There definitely are a lot of crybabies on this platform who want to have it both ways (both large and small in terms of account value). One of the things I really like about it is that it's not really regulated much by anyone but the users. I'm a libertarian / borderline anarchist and am leaning more and more toward the anarchist side of the spectrum the older I get, especially living in the United States...our government is one of the most terrifying and corrupt entities on this entire planet.
If it's a people who can deal with governments in a good way, it's you guys. Done it before - successfully even! You just need to say enough is enough. Stop the self hate and make america great again - without Trump. Fuck that guy. But..government is not going to step down voluntary. That's not how they do things. It's an entity that is based on force and violence. It is it's core value. And that's why it's so terrifying.
You can only beat it with force, which is sort of a catch22 I suppose? In order to have freedom, you must take arms against the evil..and probably do evil for the greater good. It's complex. Perhaps another way is to make as many people as possible refuse. Refuse to contribute. Refuse to pay tax.
Holy shit. UO (the early version) sounds fuckin amazing. Had never heard of it.
Great post man. The way I see it, voicing complaints, etc, is one thing. It is the user using their free market voice to attempt to bring about desired changes.
Calling for the implementation of communistic changes to the code and platform themselves in order to make everything “equal,” is an entirely different beast, and I agree. This always kills creativity, innovation, and growth.
Oh yeah. Absolutely. I'm sorry if that didn't come through. I was ranting..that's what I do. No filter or check ups. :) (How else am I going to write 5 posts per day? Quantity over quality!)
If the market(people of Steemit) decide that they don't want upvoting bots here - THEY must, how do I put it..prove that that's really what they want. It's like people talking about how altruistic they are, and how much they care for poor people - but in practice they don't do anything because it interferes with their sedate lifestyle or their real values (that aren't really altruistic)
If people don't want upvoting bots here..then don't use them. Don't interact with people who use them. De-incentivise(??) the use of bots by putting your actions where your mouth is. Even if that means that you yourself lose out economically for a while.
That's the difference between talk and walk. If it's value based complaints you walk the walk. If it's just crybaby-sounds you're making because muh feelings you're not going to do much about it. Because what you really want is just more money, and someone else is making that instead. You want a system where YOU make more, regardless of anything..
So..but I'm willing to change MY behavior on this platform if that's what the market dictates. No problems with that. If it's not longer economically lucurative for me to use upvoting bots, then I'll stop.
About Ultima Online
That game looks so amazing. But..we must let the past be past. I tried to download the oldschool client on my mac,.and god it was dreadful. Slow, terrible interface. I gave up after 30 mins. There is a enhanced version, but I can't find it for mac without too much hassle. And I'm terrible with those WineSkins and stuff.
I know the feeling..When I die and become a ghost, my ghost will just lay on the couch searching for old school MMORPG's that doesn't exist but that I wished existed. My dream game is a MMORPG like Ultima Online but with the game mechanics of Baldurs Gate. Imagine that...Put my brain on a glass and keep me alive for the rest of eternity, and I'll keep playing that forever.
Just as the SJW have sequestered the term "liberal," the communists have hijacked the term "anarchy." 80% of the publications made by these supposed anarchists here in Steemit, usually talk about the inequality in the platform and about how bad the whales are. I definitely can not understand how these people think.
Whales do seem to have problems. Inequality isn't one of them. Some tend to be like the police on the platform. Personally I want politics to be out of people's lives. It's like a talk about diseases. There is a time and place for it. But a part of life it isn't. I really hate how politics are getting into the entertainment business. Sherlock had gag about Watson being called gay and now people are calling it queer bating. These nuts threw a fit when one my favorite anime characters ever got casted by Scarlet Johanson and never spoke a word about that piece of trash director and the writer who ruined everything that Made GitS special to me.
I saw some real garbage here:
Why can't these idiots focus on inventing better tech?..... maybe it's too hard for pea brains.
