Steemit Update [January 13th, 2025] : Steemit Learning Challenge Season 22 - Week 5

This week we move onto Week 5 of Season 22 of the Steemit Learning Challenge.
We are delighted at the range and quality of courses that are being offered.
To encourage as much participation as possible a significant proportion of all sc01 and sc02 voting will be directed towards these teaching team courses.
This is a unique offering from the Steem blockchain - take advantage of it!
Steemit Learning Challenge - Season 22
Here are the Teaching Team lessons and assignments for Week 5 of Season 22…
SLC-S22/W5 | Herbal Medicine for Menopause Support@alejos7ven
SLC-S22/W5 | Domain Steem with JavaScript : Lesson 5 - Steem Keychain@ashkhan
SLC-S22/W5 | Physical Therapy Intervention : Golfer's Elbow@khursheedanwar
SLC-S22/W5 | Polynomial and Rational Expressions@kouba01
SLC-S22/W5 | Threads in Java : Life Cycle and Threading Basics@lunasilver
SLC-S22/W5 | Pattern Layouts for Children's Clothing | Class 5@mahadisalim
SLC-S22/W5 | Ladder Diagram PLC Programming and Solar Power@marvinvelasquez
SLC-S22/W5 | Keeping Fit / Lower Body Muscle Exercises@miftahulrizky & @fantvwiki
SLC-S22/W5 | Teachers as Examples and Role ModelsCrypto Academy
SLC-S22/W5 | Trading the News
These courses and challenges will run from today until 11.59pm UTC, on Sunday, January 19th, 2025.
You are free to enter as many as you want.
The more you participate in, the more chances you will have of getting votes from sc01 & sc02.
The hardest courses, with the fewest participants, will likely get the highest votes.
Steemit Learning Challenge Rewards
The Teaching Teams must ensure they promptly check and comment on all assignment posts.
The comments from the Teaching Teams should concentrate on what the student did well in their post, and also most importantly how they could improve their posts - particularly highlighting if they have misunderstood any of the learning points of that week’s course assignment.
The posts should be awarded a grade marked out of 10 according to how well they have completed the assignment tasks. We very much encourage teachers to design their homework assignments with a sufficient level of difficulty that they will be able to award a good spread of grades and not have everyone bunched up with 9’s and 10’s.
Posts should be checked for plagiarism and AI use but that should only be a footnote in the comment. Checking for club status etc does not need to be included in the comment.
The comments will be rewarded by sc01/02 according to how well they have followed these guidelines.
At the end of each week all Teaching Teams should make a post announcing the four people who have produced the best challenge responses or homework assignments.
All the Season 22 weekly winners, as well as the announcement posts, will receive extra prize votes from @steemcurator01.
We are very excited for this new season of the Learning Challenge.
The expansion of the Challenge with such a wide range of Teaching Team courses offers something for everyone.
We really hope as many people as possible take advantage of this unique offering on Steem.
Where else can you take so many different courses for free - and have the high chance of being rewarded for your learning endeavors?
Thank you
The Steemit Team
We are becoming increasingly concerned about the number of students using AI to do the homework tasks - particularly those that are solely text based and do not have a practical component.
Teachers are strongly encouraged to be extra vigilant in detecting those students using AI. Additional rewards will be given to teachers (and others) finding instances of AI use in homework tasks.
Thank you.
Undetectable mode being the strength of participants to continue doing homework assignments using AI, we had a lot of difficulty when some of the tools we used could not prove it even though we were very sure that a post was written by AI.
Teachers need to be vigilant and careful if a post only contains general information without any specific explanation from the author's personal point of view. I think reading the article written by @the-gorilla a while ago can help teachers to uncover the truth of the AI user participants' writing.
Beside the use of AI, there are also some new -unverified - accounts involving in the game. And the teachers do not seem to care enough about this matter. It's not good since it may lead to farming.
Yes, those 'pop-up' accounts are another issue.
Maybe there should be a minimum Reputation level for participation...?
Sorry for the interruption but I have a suggestion in my mind regarding this.
If we set criteria for the minimum reputation then it will also impact the real new users and they will be disappointed and they will not participate in the learning challenges and ultimately we will loose content.
On the other hand if a new account is made by the reward farmer then he/she can increase the account's reputation by getting votes from the bots who vote even on a few words.
So in my opinion to tackle with this issue with the help of only reputation may not be a right approach.
One solution which can handle it we should see if the account is verified or not. The entry from the verified account should be considered as a valid entry and other accounts's entries should not be considered as valid.
Moreover for the best approach to tackle this we can combine reputation and verification of the user for more refinement. In this way we will only get entries from the verified and reputable users who have understood the platform completely before jumping into the learning challenges entries.
These are my a few humble suggestions may these help you.
Thank you 😊
What is a foolproof verification method - that is also non-intrusive?
In this context I was refering to the verification which is undertaking in the newcomers community where the user has to follow the criteria to be verified.
Sorry for the late response.
Going through the Newcomers Community is not mandatory though...
It was all in my mind moreover you know better what do I just gave my ideas regarding this issue of new accounts and rewards farming.
For me reputation is inherent, why exclude a user who has just arrived at steemit or who has been posting for a short time?
If you do that what you will achieve is that new users do not have confidence and credibility in steemit, what could be implemented is an identity verification for those who make life in the weekly challenges, is my humble opinion on the matter.
One method of verification can be a short video in which the user states his or her name, the date he or she joined steemit and the reasons why he or she is participating in a certain challenge.
I think they should be verified first before participating in the learning challenge. I know they are doing it for their gain but the teacher needs to verify every student that participate in the course. My thought though.
