @netaterra @nickadaya @nightwind @nikato @nikdo @norvicgarcia @nrich239 @nuevavidaexito @olasunbo @oluwarolltillme @oluwatosin @oluyinka @omg-is-biology @oniaderonke @ortorres1123 @osobiggie @otmane.riad @ourhistorymatter @peewillz @phbr @phgnomo @phones21 @pierre-anna28 @pivi @plainoldme @planetmarketers @playdice @princesave @psychkrhoz @public.library @pyrathepixie @racheleecious @rafaelgarcia @raheelkhan1 @rahul111 @rampagejr @rasit @ratul2003 @rebe @remotehorst @rina95 @rlt47 @rmz @roben1 @robhimself1 @rosellyn @rotimijohn @rtificialnrg @sam009 @sam1210 @saro1 @saroo @sawcraz.art @scoobyscoobydoo @secheras @semfire @sentinelprime @serayah @shadowblade @sharaine @sheilamenher @shihabieee @shivam000 @sholly1 @shoukath @shredz7 @shuta @sillycat @silpa @simonluisi @skysnap @smileplease403 @sn0w-fox @socialmediaseo @sodrill @solangeh @sotillojoser @sparklez @sport-news @srvilanova @ssamsa @ssierra @ssonia @ssophiee @starthere @steamit2 @steemari @steem-bot @steemian007 @steemian-life @steemian-sniper @steemnepal @steempampanga @steem-reward @stevejhuggett @stillwater @stornadom @streep @subornalata @sudefteri @sudutpandang @suitcasemama @summisimeon @sunsquall @suomibotti @superdavey @superexplorer @sustainablelivin @swatt @sweetkathy @tabraiz.jutt @takeru255 @tante.emmas.weed @tantrum @tazbaz @tazi @tentalavera @teresah @thebigkahuna @topeadedokun01 @triedsor @truthtrader @tspink @turistomer @unataldani @unserious @uvas @uzercanan @vacilator @valth @vegaron @veronicasmb @vip2 @viraltrend @votey @w0rld-news @winners-team @wisejg @woland76 @wondersofnature @wonderwop @xbudeh @yahiab @yahoobot @yann85 @yinkaknl @zombiess @zubikhan133
Check your Pending Payments here --> http://csyd.es/Faucet/PendingPayments/
You can see the payments I send out each day.
Thanks !
Hallo everybody!
Have a good weekend!
Thanks for sharing the information very good
OH! great very informative publication thank you
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.” - Helen Keller
Thanks for the help friend
Thank you, why do you do this? To keep people pumped about steemit?