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RE: The Most Annoying Thing On STEEMIT!!!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

It wasn't this bad when I joined 8 months ago. Seems like the more popular Steemit becomes, the more beggars we attract. I've stopped trying to reason with them and simply flag their comment on my post. Sometimes, I even go through their other comments and flag a couple more.


I haven't even thought of doing that. I will now! Thank you for the insight. I hope it can at least quell some of that 'white noise'.

I hope so. My idea is to get as many people flagging this stuff as possible, so the beggars will see that their actions aren't beneficial for them.

thats the cruelest thing to do ,
i think one downvote is enough

If one downvote is enough for them to change their ways, they won't receive more, because they've changed their ways. If they keep on spamming, ofcourse they'll receive more. It's not like we're all in one, big, secret club, keeping tabs on who's flagged who.

Spam on my posts means a flag. It says so at the bottom of each of my posts.