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RE: 2

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Holy shit. UO (the early version) sounds fuckin amazing. Had never heard of it.

Great post man. The way I see it, voicing complaints, etc, is one thing. It is the user using their free market voice to attempt to bring about desired changes.

Calling for the implementation of communistic changes to the code and platform themselves in order to make everything “equal,” is an entirely different beast, and I agree. This always kills creativity, innovation, and growth.



Oh yeah. Absolutely. I'm sorry if that didn't come through. I was ranting..that's what I do. No filter or check ups. :) (How else am I going to write 5 posts per day? Quantity over quality!)

If the market(people of Steemit) decide that they don't want upvoting bots here - THEY must, how do I put it..prove that that's really what they want. It's like people talking about how altruistic they are, and how much they care for poor people - but in practice they don't do anything because it interferes with their sedate lifestyle or their real values (that aren't really altruistic)

If people don't want upvoting bots here..then don't use them. Don't interact with people who use them. De-incentivise(??) the use of bots by putting your actions where your mouth is. Even if that means that you yourself lose out economically for a while.

That's the difference between talk and walk. If it's value based complaints you walk the walk. If it's just crybaby-sounds you're making because muh feelings you're not going to do much about it. Because what you really want is just more money, and someone else is making that instead. You want a system where YOU make more, regardless of anything..

So..but I'm willing to change MY behavior on this platform if that's what the market dictates. No problems with that. If it's not longer economically lucurative for me to use upvoting bots, then I'll stop.

About Ultima Online

That game looks so amazing. But..we must let the past be past. I tried to download the oldschool client on my mac,.and god it was dreadful. Slow, terrible interface. I gave up after 30 mins. There is a enhanced version, but I can't find it for mac without too much hassle. And I'm terrible with those WineSkins and stuff.

I know the feeling..When I die and become a ghost, my ghost will just lay on the couch searching for old school MMORPG's that doesn't exist but that I wished existed. My dream game is a MMORPG like Ultima Online but with the game mechanics of Baldurs Gate. Imagine that...Put my brain on a glass and keep me alive for the rest of eternity, and I'll keep playing that forever.