
Thank you sir! 20 percent of the things have 80 percent of the stuff!

hey I checked out yopur blog, i lft some very harsh cmments but its all because i want you to do better, plase dont take them too prosnal, just undertand that i have watched many minnos o what u do, even i was hguilty of it, but u cant copypasta steemit posts and expect to make any money, u have top make mopre origional content original images take ur own photo and really try harder! use myposts as an example for the template u should use!

Pleas emen, just knopw, i see potential in you and i think you could start making $10 per post but u need to try harder and it may take sommpore reading into the crypto world and seeingthe potenrtial in blockchain for you to start makingup your own ideas about thi stuff, and just trust me, u can start by reposting CMPILATIONS of your favoiurte news storyes instead ofjust reposting the news stories themse;lvs!

like when u wanan post a news story, WAIT and collect a few moe news stories and then repost lioek at least 3 at a time, and then ADD YOUR OWN information and opinion about them! DONT post the txt or ul get tagged by @cheetah bot or @steemcleaners and for good reason, u need to just take a SCREENSHOT of the text your wanting to show from thenews article ur using, and link to it as wel! lease just take my advice, and use t to grow! u have to be more genuine and authentic with ur content and u WILL rise in value and make more money!

Just look I upvoted all ur recent comments

yes man, sorry for my harsh comments but i need youi to see why you should not copy pasta articles news artiocles from othr sites on steemit and remember, im trying to suppiort u and help u make a lot fo money here!

Its still early and u can make thousands by the end of the month if u start working hard now!