So that new users don't get a chance to win? That's not fair. I think the rules for winning should be different because from what I have observed, I see that the same people always win. Some teachers seem to give the victory to each other or to their friends, and that doesn't seem fair.
Some of the comments I have received suggest that reviewers may not be reading my blog very well. Instead, they seem to rely on generative AI in their comments as well as in the challenge posts.
I believe that teachers should not participate in challenges or give the victory to each other. Moreover, the winners should not always be the same people. This game is supposed to encourage learning and growth, so it should be fair to everyone.
P.S: I'm not talking about all teachers, and I have evidence for that.
That's doesn't mean newcomer should not join the learning challenge. I understand your point though. For example, just recently, I commented on one user's post, I did it twice but he didn't respond so I had to ask him why he has not been replying on his post and he made it clearly that most of the people that commented on his post are fond of using ai. I was surprised to hear that.
I have also noticed this too, using the same comment multiple times. I hope they will learn from this because this is as a warning.
sorry i didn't undersatnd you point ?
I replied about this.
There is something that I have detected, and now I understand why there are users who publish their posts in the challenges a few days or even hours before the deadline to publish, and that is that the user who publishes the post of the challenge in the first days runs the risk of reaching the 7 days and the post expires and remains without being rewarded by the curator accounts.
An example of this is in the algebra challenges, there is a post that already has 7 days, and there are 3 posts that have 6 days, and the friend @khursheedanwar published the winners of the algebra challenge of the fourth week:
My recommendation is that the post of the winners of the challenge be published in advance and that the accounts in charge of awarding with the vote can do it before the publications reach 7 days.
Dear fellow I want to say that it does not matter whether your post is 6 days or 7 days old for the winning criteria. The only thing which matters is the quality of your post and the grades which you have gotten on the basis of the post quality and if it meets all the rules and regulations defined in the entry criteria.
The curators vote the winners whether their entry post is live or expire.
In case of your post is old enough to not be voted on or expired the generous curators vote on the other active post to give winning reward.
I hope you understand.
Hello my friend, I think you misunderstood my comment, you tell me that the only thing that matters is the quality of my publication, but what I commented is not a claim, what I commented is simply a recommendation from my point of view for all the challenges, I'm not talking for me.
I believe that for everything to be done well it must be done at the right time, but everyone thinks as he/she wants to think and give his/her opinion.
Un buen grupo de oportunidades de aprendizaje y participación para esta semana 5 de este 22 Steemit Learning Challenge.
Con un total de 15 alternativas, los usuarios tenemos unas buenas oportunidades para participar de esta dinámica enriquecedora y que ofrece interesantes propuestas en las cuales podemos aprender mucho y poner en práctica lo aprendido, tal como es la filosofía Scout, "Aprender haciendo".
Felicidades a todos los autores que presentaron sus propuestas y muchos éxitos a todos.
Invito a mis amigos @turituri, @alejartist, @ahumadaliliana29, @crisvera, @damisvilladiego, @edgargonzalez, @naka05, @rmm31 a participar de los desafíos de esta semana.
How does one become a course creator?
Hello, there is an issue with timing and delays in sharing works. For example, if a work is shared just a day after the challenge is announced, it may reach the 7-day time limit, after which the post expires and may not be rewarded by the curator accounts. I encountered this issue last season.
In addition, I hope that the criteria for rewarding early participants will be carefully considered, as some challenges, especially programming-related challenges, allow users to simply wait until the end and copy responses from other users.
As for AI, I think that AI detection is sometimes inaccurate. In the past 3 months, I participated in a challenge where others claimed that my post was generated by AI, even though the blog with many images was all taken with my iPhone. The AI detection system even indicated that the name of the image was related to AI. In my opinion, the solution is to make the challenges more difficult and require a minimum of three images from users, as well as additional resources, from what I have seen, there are challenges where all participants receive scores between 9 and 10 for the tasks, for example, in cooking challenges, people take pictures of themselves cooking, which can be a guarantee that the image is not from AI since they take the pictures at home
I also think that some teachers may use AI tools while others do not, which leads to confusion in the feedback. The feedback I received did not make sense based on my participation. I also suspect that some people get high marks simply because they are friends with others, which does not seem fair.
In addition, some teachers do not clarify their questions well. For example, some questions only ask for code to achieve a certain behavior, but in the feedback, I was told that I did not explain the code I wrote in detail. However, the teacher did not ask for this level of detail in the original question.
The same thing that happened to you is happening to me, I am making the post of the challenges the first days after the challenge was published, I was chosen in the podium and I am among the first 4, but in the end my post is already 7 days old and I will not be rewarded, I imagine that this has happened to many, the solution that I think I will apply is to publish the post a little late.
It's a good solution, but I think it's important to consider who published first. This would be a valuable criterion. However, the rules of the Learning Challenge should be improved. Sometimes, the current system feels unfair
see , I'm disappointed because the entry is closed, and the teacher still hasn't given me her feedback. I don't know why. Here is the link to the entry:"
What I can tell you my friend is that I am very disillusioned and unmotivated, I have made the decision for the moment not to post in the algebra challenges until I wait to see if they get their act together and change the way they are going.
Yes, me too, and it's always the same people who gain.
I don't understand how to participate can someone explain
Hi, I think you are new here. Just join any challenge you want, read the courses, then complete the tasks and follow the rules. Create entrie according to these rules. By the way, you can join this Telegram group where you will find helpful people who can respond to any questions: Welcome to Steemit!
What is Steemit Learning Challenge & how it would be helpful for new users?