Horrible Journey

in #steemit7 years ago

Well I'm on this horrible journey of quiting ciggarettes... yet again! Ugh it's the worst, and I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. I seriously think from all the other "shit" I have done in my life, ciggarettes has nearly been the hardest thing for me to quit! So I have my nicotine patch on and I'm smoking a lot of weed. I need help from all my fellow steemers! Can anyone give me pointers or advice on how to stop? I'm sure most of you know ciggarettes cost $10 bucks a pack for me now (I was smoking American Spirit). I know a lot of you will probably say smoke more weed. What happens when my jar runs out? :( You tell me then ;) hehe



PS : Don't forget to smoke a b-load for me ;)


I don't think smoking weed qualifies you as strong enough to quit smoking cigarettes. I mean that you first have to prove to yourself you can stop anything at any moment (except breathing, eating, drinking water and such things). That would prove you are not addicted of that thing.
I know this doesn't sound like an advice. I'm not a smoker, but I like wine and beer and I am addicted to computers…; when I start feeling bad because I “need” to turn on the computer now or drink a beer, in that moment I understand I need to push myself harder to take everything slower, rest from everyday habits and make plans like: tomorrow I will do this and this, but I won't do this (something I do often) and this (another thing I do often).
It's a matter of will, but also I need to know I can live happily without material things that make my day — the only things you can't give up, must be affections (friendship, love, such things), and of course food and waters ;-)

Here is my own personal solution @candygirl420! Good luck.<3
P.S. How weird is it that we smoke the same cigarette! :)

I smoked for 12 years very heavy, some years a pack or two a day. Vaping, as corny as it sounds has saved me alot of money and I feel alot better nowadays health wise. It's still not completely safe, but it satisfies the craving you need for nicotine. Been cig free for almost a year!

If you want to quit smoking cigarettes you need a game plan. I quit 6 years ago and it sucked. More emotional than anything else. First things first get off tailor-made smokes and start rolling your own. You'll smoke less and you can start rolling less tobacco into them. After that switch over to gum or lozenges. This will break the oral fixation while still providing the nicotine that your body craves. When you're finally ready ready ready to be done its pure shit for about 4 days. When you feel so anxious you want to check yourself into the mental health unit I suggest running to exhaustion. It gets rid of the anxiety. Only time in my life I ever ran (unless I was being chased.) Once you've broken the 4 day mark it's just the habit, you're no longer physically addicted. I've been addicted to many things over the years. Nicotine definitely gives you the least bang for your buck. Good luck

I vaped a CBD infused liquid I made until I lost the desire for even that. That, and maintaining in my head the reasons I wanted to stay off : my freedom and desire to live healthier life. I know I feel much better and happier when I'm not abusing nicotine, and even holding onto that knowledge helps for me.


I am in the same boat, desperately trying to quit. The biggest challenge that I found was that I was using cigarettes as a reward system.

I gave up tobacco by doing what non-smokers do. Not smoking.

I've just gone 5 weeks without cigs or pot! the cigs is a long term en devour but i'll be picking a vape up instead of a spliff when my lungs have had a breather for a while been really hard just need focus and will power and that will get you threw it hun.

I can't see your pictures (Work firewall) however I help people quit all the time (I'm a hypnotist) and I quit myself. So, first, you might want to check out a local 'tist. Second - when the cravings hit - MOVE. Do something, go for a walk, jump up and down, or even - relax. Just progressively relax your body. Starting with your toes - just imagine the feeling of relaxing your toes. You can wiggle them a bit, and then let them relax. Then imagine that feeling working it's way up your calves, etc... By the time you get to your head the craving will be gone.