The Most Annoying Thing On STEEMIT!!!!!

in #steemit7 years ago


I've been on STEEMIT about two months now and joining was a wonderful decision. I get to share with people of similar interest and I know that my writing and art are being enjoyed by the community. It feels good to be noticed. Not like that other site where you get likes but you don't know if it was because of content or just because you were in the feed at that moment. I am very happy sharing in a place where I know it is appreciated. I do have one teensy-weensy problem here - THE BEGGARS!
It annoys the shit out of me when I see that I got a comment, go check it out, and all it says is 'Good post. I upvote you. Please vote me back.' You didn't even look at the post! I know you didn't look at the post! I can almost guarantee that I'll get at least one of them on this post telling them that they annoy me for doing that! I don't mind getting a comment that says 'Good Post'. I don't even mind getting comments that ask me to look at their work. There's nothing wrong with asking to be noticed. I just assume they think their post will interest me. I'll check them out. Most of the people who do that comment regularly and usually provide feedback on the post. NOT THOSE OTHERS! Oh they comment regularly, frequently even, and it's always the same damn comment! I think they just paste it from post to post! If you can't provide some sort of feedback or critique or just a 'HEY' without the shameless begging in every comment then do me a favor: DON'T REPLY AT ALL!! I'm not going to follow you. I'm not going to upvote you. I'm not even going to look at your blog. PERIOD! You tweak my kiwi's! It's like a FB nightmare! Upvotes and comments are not mandatorily reciprocal! You give them or you earn them because of appreciation for the post, not because you expect the same in return. Read this. Learn this. Practice this. STEEM ON!

I do appreciate all of the comments I get except from those people. I enjoy knowing that the effort I put into writing or doing 3D art is getting recognition. Thanks to all who support my efforts and view my work. It makes the community a wonderful place to 'live'.


@japhofin8or I upvote you, pleez....

Jk, I agree, it's terrible. I still think that if the platform made it easier to consume content, those that you describe would have less of an audience, be it a bot or a human or an alien.

I totally agree!! There is no way to stop them from doing it except through education. I say we all start a grass roots campaign that when we get one of these 'paste' comments we send one back that lets them know that STEEMIT is a community that promotes sharing and achievement. They WILL NOT be followed if all they have to contribute is empty comments.

I just cant express how much I share your feelings. (can re-steem be my proof?)
These type comments are really terrible. I used just ignore them, but more and more these F4F beggers remind me about two extra tools available - "mute" & "flag". There is no any fun in applying these two, but seems that sometimes there is not much alternatives left.
Another annoying type users are those who come again and again , on my every single post, and praise me how good my photos are, but ...never never upvote. At first it seem ok to me. But when you have someone praise you (always in almost exactly the same words) a dozen times a week, week after week, and dont care to put ( even at 1% power) their vote on even one sinle post - this makes me think these comenters are simply a bots. And I must say

I hate BOTS

I want to interact with humans. Not with machines.
This makes me feel so mad, that I would pay a decent amount of SBD for a specific application/software, which could detect bots on my blog, and automatically MUTE or/and FLAG them on my behalf.

Beside to such comments I even got 0.001SBDs with links to posts with begging to upvote.

But the most funny comment I got under my painting was: Your painting sucks! please visit my blog and upvote my posts

That's just damn audacious! I'm thinking that one was trying a new 'lure'. He failed!

You're dead on. I get those too. Seeing a comment without a vote is fine until you start to notice it seems to be a trend. I think that STEEMIT should have some sort of community policy discouraging any of these behaviors. They do nothing but go against the vibe of the site.

Most annoying thing in steemit
Post payout at first day 5 dollars after 7 days 2 dollars , recieving payout 1.5 dollars

That is very frustrating. Watching it just drop and drop and drop. I haven't seen a post rise yet unless it received more votes.

It's because the price of STEEM is going down (or was... its about the same since few days). I saw the post money going up (without extra votes) when the price was rising. It works both ways.
You can see it Account value too. It all changes with the change of Steem - goes down or up.

It wasn't this bad when I joined 8 months ago. Seems like the more popular Steemit becomes, the more beggars we attract. I've stopped trying to reason with them and simply flag their comment on my post. Sometimes, I even go through their other comments and flag a couple more.

I haven't even thought of doing that. I will now! Thank you for the insight. I hope it can at least quell some of that 'white noise'.

I hope so. My idea is to get as many people flagging this stuff as possible, so the beggars will see that their actions aren't beneficial for them.

thats the cruelest thing to do ,
i think one downvote is enough

If one downvote is enough for them to change their ways, they won't receive more, because they've changed their ways. If they keep on spamming, ofcourse they'll receive more. It's not like we're all in one, big, secret club, keeping tabs on who's flagged who.

Spam on my posts means a flag. It says so at the bottom of each of my posts.

'Good post. I upvote you. Please vote me back.' :] Sorry, you knew someone couldn't resist.

I honestly expected more people to do it. LOL I would have had I read this post from someone else. Funny's funny. :)

Time to start Flagging those people to the negative.
Not sure that wills top the comments however.

Maybe not but it will help to stop some of it anyway.

just joined too, it's kind of annoying. most people don't read , they just comment and expect to be followed. great argument. hope people are reading

Completely agree. Creating a user base is something else and compelling/bugging someone to upvote is a shixxy idea. Definitely there should be some ethics or mannerism. Good content needs to be noticed but begging for upvotes is just unethical. If I like some content then only I would upvote it based on its merits, whats the point playing an Upvote n upvote game.
Also I hate people who comment "Nice post" or "Thanks" and then upvote their own comment which consist of 1 or 2 words at the most. Though keep hoping for the best.

There are a lot of shady practices and a lot of shady people practicing them.

Thanks for this message. I've seen it so much that I thought it was the norm since I see this on every posts the older steemit members write. I think my pet peeve is also when you beg for upvote and followers and yet do not return the favor. Selfishness is running rampant on Steemit. Also...thanks for the lesson.

It's silly sometimes people doing " upvote me, follow me" in a wrong situation and context. They don't bother to read. I have an experience the other day when I was writing something serious but there's this person who come out of nowhere commented " follow and upvote". I was then writing a long reply expressing my slight anger which result in a friend helping to " flag" that user.
I also think that people creating a generate reply in hope someone would upvote them but no, I don't upvote bot ( something I've learned overtime). I expect to interact with a real human being who would give me a good feedback, critics, or advice.

Exactly. Its ridiculous how often these things happen.