Feed Your Minnows: Episode 1 Results

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hello again!

Some of you have probably noticed that just a few minutes ago I received a payout for the Episode 1 in this series: 12.913 SBD and 7.108 STEEM POWER. Yay! :D

As promised, the entire SBD payout will now be distributed to all participating followers. We had 82 awesome minnows who replied to Episode 1 with the hashtag #MinnowsFeed:

@agentsofmars @arabarea @belovebelight @bianca12 @brianm4 @bshadoww @chris-bell @cryptokraze @cubo @davidmwy @daydreams4rock @digimad @dpol @elderberryranch @erikaflynn @fairbee @finance2nomad @george-topalov @ghulammujtaba @gingyptian @gunni55 @heart-to-heart @hirabe @howtostartablog @iamanoniam @improv @ishratamin @iulianbutanu @jaimewilliam @joanaltres @jrhughes @jtcyp @kayleigh-alesta @kbarrett @kimsungmin @kubbyelizabeth @l337m45732 @leconnaisseur @madstacks @manavendra @miniature-tiger @mstaader (he replied from three different accounts, be he agreed that only one of them should be rewarded) @munchmunch @natasmr @newton @nicnicy @nilim @nlizotte @numannvondeygan @ogoowinner @okdubai @omar-hesham @pandapoef @paul.atreides @pawos @porosus @procyon21 @rabidusfilms @rafay @ragingryno @raserrano @rkrijgsman @secsee @sheuan @shikika @steemfluencer @steemprentice @stresskiller @sylviategan @tamaralovelace @tattoodjay @tayken @teslagreenhawk @theokritos @varna @virtualgrowth @wakeupsheeps @wandrnrose7 @writtenbird @yakuhi @zhaiavee @zneeke

The following people replied with the hashtag, but they were not my followers:

@alioops @bleujay @ckcryptoinvest @dnair28 @lifegoeson @outhori5ed @promoplugs @scotty777 @steemteam59 @theone11

They were not following this blog by the time Episode 1 received its payout, even despite the reminder I sent them. Therefore they will not be participating in this episode’s giveaway. Rules are rules, people! Hope you will join us in the next episode, though!

The 82 followers listed above with receive 12.913 SBD / 82 = 0.157 SBD each.

I am going to start transferring the Minnows Feed as soon as I hit POST on this report. As always, your feedback is welcome! ;)


Great initiative ! Bright blessings.

Thank you so much @oleg326756 😀 I am overwhelmed when I saw my wallet and had SBD from you. Thank you so much. God bless you more.
Looking forward for more episodes! 😀💖

You are very welcome, @shikika! Thank you for your participation and hope to see you in the future episodes. More food is coming! ;)

Looking forward! Surely I will participate 😀 Bright Blessings!

Thanks you some much @oleg326756 I think this is such a great giveaway! I received my winnings YaY! Also, he reminder was genius. I apologize for not doing so I usually always follow if I participate. Thanks again.

What a community! Thank you Oleg for the steem! This is such an interesting and evolving concept. Do we need governments anymore? Compared to other social sites steemit is a very polite community! Love it!

Thanks I received my share

Thank you very much @oleg326756 . Have a wonderful weekend.
God Bless!

Thank you! Enjoy your weekend you too, @sheuan! :)

You are the man of his word, thanks indeed and i hope that you have great life ahead of you.

Hey @oleg326756 i just got on steemit just now to see that I have recieved SBD from you, THANKS A LOT MAN!!!

Always impressed when good people follow through on their promises. Thank you, and I look forward to more episodes, and our shared growth in the future on this awesome platform!

Thank you so much for the SBD 0.157 !!! you are awesome!