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RE: Blacklist?!?! Is The Steemit Platform Becoming A “Muppet Show?”

in #steemit6 years ago

@dudeboblives I don't think we're seeing a side effect of a completely free society, I think what we see is an attempt at a completely free society that has made the mistakes all non-free societies have always made. For example, the reputation scoring thing. That is not a free society aspect at all. That is an elitist ranking system. A free society would mean if someone is a douchebag, then people reserve the freedom and the right to block them if they wish to, and that no one else gets to make that choice for them. So where as IPFS itself may be completely free societaly, STEEMIT most surely IS NOT. Anything based around a centralized hierarchy is inherently non-free. Though IPFS is a decentralized method of storing and transferring data, this does not automatically imply that everything using this method is magically and by default in a state of freedom.

Now if someone creates a blacklist of some sort and people have the option of opting-in or opting-out, this would be completely fine. But no one can opt-out of @badcontent. Whether anyone likes it or not, if they come across a steemit profile whose content is on this list and they find it annoying that they are getting bogus "beware of spammer" messages every time they view that content -- they have no option what so ever to opt-out of seeing that. Therefore, Steemit is NOT a "free society" and therefore this is not a side effect of a free society, it is business as usual in the usual classic historical tyranny / kakistocracy.