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RE: Horrible Journey

in #steemit7 years ago

If you want to quit smoking cigarettes you need a game plan. I quit 6 years ago and it sucked. More emotional than anything else. First things first get off tailor-made smokes and start rolling your own. You'll smoke less and you can start rolling less tobacco into them. After that switch over to gum or lozenges. This will break the oral fixation while still providing the nicotine that your body craves. When you're finally ready ready ready to be done its pure shit for about 4 days. When you feel so anxious you want to check yourself into the mental health unit I suggest running to exhaustion. It gets rid of the anxiety. Only time in my life I ever ran (unless I was being chased.) Once you've broken the 4 day mark it's just the habit, you're no longer physically addicted. I've been addicted to many things over the years. Nicotine definitely gives you the least bang for your buck. Good luck