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RE: Steemit Saved My Life

in #steemit7 years ago

I think every single person on Steemit should read this post. You have captured the essence of Steemit to the dot. Yes, we do make a profit on Steemit but we get way more than just money from it.

We get relationships, we get friendships, which in my opinion by far more valuable in life. That is what life is all about. Sharing your life's journey with some amazing people. It is not about accumulating paper and numbers on a bank account.

And you my friend are a true life inspiration to all of us. To go through all those things in life and to still BE HERE is incredible and inspirational. YOU SURVIVED AND THRIVED through it all. That is something to be very proud of because you did not give up. You kept going and the LIFE has rewarded you.

YOU are the prime example of saying if there is a will, there is always a way. Thank you for having the courage to write about here on Steemit and sharing it with us all. Not an easy thing to do by any means. You deserve all the success the Steemit can offer and I truly hope you get it.

Have an amazing and beautiful day. 💓💓


I agree, and responded thus. This reflects so well on Steemit, and on ArbitraryKitten.

I don't even have words...

This means so much hun.

Thank you so very much