We have an amazing team of developers ... The Steemit Team
Who exactly are the members of the team now (STEEM user names)? Or is Steemit, Inc. kind of a secret organisation? :)
Anyway, I am thankful for your recent communication efforts.
We have an amazing team of developers ... The Steemit Team
Who exactly are the members of the team now (STEEM user names)? Or is Steemit, Inc. kind of a secret organisation? :)
Anyway, I am thankful for your recent communication efforts.
Ned laid off nine people correct...... From a team of twelve correct.... Now we have a team of twelve?????
This attainment of reality is unacceptable. lol
I’m just trying to figure out what is happening LOL 🙃
I only know that recently @elipowell stated:
I am just curious who the persons behind these numbers are?
Other companies proudly present their whole teams (including photos of everybody) on their websites ...
when contributing code is the same as "working", well then you can simply watch live who is working
when it comes to main contributions we are at an all time low
but this does not mean that there is no working in other fields
Here you see all the fields devs are working on
recently it was mainly hivemind
and some work on the image hoster and as we have noticed on the post pinning on the condenser
Thanks for your help offer, I am sure one can find out who the staff members are ... but that's not my point: why should I make any efforts at all? WHY THE HELL doesn't Steemit, Inc. present its team like every other company does? If I had a great team I wouldn't hide it, but instead of that say: "Hey, people, look at my great staff: these are the members ...!" :)
I see :D those are all webdevelopers and a software engineer. The problem in Blockchain is that you need blockchain designer it is a highly competitive field where the winner takes it all. Frontend development is not solving any scaling or safety issues.
When you look in Ethereum or Bitcoin you have mathematicians like Andrew Poelstra or Vitalik. Those people are high IQ geniuses.
as consensus mechanism for permissioned consortium database has possible problems with DDOS Attacks... a nice looking front end does not help with those fundamental problems. You don't learn Byzantine fault tolerance mechanics in programming schools.
this really does not attract any investors. In other teams the problem is solved with angels and VC-Investors, their key role is not to provide money (money is more than enough, look at Eos/block.ones 1billion dollar development fund) Their role is to provide intelligent money, they have skin in the game and want the project to succeed, therefore they provide human capital. But steem had no pre-funding and no ICO...so there are no Angels and VCs, biggest shareholders were miners from a bitcoin forum (all they had to proof, is that they can run a script lel)... Steem was a one-man army.
This game is not as easy as we think it is. Now the only way for real investors to buy the Plattform is a STEEM/USD pair...but there is none. Intelligent money cant access the ecosystem.
or in chess terms ...stalemate/patt
And you think that's the reason why they bashfully try to hide their names? :-)
Again: high or low IQ, red or black hair, green or brown eyes, what speaks against revealing the names of the team members?!? :)
Is Steemit, Inc. a software company or a secret organization?
Your right it looks like hiding
but yes, I think that's the reason why they don't prioritize it. Others are showing their team because of the names and the track record. Like "Brandon Eich Ex CEO of Mozilla and inventor of JavaScript".
Brandon Blumer from Eos has a quite solid track record in building solid online and real estate businesses. His net-worth is 700 Million. How many people with a net-worth of over half a billion are behind steemit.inc? Sadly this is how people are measured.
Investors are interested in teams and not in ideas and therefore venture capitalists and angels are focussing on a good looking teams. Thats the "Aushängeschild" for later investors. They even clean it if there are problems like in TenX, where there are still webinars on the internet, of the CEO how he gives advice to scam people. Steemit.inc has no experienced marketing layer because there are no big early stage investors. Or is there a Andreessen Horowitz baking them up? I dont think so. Now we have elipowell, thats a good step.
They don't hide their team, they simply don't stress it. But maybe I´m completely wrong. Maybe @elipowell or some of the devs can quick fix this issue.
So far neither @andrarchy nor @elipowell replied to my harmless question ... :)
Source steem.com

Well, I guess it's @ned and his 11 other personalities.
lol hahahahha