I see your point. And it was well illustrated with the game you mentioned. Until recently I have been addicted to World of Warcraft. For some weird reason I do get that gaming feeling from crypto and steemit. But I never played vanilla wow but I do know that a lot of time had to be put in to achieve excilence. But this feeling too grind the whole day to achieve higher level of being. Is and has been the best way to CREATE the world as it is today.
I always thought anarchy was negative and early on thought it was a far leftistist movement.
Right. Same here. Cryptos give you the grinding feeling, because grinding is just being addicted to something that is fun. Free market is fun. Great computer games are the ones that grant you a lot of freedom right? So in an open world MMO you are basically free to do whatever you want (within some limits of course..but very very soon computer games with no limits will appear..on the blockchain even. Check out Parsec Frontiers for example)
So, the freedom makes you want to grind. What is grinding? It's hard work. And it's fun and addictive. You get that feeling with cryptos because it is exactly that. It gives you freedom and it's fun and addicting. You invest in this, you transfer that, you blog about it. Etc. Full freedom.
Anarchy does not really mean chaos. It means that people organize voluntarily. If you want someone to put out the flames if your house catches pay for firemen. Now, leftists argue that we will have shitty services that are expensive..but that's a lie. Because if people knew the thruth, their oppressive system based on violence would be compromised.
For example; This year I've spent 1000$ on private health care. In Norway we have public healthcare. But it sucks so much, and there are so long waiting lines that forget about it if you want a good chance of checking things early on etc.
So I've spent USD1000$ on MY private health this year. Do you know how much I pay on healthcare through taxation for the public system?USD10,000$. TEN times as much.
It just shows how ineffective and fucked up the welfare state is.
Public healthcare is a guarantee that all are treated identical, and the treatment will be very mediocre, not state of the art, and it will cost a lot to get that mediocre treatment.
I am familiar with the Canadian system. Completely mediocre with practices that lag 10-20 years behind state of the art in USA; but social justice warriors are happy because everyone gets the same low quality of treatment, and the government pays a lot.
Yeah. It's disgusting. I saw how my mother slowly died from peripheral vascular disease at 60 with amputations etc because of horrible treatment and wrong diagnosis for years. They couldn't even connect the dots when she got an ulcer in her foot. We did what we could to try and inform her, but she had complete faith in the doctors. "We live in the best country in the world". People honestly believe this, because we are being told that all the time. Norway has turned into a really scary country thanks to socialism.
But at least your social programs are being spent in some cases for good (??) causes. Small nation of 5 million people, same size as Atlanta, Georgia; wins more gold medals than any other country.
I suspect, like Canada, a huge social expenditure must be occurring for athletes who identify as Olympic hopefuls, so the government will support them for 4 years in their chase for a gold.
That's scary more than anything. Faith and loyalty in the wrong place is pretty much what makes practically every Shakespeare tragedy and many epics of history and the recent hit Baahubali.
That's scary more than anything. Faith and loyalty in the wrong place is pretty much what makes practically every Shakespeare tragedy and many epics of history and the recent hit Baahubali.
(UN)Fortunately, virtue signalling is not really about trying to make the world a better place for everyone - rather a way to make you look good in the now.
Amen to everything you say. I wasn't even playing games while UO was around. I've heard many great things about EVE online at it seems a lot like UO in many elements. But this kept me from trying:
Hehe. Yeah..I used to love hard games though. I haven't played Eve, but it looks amazing. Unfortunately I don't have much time to play anymore.
But I'm waiting for Parsec Frontiers...they great thing with blockchain based games is that your effort won't all of a sudden be worthless because of crybabies. Because of blockchain things in the game will have a value. You can't just create 1000000 more awesome ships out of thin air because some commie cries about not having a cool ship.
I only have a laptop after my PC broke down some years ago. Anything released after 2012 is almost impossible to play. So I spend most my time on watching stuff and reading stuff (lots of anime and Sci-fi)
Thanks for introducing me to Parsec Frontiers. I'd probably give it shot. If market place for selling items across MMO games grow I can be sure that my time there won't be totally wasted when I move on.
