Steemit will never need to start selling Ads because we already sell Steempower which gives any potential advertiser the ability to promote their posts AS the ads themselves and send their own post to the front page by self voting!

in #steemit7 years ago

While having a discussion about Steempower with @reggaemuffin on the @minnowboster discord chat, and after explaining this idea about steemit not needing ads to @surfyogi I thought I should explain to the new members of the community why we will never need Separate Ads on Steemit because we already HAVE the option of inserting ads inside of Steemit posts themselves AND the steemit posts themselves can become the ads!

I always use my upvotes on other users and rarely on myself, because as @reggaemuffin said, Steempower as a sort of social value (I'm paraphrasing here sorry) and that it can be used as a tool to to gain fans. And I agreed and mentioned some experiences of mine that validate that theory. For example, when I upvote people who comment on my posts they end up noticing and might start following me out of appreciation! Or If I find a popular post on trending by a whale, and if i upvote everyone in the post, so every comment will get a fw cents upvote by me, then they'll ALL notice the upvotes all by me and it will catch their attention and makes you look very good here! I know I was very appreciative to people who upvoted my first comments when I first joined steemit! And it REALLY Works well when you then announce it with a screenshot and say "I upvoted everyone here!" showing proof of all the blue upvoted circles! But then I began thinking about how Advertisers can use steempower to upvote their own posts that advertise their product of service! Here is the page Reddit uses for Advertisers

if people spend $30,000 on ads for reddit, then imagine how much people will pay or ads on steemit (And again we won't need any new ad space, people will pay for ads as posts themselves or advertise in popular steemit users posts!) ! Its really fun to imagine the ADVERTISING value of stempower in the future when we have ALL the users and thus ALL the eyeballs . We will eventually have millions or hundreds of millions of users like reddit's 240 million users and we will b able to show brands that they can buy steempower to promote their OWN posts by self voting them to the top of trending! And because they'll have to buy steempower to do this (and to silence critics of their brand as well) then the price of steem will go up! and the sooner Advertisers buy into steempower the more of a DEAL they'll get since later on when steempower and thus social influence will be much more expensive!

Now we should probably get the community ready for this and try to get users to hold back on flagging of big corporate brands because we want big brands and big companies to feel safe buying steempower and know that we will accept them as part of the steemit community as fellow investors. If they self vote their own posts OR USE the promoted feature this should be seen as OK if they support our decentralized platform and cryptocurrency. I feel the idea of buying steempower for advertising purposes for self voting of Brand related posts to the front page will be a VERY powerful and cost effective tool to get EYEBALLS. If we convince big brands to drop a few grand or a few hundred grand on steempower as a long term investment they an use to self vote their posts to the front page of trending, then we can get a lot of potential advertisers to buy up A LOT of steempower and see $10 to $100 steem by next year!

Another option is to sell upvotes from a designated Ad Promotion bot similar to @null but which promotes the posts to the normal non promotion section, like if we modified the Steemit Account @steemit which has a lot of steempower, and we can offer a service where we Upvote your post if you rent the delegated steempower from a whale account OR we just offer the ability to send a post to the front page by buying an upvote from a powerful whale account! That way the brand advertisers won't need to buy steam power themselves, we can just let them pay in Bitcoin or Steem to have a whale account delegate steempower for a limited time (maybe a special AdBot account or something named AdBot or SteemitAds or something, and u can send it SBD and it w!ill automatically upvote your post to the top....anyway i should make a post about this Steemit Ad bot or delegation service for advertising. And then thre is the idea of just having someone pay you to place their ads in your ppopular steemit post for example at the bottom! Like here is an example by @trevonjb in his recent post about Bitcoin, and he has an Ad at the bittom for a company called Bitcoin ScW Poker

So as you can see, we already have ads inside of steemit posts themselves, and people will be able to even make their entire post one big ad for whatever they ant, using their own steempower to promote it! Popular steemit users like @sweetsssj could start leaving a "Your Ad here' box where anyone could pay her to advertise their link on her popular posts! There is a specific CPI level and advertising stats that can be measured to find the actual value of these ads and son we will have apps and websites to measure it all and anyone will be able to automatically rent out digital real estate in their steemit posts. Social Media Marketing 101!

So just imagine the world in 1 or 2 years, its 2018 or 2019, and Steemit would have tens or hundreds or millions of users OR we could have billions! I hope we are at LEAST at where reddit is today! Alex States show which websites are most popular around the world and it shows reddit at #8 globally and #4 in the USa and Steemit is #2,601 Globally and #1.387 in the USA

This is something we should keep our eyes on! I feel we should be advertising on reddit to promote steemit and I would love to run a @jerrybanfield style ad fundraiser where I will use the money from the post planning the reddit Ad campaign to actually fund the ad campaign by buying an ad on reddit hopefully to be displayed in and all the crypto related subreddits!

