silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 15 hours agoBRINGING OUT THE BIG GUNS! 😇.....................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Bringing Out The Big Guns!☺️ You would think this monstrous piece of snow removal equipment would be plowing one of…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • yesterdayONE DAY CLOSER TO SPRING HONEY!😎............NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀One Day Closer To Spring Honey! 🤗 What a difference we have in the snow from high the Mountains, to down in the…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 2 days ago"JUST ONE SMALL STEP!" 😀............................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀“ Just One Small Step!”…………😊 “Just look at all the footprints in the snow Liz, these are all from us!”☺️ Except for…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 3 days agoWHAT DIS UTXO'S DO MAN? 🐸..........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀What Dis UTXO’s Do……..Man?🐸 Cot was watching PEPE intently………… “Dad, if this frog messes up my Bitcoin wallet, I…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 4 days agoHERE KITTY KITTY! 😻.......................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Here Kitty, Kitty!😻 Well…………….I really wasn’t expecting this!😳 I had just finished splitting some firewood this…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 5 days agoCAN YOU FEEL THE WARMTH? 😀......................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Can You Feel the Warmth?🤗 You can tell a true “North Westerner ” this time of year, when their eyes start to…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 6 days agoOHHH.....THAT LOOKS SLIPPERY!😳 .................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Ohhh…..That Looks Slippery! 😳 “Silbertop, sign say 15MPH, SLOW DOWN Man!”🐸 “PEPE, we are on foot, hiking…..…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 7 days agoTHANK YOU NEIGHBOR! 👍...............................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Thank You Neighbor!👍😊 What makes snowfalls in the Northwest particularly dangerous, can be seen in the second…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 8 days agoMAKING TRACKS! 😀.........................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Making Tracks!😳 What wild creature has been slithering through the snow?😳 My friends, if you have ever lived in…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 9 days agoTO PLOW OR NOT TO PLOW!😇 ........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀To Plow Or Not To Plow!😊 “That is the Question Lol!” “SEVEN Inches of snow today Silvertop!”🥰 “Where Liz…………we…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 10 days agoWHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD RAIN?😅 ..........NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Rain?😅 Well the Weather turned out to be quite a bit different than what they were…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 11 days agoCAT SCRATCH FEVER! 😻...................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Cat Scratch Fever!😺😳 “Silvertop, have you seen any Deer lately?”😮 Jeff is one of Silvertop’s neighbors, just a…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 12 days agoBURR...THAT'S FROSTY! 🥶................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Burr…..That’s Frosty! 🥶 This time of year, even with brilliant Sunshine, the frost on some sections of my hiking…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 13 days agoDAD IS ANYONE WATCHING? 😻.........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Dad Is Anyone Watching? 😻 Everyone should be careful and self custody their Crypto, and Cot is no exception!😺…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 14 days agoFIRE IN THE HOLE! 🤗.......................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Fire In the Hole!🤗 They say Springtime is when a “young man’s fancy turns to Love!”😍 Things are a bit different in…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 15 days agoDO WHAT YOU LOVE....MAN! 🐸.........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Do what You love…..Man!🐸 They say, do what you Love, and the money will follow!😊 That’s always a wise decision to…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 16 days agoWHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD BEAR?😳..........NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Who’s afraid of the big bad bear!😳 The shadows are always long on the very secluded, and dark, “Buck Ridge Loop”!😮…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 17 days agoCOT ARE YOU HIKING TODAY? 😻 ......................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Cot, are you Hiking today?😻 It was one of those days, when you just want to sit and enjoy the view of the…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 18 days ago"GOOD DAY SUNSHINE!"😎 ..............................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀“Good Day, Sunshine!”😎 Well…….Sunshine for the Pacific Northwest Lol!😇 I was starting to see something out of the…silvertop (79)in Boylikegirl Club • 19 days agoCAN I HAVE THAT ROCK HONEY?😍....................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Can I have that Rock Honey?🥰 So close to home Liz, and yet so far Lol!😇 Rocks ……. or should I say boulders, you…