Any where in this world there is always people divided in different groups. They make a group with their thinking. So it's quite natural that people will think like this that someone will think him as dominated party and he will think about others that they dominate us.Some thing is unfair with them.There is two question actually is there any kinds of unfairness or some one is complaining without any valid point?But platform like this specially there is no administration user is the only administration, here the problem will be bigger,because where there is a administration they try to solve the raised problem. Who will do it here?This kind of situation is very tough for this kinds of platform, it's a kinds of threat for the platform.If the fire of unhappiness spreads all over then it will tough for the platform to survive.So all of we have to act with responsibility other wise it's going to be very crucial for the platform.Already there is a fire of unhappiness like the term minnow and big whales they are in not a good position.People who think them as minnows they are big in numbers,on the other hand big whales who are very powerful they are not big in numbers but they are vital for tje platform.Any one of this decide to leave the platform will cause a huge problem.So it's time for getting united and wipe the issue minnow and whale that's the only thing can reduce the problem.Thanks for the post.
No no..It's not a threat that we dont have an administration! It's quite the opposite. Now WE have responsibility - which is a good thing. People just need to stop crying, and adjust or do something about things. I think that's what Dan Larimer wanted to see. Free market unfolding itself. This is an experiment. How does a free society work? Will we allow free speech, or will we try to downvote those we disagree with? Do we cherish different opinions? Do we work together? Do we put our actions where our mouth is. Will honesty be a good thing?
This is probably one of the best experiments in history. I'm sure scientists are watching us
Congratulations @onpolitics, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 14098 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $2818.37. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.
If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.
There definitely are a lot of crybabies on this platform who want to have it both ways (both large and small in terms of account value). One of the things I really like about it is that it's not really regulated much by anyone but the users. I'm a libertarian / borderline anarchist and am leaning more and more toward the anarchist side of the spectrum the older I get, especially living in the United States...our government is one of the most terrifying and corrupt entities on this entire planet.
If it's a people who can deal with governments in a good way, it's you guys. Done it before - successfully even! You just need to say enough is enough. Stop the self hate and make america great again - without Trump. Fuck that guy. But..government is not going to step down voluntary. That's not how they do things. It's an entity that is based on force and violence. It is it's core value. And that's why it's so terrifying.
You can only beat it with force, which is sort of a catch22 I suppose? In order to have freedom, you must take arms against the evil..and probably do evil for the greater good. It's complex. Perhaps another way is to make as many people as possible refuse. Refuse to contribute. Refuse to pay tax.
The Refuse-movement :)
Sort of like Galts gulch in Atlas Shrugged.
Thanks for your thoughts man! Appreciate it
Holy shit. UO (the early version) sounds fuckin amazing. Had never heard of it.
Great post man. The way I see it, voicing complaints, etc, is one thing. It is the user using their free market voice to attempt to bring about desired changes.
Calling for the implementation of communistic changes to the code and platform themselves in order to make everything “equal,” is an entirely different beast, and I agree. This always kills creativity, innovation, and growth.
Oh yeah. Absolutely. I'm sorry if that didn't come through. I was ranting..that's what I do. No filter or check ups. :) (How else am I going to write 5 posts per day? Quantity over quality!)
If the market(people of Steemit) decide that they don't want upvoting bots here - THEY must, how do I put it..prove that that's really what they want. It's like people talking about how altruistic they are, and how much they care for poor people - but in practice they don't do anything because it interferes with their sedate lifestyle or their real values (that aren't really altruistic)
If people don't want upvoting bots here..then don't use them. Don't interact with people who use them. De-incentivise(??) the use of bots by putting your actions where your mouth is. Even if that means that you yourself lose out economically for a while.
That's the difference between talk and walk. If it's value based complaints you walk the walk. If it's just crybaby-sounds you're making because muh feelings you're not going to do much about it. Because what you really want is just more money, and someone else is making that instead. You want a system where YOU make more, regardless of anything..