Anyway let's continue to be optimistic about Steemit and ignore the fact that steem has not been performing as well as bitcoin, oh well, it EVENTUALLY WILL go back up and steem will be $10, youll have wished you kept your steem instead of selling it for bitcoin! Bitcoin will have to go from $4000 to $8000 to double but Steem only has to go from $1 to $2, so psychologically it is a smaller psychological barrier and I believe steem will go up as we gain millions of new users and more and more smart innovative companies start to see steempower as a cost effective way to advertise their products and services! And this is why i don't see the need for any sort of separate ads, AND even if we WANTED to do that, it wouldn't really be possible on a decentralized system like steem where anyone could avoid any potential ads on steemitcom by using or @jesta 's two alternative to that let you view and upvote and post to steem blockchain and it shows up on steemit! So anyway I appreciate you reading this. and I hope it gives people confidence in the entire decentralized business model of steemit, steem blockchain AND the emerging order of decentralized global ecommerce and blockchain social media economy!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Yes, ads are already here and there will be more as the Steemit user base grows. And we have the mute button to turn them off if we choose. Smart companies that are on the ball might want to buy Steem Power now, while it's cheap.

YUP its only $1 per steem now, so steem could be $1000 inthe future,PLUS the power stemhas, and yeah smart companis, hah, we will see if there ARE any!

Just NEW companies that WE will have!

WE wil inherit the eartH We will have our OWN companies to take over all the dinosaur companies places!


I like this idea!

Keep sharing such content.

And because they'll have to buy steempower to do this (and to silence critics of their brand as well)

Now we should probably get the community ready for this and try to get users to hold back on flagging of big corporate brands because we want big brands and big companies to feel safe buying steempower and know that we will accept them as part of the steemit community as fellow investors.

Well, those two are a bit contradictory. 😜

I know and i knew someone was going to bring this up[ as soon as i wrote it ! But reemmber contrradictory thinking is needed in a contradictory world!

but yeah LOL I just meant that we dould have a company like monsanto come in buy steempowr, only to have it wasted by the community flagging them LOL then theyll complain and none of the other big corporations will wana buy steempower

This post recieved a vote from @minnowpond. For more information click

Man, what a well thought out post and argument for the future of steemit. You Sir have earned a follow and an upvote. Good show.

---This Ad Space Available---

You are on to something.


Yes thank you and we should formn our own token or something for selling ads on steemit posts where we keep track of clicks and have some referal affilaiet system

I've been saying that Dominos or Coke insert company name _____ could buy steem and use an account. They could give away freebees on the site to get interaction. If the community tried to flag them, they could easily buy enough to control witnesses. There isn't much the community could do about it, doesn't require SteemIt to do anything.

That is why I am always saying it is about the traffic and the number of eyes we have on the site.

A very good informative post. Thanks.

Steemit is pretty awesome! I love it!

You make some very valid points here 👌

Thank you sir! 20 percent of the things have 80 percent of the stuff!

hey I checked out yopur blog, i lft some very harsh cmments but its all because i want you to do better, plase dont take them too prosnal, just undertand that i have watched many minnos o what u do, even i was hguilty of it, but u cant copypasta steemit posts and expect to make any money, u have top make mopre origional content original images take ur own photo and really try harder! use myposts as an example for the template u should use!

Pleas emen, just knopw, i see potential in you and i think you could start making $10 per post but u need to try harder and it may take sommpore reading into the crypto world and seeingthe potenrtial in blockchain for you to start makingup your own ideas about thi stuff, and just trust me, u can start by reposting CMPILATIONS of your favoiurte news storyes instead ofjust reposting the news stories themse;lvs!

like when u wanan post a news story, WAIT and collect a few moe news stories and then repost lioek at least 3 at a time, and then ADD YOUR OWN information and opinion about them! DONT post the txt or ul get tagged by @cheetah bot or @steemcleaners and for good reason, u need to just take a SCREENSHOT of the text your wanting to show from thenews article ur using, and link to it as wel! lease just take my advice, and use t to grow! u have to be more genuine and authentic with ur content and u WILL rise in value and make more money!

Just look I upvoted all ur recent comments

yes man, sorry for my harsh comments but i need youi to see why you should not copy pasta articles news artiocles from othr sites on steemit and remember, im trying to suppiort u and help u make a lot fo money here!

Its still early and u can make thousands by the end of the month if u start working hard now!

u reversed my mind lol did not think of it this way :?)