So..but I'm willing to change MY behavior on this platform if that's what the market dictates. No problems with that. If it's not longer economically lucurative for me to use upvoting bots, then I'll stop.
About Ultima Online
That game looks so amazing. But..we must let the past be past. I tried to download the oldschool client on my mac,.and god it was dreadful. Slow, terrible interface. I gave up after 30 mins. There is a enhanced version, but I can't find it for mac without too much hassle. And I'm terrible with those WineSkins and stuff.
I know the feeling..When I die and become a ghost, my ghost will just lay on the couch searching for old school MMORPG's that doesn't exist but that I wished existed. My dream game is a MMORPG like Ultima Online but with the game mechanics of Baldurs Gate. Imagine that...Put my brain on a glass and keep me alive for the rest of eternity, and I'll keep playing that forever.
Just as the SJW have sequestered the term "liberal," the communists have hijacked the term "anarchy." 80% of the publications made by these supposed anarchists here in Steemit, usually talk about the inequality in the platform and about how bad the whales are. I definitely can not understand how these people think.
Exactly. I struggle to understand that as well..They seem to have a problem with logic.
Whales do seem to have problems. Inequality isn't one of them. Some tend to be like the police on the platform. Personally I want politics to be out of people's lives. It's like a talk about diseases. There is a time and place for it. But a part of life it isn't. I really hate how politics are getting into the entertainment business. Sherlock had gag about Watson being called gay and now people are calling it queer bating. These nuts threw a fit when one my favorite anime characters ever got casted by Scarlet Johanson and never spoke a word about that piece of trash director and the writer who ruined everything that Made GitS special to me.
I saw some real garbage here:
Why can't these idiots focus on inventing better tech?..... maybe it's too hard for pea brains.
I see your point. And it was well illustrated with the game you mentioned. Until recently I have been addicted to World of Warcraft. For some weird reason I do get that gaming feeling from crypto and steemit. But I never played vanilla wow but I do know that a lot of time had to be put in to achieve excilence. But this feeling too grind the whole day to achieve higher level of being. Is and has been the best way to CREATE the world as it is today.
I always thought anarchy was negative and early on thought it was a far leftistist movement.
Right. Same here. Cryptos give you the grinding feeling, because grinding is just being addicted to something that is fun. Free market is fun. Great computer games are the ones that grant you a lot of freedom right? So in an open world MMO you are basically free to do whatever you want (within some limits of course..but very very soon computer games with no limits will appear..on the blockchain even. Check out Parsec Frontiers for example)
So, the freedom makes you want to grind. What is grinding? It's hard work. And it's fun and addictive. You get that feeling with cryptos because it is exactly that. It gives you freedom and it's fun and addicting. You invest in this, you transfer that, you blog about it. Etc. Full freedom.
Anarchy does not really mean chaos. It means that people organize voluntarily. If you want someone to put out the flames if your house catches pay for firemen. Now, leftists argue that we will have shitty services that are expensive..but that's a lie. Because if people knew the thruth, their oppressive system based on violence would be compromised.
For example; This year I've spent 1000$ on private health care. In Norway we have public healthcare. But it sucks so much, and there are so long waiting lines that forget about it if you want a good chance of checking things early on etc.
So I've spent USD1000$ on MY private health this year. Do you know how much I pay on healthcare through taxation for the public system?USD10,000$. TEN times as much.
It just shows how ineffective and fucked up the welfare state is.
Public healthcare is a guarantee that all are treated identical, and the treatment will be very mediocre, not state of the art, and it will cost a lot to get that mediocre treatment.
I am familiar with the Canadian system. Completely mediocre with practices that lag 10-20 years behind state of the art in USA; but social justice warriors are happy because everyone gets the same low quality of treatment, and the government pays a lot.
Yeah. It's disgusting. I saw how my mother slowly died from peripheral vascular disease at 60 with amputations etc because of horrible treatment and wrong diagnosis for years. They couldn't even connect the dots when she got an ulcer in her foot. We did what we could to try and inform her, but she had complete faith in the doctors. "We live in the best country in the world". People honestly believe this, because we are being told that all the time. Norway has turned into a really scary country thanks to socialism.
But at least your social programs are being spent in some cases for good (??) causes. Small nation of 5 million people, same size as Atlanta, Georgia; wins more gold medals than any other country.
I suspect, like Canada, a huge social expenditure must be occurring for athletes who identify as Olympic hopefuls, so the government will support them for 4 years in their chase for a gold.
That's scary more than anything. Faith and loyalty in the wrong place is pretty much what makes practically every Shakespeare tragedy and many epics of history and the recent hit Baahubali.
That's scary more than anything. Faith and loyalty in the wrong place is pretty much what makes practically every Shakespeare tragedy and many epics of history and the recent hit Baahubali.
In many countries that's a middle class salary.
Bringing 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada cost $385M
That's CA$15,400 per person. What about those hungry kids in Africa living just few dollars a day.....
(UN)Fortunately, virtue signalling is not really about trying to make the world a better place for everyone - rather a way to make you look good in the now.
Amen to everything you say. I wasn't even playing games while UO was around. I've heard many great things about EVE online at it seems a lot like UO in many elements. But this kept me from trying:

Hehe. Yeah..I used to love hard games though. I haven't played Eve, but it looks amazing. Unfortunately I don't have much time to play anymore.
But I'm waiting for Parsec Frontiers...they great thing with blockchain based games is that your effort won't all of a sudden be worthless because of crybabies. Because of blockchain things in the game will have a value. You can't just create 1000000 more awesome ships out of thin air because some commie cries about not having a cool ship.
I only have a laptop after my PC broke down some years ago. Anything released after 2012 is almost impossible to play. So I spend most my time on watching stuff and reading stuff (lots of anime and Sci-fi)
Thanks for introducing me to Parsec Frontiers. I'd probably give it shot. If market place for selling items across MMO games grow I can be sure that my time there won't be totally wasted when I move on.
Any where in this world there is always people divided in different groups. They make a group with their thinking. So it's quite natural that people will think like this that someone will think him as dominated party and he will think about others that they dominate us.Some thing is unfair with them.There is two question actually is there any kinds of unfairness or some one is complaining without any valid point?But platform like this specially there is no administration user is the only administration, here the problem will be bigger,because where there is a administration they try to solve the raised problem. Who will do it here?This kind of situation is very tough for this kinds of platform, it's a kinds of threat for the platform.If the fire of unhappiness spreads all over then it will tough for the platform to survive.So all of we have to act with responsibility other wise it's going to be very crucial for the platform.Already there is a fire of unhappiness like the term minnow and big whales they are in not a good position.People who think them as minnows they are big in numbers,on the other hand big whales who are very powerful they are not big in numbers but they are vital for tje platform.Any one of this decide to leave the platform will cause a huge problem.So it's time for getting united and wipe the issue minnow and whale that's the only thing can reduce the problem.Thanks for the post.
No no..It's not a threat that we dont have an administration! It's quite the opposite. Now WE have responsibility - which is a good thing. People just need to stop crying, and adjust or do something about things. I think that's what Dan Larimer wanted to see. Free market unfolding itself. This is an experiment. How does a free society work? Will we allow free speech, or will we try to downvote those we disagree with? Do we cherish different opinions? Do we work together? Do we put our actions where our mouth is. Will honesty be a good thing?
This is probably one of the best experiments in history. I'm sure scientists are watching us
Down vote is never appreciated.It will make the problem bigger.Thanks for your reply.
good to read your point of view -rock on
Rock on you too! Cheers mate
The crybabies should go back to Facebook!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
it never ceases to amaze me to see people complaining about a site that actually pays you to post shit and click on things.
Yup. It's pretty weird.
Congratulations @onpolitics, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 14098 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $2818.37. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.
If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.